Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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485 <> siqgur pRswid ] (485-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Awsw bwxI sRI nwmdyau jI kI (485-1)aasaa banee saree naamday-o jee kee Aasaa, The Word Of The Reverend Naam Dayv Jee: eyk Anyk ibAwpk pUrk jq dyKau qq soeI ] (485-2)ayk anayk bi-aapak poorak jat daykh-a-u tat so-ee. In the one and in the many, He is pervading and permeating; wherever I look, there He is. mwieAw icqR bicqR ibmoihq ibrlw bUJY koeI ]1] (485-2)maa-i-aa chitar bachitar bimohit birlaa boojhai ko-ee. ||1|| The marvellous image of Maya is so fascinating; how few understand this. ||1|| sBu goibMdu hY sBu goibMdu hY goibMd ibnu nhI koeI ] (485-3)sabh gobind hai sabh gobind hai gobind bin nahee ko-ee. God is everything, God is everything. Without God, there is nothing at all. sUqu eyku mix sq shMs jYsy Eiq poiq pRBu soeI ]1] rhwau ] (485-3)soot ayk man sat sahaNs jaisay ot pot parabh so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. As one thread holds hundreds and thousands of beads, He is woven into His creation. ||1||Pause|| jl qrMg Aru Pyn budbudw jl qy iBMn n hoeI ] (485-4)jal tarang ar fayn budbudaa jal tay bhinn na ho-ee. The waves of the water, the foam and bubbles, are not distinct from the water. iehu prpMcu pwrbRhm kI lIlw ibcrq Awn n hoeI ]2] (485-4)ih parpanch paarbarahm kee leelaa bichrat aan na ho-ee. ||2|| This manifested world is the playful game of the Supreme Lord God; reflecting upon it, we find that it is not different from Him. ||2|| imiQAw Brmu Aru supn mnorQ siq pdwrQu jwinAw ] (485-5)mithi-aa bharam ar supan manorath sat padaarath jaani-aa. False doubts and dream objects - man believes them to be true. suik®q mnsw gur aupdysI jwgq hI mnu mwinAw ]3] (485-5)sukarit mansaa gur updaysee jaagat hee man maani-aa. ||3|| The Guru has instructed me to try to do good deeds, and my awakened mind has accepted this. ||3|| khq nwmdyau hir kI rcnw dyKhu irdY bIcwrI ] (485-6)kahat naamday-o har kee rachnaa daykhhu ridai beechaaree. Says Naam Dayv, see the Creation of the Lord, and reflect upon it in your heart. Gt Gt AMqir srb inrMqir kyvl eyk murwrI ]4]1] (485-6)ghat ghat antar sarab nirantar kayval ayk muraaree. ||4||1|| In each and every heart, and deep within the very nucleus of all, is the One Lord. ||4||1|| Awsw ] (485-7)aasaa. Aasaa: AwnIly kuMB BrweIly aUdk Twkur kau iesnwnu krau ] (485-7)aaneelay kumbh bharaa-eelay oodak thaakur ka-o isnaan kara-o. Bringing the pitcher, I fill it with water, to bathe the Lord. bieAwlIs lK jI jl mih hoqy bITlu BYlw kwie krau ]1] (485-8)ba-i-aalees lakh jee jal meh hotay beethal bhailaa kaa-ay kara-o. ||1|| But 4.2 million species of beings are in the water - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||1|| jqR jwau qq bITlu BYlw ] (485-8)jatar jaa-o tat beethal bhailaa. Wherever I go, the Lord is there. mhw Anµd kry sd kylw ]1] rhwau ] (485-9)mahaa anand karay sad kaylaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. He continually plays in supreme bliss. ||1||Pause|| AwnIly PUl proeIly mwlw Twkur kI hau pUj krau ] (485-9)aaneelay fool paro-eelay maalaa thaakur kee ha-o pooj kara-o. I bring flowers to weave a garland, in worshipful adoration of the Lord. pihly bwsu leI hY Bvrh bITl BYlw kwie krau ]2] (485-10)pahilay baas la-ee hai bhavrah beethal bhailaa kaa-ay kara-o. ||2|| But the bumble