Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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672 Alµkwr imil QYlI hoeI hY qw qy kink vKwnI ]3] (672-1)alankaar mil thailee ho-ee hai taa tay kanik vakhaanee. ||3|| When golden ornaments are melted down into a lump, they are still said to be gold. ||3|| pRgitE joiq shj suK soBw bwjy Anhq bwnI ] (672-1)pargati-o jot sahj sukh sobhaa baajay anhat baanee. The Divine Light has illuminated me, and I am filled with celestial peace and glory; the unstruck melody of the Lord's Bani resounds within me. khu nwnk inhcl Gru bwiDE guir kIE bMDwnI ]4]5] (672-2)kaho naanak nihchal ghar baaDhi-o gur kee-o banDhaanee. ||4||5|| Says Nanak, I have built my eternal home; the Guru has constructed it for me. ||4||5|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (672-3)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: vfy vfy rwjn Aru BUmn qw kI iqRsn n bUJI ] (672-3)vaday vaday raajan ar bhooman taa kee tarisan na boojhee. The desires of the greatest of the great kings and landlords cannot be satisfied. lpit rhy mwieAw rMg mwqy locn kCU n sUJI ]1] (672-3)lapat rahay maa-i-aa rang maatay lochan kachhoo na soojhee. ||1|| They remain engrossed in Maya, intoxicated with the pleasures of their wealth; their eyes see nothing else at all. ||1|| ibiKAw mih ikn hI iqRpiq n pweI ] (672-4)bikhi-aa meh kin hee taripat na paa-ee. No one has ever found satisfaction in sin and corruption. ijau pwvku eIDin nhI DRwpY ibnu hir khw AGweI ] rhwau ] (672-4)ji-o paavak eeDhan nahee Dharaapai bin har kahaa aghaa-ee. rahaa-o. The flame is not satisfied by more fuel; how can one be satisfied without the Lord? ||Pause|| idnu idnu krq Bojn bhu ibMjn qw kI imtY n BUKw ] (672-5)din din karat bhojan baho binjan taa kee mitai na bhookhaa. Day after day, he eats his meals with many different foods, but his hunger is not eradicated. audmu krY suAwn kI inAweI cwry kuMtw GoKw ]2] (672-5)udam karai su-aan kee ni-aa-ee chaaray kuntaa ghokhaa. ||2|| He runs around like a dog, searching in the four directions. ||2|| kwmvMq kwmI bhu nwrI pr igRh joh n cUkY ] (672-6)kaamvant kaamee baho naaree par garih joh na chookai. The lustful, lecherous man desires many women, and he never stops peeking into the homes of others. idn pRiq krY krY pCuqwpY sog loB mih sUkY ]3] (672-6)din parat karai karai pachhutaapai sog lobh meh sookai. ||3|| Day after day, he commits adultery again and again, and then he regrets his actions; he wastes away in misery and greed. ||3|| hir hir nwmu Apwr Amolw AMimRqu eyku inDwnw ] (672-7)har har naam apaar amolaa amrit ayk niDhaanaa. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is incomparable and priceless; it is the treasure of Ambrosial Nectar. sUKu shju Awnµdu sMqn kY nwnk gur qy jwnw ]4]6] (672-7)sookh sahj aanand santan kai naanak gur tay jaanaa. ||4||6|| The Saints abide in peace, poise and bliss; O Nanak, through the Guru, this is known. ||4||6|| DnwsrI mÚ 5 ] (672-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: lvY n lwgn kau hY kCUAY jw kau iPir iehu DwvY ] (672-8)lavai na laagan ka-o hai kachhoo-ai jaa ka-o fir ih Dhaavai. Nothing which this mortal being runs after, can compare to it. jw kau guir dIno iehu AMimRqu iqs hI kau bin AwvY ]1] (672-9)jaa ka-o gur deeno ih amrit tis hee ka-o ban aavai. ||1|| He alone comes to have it, whom the Guru blesses with this Ambrosial Nectar. ||1|| jw kau AwieE eyku rsw ] Kwn pwn Awn nhI KuiDAw qw kY iciq n bsw ] rhwau ] (672-9)jaa ka-o aa-i-o ayk rasaa. khaan paan aan nahee khuDhi-aa taa kai chit na basaa. rahaa-o. The desire to eat, to wear new clothes, and all other desires, do not abide in the mind of one who comes to know the subtle essence of the One Lord. ||Pause|| mauilE mnu qnu hoieE hirAw eyk bUMd ijin pweI ] (672-10)ma-uli-o man tan ho-i-o hari-aa ayk boond jin paa-ee. The mind and body blossom forth in abundance, when one receives even a drop of this Nectar. brin n swkau ausqiq qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ]2] (672-11)baran na saaka-o ustat taa kee keemat kahan na jaa-ee. ||2|| I cannot express His glory; I cannot describe His worth. ||2|| Gwl n imilE syv n imilE imilE Awie AicMqw ] (672-12)ghaal na mili-o sayv na mili-o mili-o aa-ay achintaa. We cannot meet the Lord by our own efforts, nor can we meet Him through service; He comes and meets us spontaneously. jw kau dieAw krI myrY Twkuir iqin gurih kmwno mMqw ]3] (672-12)jaa ka-o da-i-aa karee mayrai thaakur tin gureh kamaano manntaa. ||3|| One who is blessed by my Lord Master's Grace, practices the Teachings of the Guru's Mantra. ||3|| dIn dYAwl sdw ikrpwlw srb jIAw pRiqpwlw ] (672-13)deen dai-aal sadaa kirpaalaa sarab jee-aa partipaalaa. He is merciful to the meek, always kind and compassionate; He cherishes and nurtures all beings. Eiq poiq nwnk sMig rivAw ijau mwqw bwl guopwlw ]4]7] (672-13)ot pot naanak sang ravi-aa ji-o maataa baal gopaalaa. ||4||7|| The Lord is mingled with Nanak, through and through; He cherishes him, like the mother her child. ||4||7|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (672-14)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: bwir jwau gur Apuny aUpir ijin hir hir nwmu idRV@wXw ] (672-14)baar jaa-o gur apunay oopar jin har har naam darirh-aa-yaa. I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has implanted the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within me. mhw auidAwn AMDkwr mih ijin sIDw mwrgu idKwXw ]1] (672-15)mahaa udi-aan anDhkaar meh jin seeDhaa maarag dikhaa-yaa. ||1|| In the utter darkness of the wilderness, He showed me the straight path. ||1|| hmry pRwn gupwl goibMd ] (672-15)hamray paraan gupaal gobind. The Lord of the universe, the Cherisher of the world, He is my breath of life. eIhw aUhw srb Qok kI ijsih hmwrI icMd ]1] rhwau ] (672-16)eehaa oohaa sarab thok kee jisahi hamaaree chind. ||1|| rahaa-o. Here and hereafter, he takes care of everything for me. ||1||Pause|| jw kY ismrin srb inDwnw mwnu mhqu piq pUrI ] (672-16)jaa kai simran sarab niDhaanaa maan mahat pat pooree. Meditating on Him in remembrance, I have found all treasures, respect, greatness and perfect honor. nwmu lYq koit AG nwsy Bgq bwCih siB DUrI ]2] (672-17)naam lait kot agh naasay bhagat baachheh sabh Dhooree. ||2|| Remembering His Name, millions of sins are erased; all His devotees long for the dust of His feet. ||2|| srb mnorQ jy ko cwhY syvY eyku inDwnw ] (672-17)sarab manorath jay ko chaahai sayvai ayk niDhaanaa. If someone wishes for the fulfillment of all his hopes and desires, he should serve the one supreme treasure. pwrbRhm AprMpr suAwmI ismrq pwir prwnw ]3] (672-18)paarbarahm aprampar su-aamee simrat paar paraanaa. ||3|| He is the Supreme Lord God, infinite Lord and Master; meditating on Him in remembrance, one is carried across. ||3|| sIql sWiq mhw suKu pwieAw sMqsMig rihE El@w ] (672-18)seetal saaNt mahaa sukh paa-i-aa satsang rahi-o olHaa. I have found total peace and tranquility in the Society of the Saints; my honor has been preserved. hir Dnu sMcnu hir nwmu Bojnu iehu nwnk kIno col@w ]4]8] (672-19)har Dhan sanchan har naam bhojan ih naanak keeno cholHaa. ||4||8|| To gather in the Lord's wealth, and to taste the food of the Lord's Name - Nanak has made this his feast. ||4||8|| |
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