bee has already sucked out the fragrance - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||2|| AwnIly dUDu rIDweIly KIrM Twkur kau nYvydu krau ] (485-10)aaneelay dooDh reeDhaa-eelay kheeraN thaakur ka-o naivayd kara-o. I carry milk and cook it to make pudding, with which to feed the Lord. pihly dUDu ibtwirE bCrY bITlu BYlw kwie krau ]3] (485-11)pahilay dooDh bitaari-o bachhrai beethal bhailaa kaa-ay kara-o. ||3|| But the calf has already tasted the milk - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||3|| eIBY bITlu aUBY bITlu bITl ibnu sMswru nhI ] (485-11)eebhai beethal oobhai beethal beethal bin sansaar nahee. The Lord is here, the Lord is there; without the Lord, there is no world at all. Qwn Qnµqir nwmw pRxvY pUir rihE qUM srb mhI ]4]2] (485-12)thaan thanantar naamaa paranvai poor rahi-o tooN sarab mahee. ||4||2|| Prays Naam Dayv, O Lord, You are totally permeating and pervading all places and interspaces. ||4||2|| Awsw ] (485-12)aasaa. Aasaa: mnu myro gju ijhbw myrI kwqI ] (485-13)man mayro gaj jihbaa mayree kaatee. My mind is the yardstick, and my tongue is the scissors. mip mip kwtau jm kI PwsI ]1] (485-13)map map kaata-o jam kee faasee. ||1|| I measure it out and cut off the noose of death. ||1|| khw krau jwqI kh krau pwqI ] (485-13)kahaa kara-o jaatee kah kara-o paatee. What do I have to do with social status? What do I have to with ancestry? rwm ko nwmu jpau idn rwqI ]1] rhwau ] (485-14)raam ko naam japa-o din raatee. ||1|| rahaa-o. I meditate on the Name of the Lord, day and night. ||1||Pause|| rWgin rWgau sIvin sIvau ] (485-14)raaNgan raaNga-o seevan seeva-o. I dye myself in the color of the Lord, and sew what has to be sewn. rwm nwm ibnu GrIA n jIvau ]2] (485-14)raam naam bin gharee-a na jeeva-o. ||2|| Without the Lord's Name, I cannot live, even for a moment. ||2|| Bgiq krau hir ky gun gwvau ] (485-15)bhagat kara-o har kay gun gaava-o. I perform devotional worship, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. AwT phr Apnw Ksmu iDAwvau ]3] (485-15)aath pahar apnaa khasam Dhi-aava-o. ||3|| Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate on my Lord and Master. ||3|| suieny kI sUeI rupy kw Dwgw ] (485-16)su-inay kee soo-ee rupay kaa Dhaagaa. My needle is gold, and my thread is silver. nwmy kw icqu hir sau lwgw ]4]3] (485-16)naamay kaa chit har sa-o laagaa. ||4||3|| Naam Dayv's mind is attached to the Lord. ||4||3|| Awsw ] (485-16)aasaa. Aasaa: swpu kuMc CofY ibKu nhI CwfY ] (485-16)saap kunch chhodai bikh nahee chhaadai. The snake sheds its skin, but does not lose its venom. audk mwih jYsy bgu iDAwnu mwfY ]1] (485-17)udak maahi jaisay bag Dhi-aan maadai. ||1|| The heron appears to be meditating, but it is concentrating on the water. ||1|| kwhy kau kIjY iDAwnu jpMnw ] (485-17)kaahay ka-o keejai Dhi-aan japannaa. Why do you practice meditation and chanting, jb qy suDu nwhI mnu Apnw ]1] rhwau ] (485-17)jab tay suDh naahee man apnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. when your mind is not pure? ||1||Pause|| isMGc Bojnu jo nru jwnY ] (485-18)singhach bhojan jo nar jaanai. That man who feeds like a lion, AYsy hI Tgdyau bKwnY ]2] (485-18)aisay hee thagday-o bakhaanai. ||2|| is called the god of thieves. ||2|| nwmy ky suAwmI lwih ly Jgrw ] (485-18)naamay kay su-aamee laahi lay jhagraa. Naam Dayv's Lord and Master has settled my inner conflicts. |
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