Awsw ] (484-1)
myrI bhurIAw ko DnIAw nwau ] (484-1)
mayree bahuree-aa ko Dhanee-aa naa-o.
My daughter-in-law was first called Dhannia, the woman of wealth,
ly rwiKE rwm jnIAw nwau ]1] (484-1)
lay raakhi-o raam janee-aa naa-o. ||1||
but now she is called Raam-jannia, the servant of the Lord. ||1||
ien@ muMfIAn myrw Gru DuMDrwvw ] (484-1)
inH mundee-an mayraa ghar DhunDhraavaa.
These shaven-headed saints have ruined my house.
ibtvih rwm rmaUAw lwvw ]1] rhwau ] (484-2)
bitvahi raam ram-oo-aa laavaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They have caused my son to start chanting the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
khqu kbIr sunhu myrI mweI ] (484-2)
kahat kabeer sunhu mayree maa-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, O mother:
ien@ muMfIAn myrI jwiq gvweI ]2]3]33] (484-3)
inH mundee-an mayree jaat gavaa-ee. ||2||3||33||
these shaven-headed saints have done away with my low social status. ||2||3||33||
Awsw ] (484-3)
rhu rhu rI bhurIAw GUMGtu ijin kwFY ] (484-3)
rahu rahu ree bahuree-aa ghoonghat jin kaadhai.
Stay, stay, O daughter-in-law - do not cover your face with a veil.
AMq kI bwr lhYgI n AwFY ]1] rhwau ] (484-4)
ant kee baar lahaigee na aadhai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the end, this shall not bring you even half a shell. ||1||Pause||
GUMGtu kwiF geI qyrI AwgY ] (484-4)
ghoonghat kaadh ga-ee tayree aagai.
The one before you used to veil her face;
aun kI gYil qoih ijin lwgY ]1] (484-4)
un kee gail tohi jin laagai. ||1||
do not follow in her footsteps. ||1||
GUMGt kwFy kI iehY bfweI ] (484-5)
ghoonghat kaadhay kee ihai badaa-ee.
The only merit in veiling your face is
idn ds pWc bhU Bly AweI ]2] (484-5)
din das paaNch bahoo bhalay aa-ee. ||2||
that for a few days, people will say, "What a noble bride has come". ||2||
GUMGtu qyro qau pir swcY ] (484-5)
ghoonghat tayro ta-o par saachai.
Your veil shall be true only if
hir gun gwie kUdih Aru nwcY ]3] (484-6)
har gun gaa-ay koodeh ar naachai. ||3||
you skip, dance and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||
khq kbIr bhU qb jIqY ] (484-6)
kahat kabeer bahoo tab jeetai.
Says Kabeer, the soul-bride shall win,
hir gun gwvq jnmu ibqIqY ]4]1]34] (484-6)
har gun gaavat janam biteetai. ||4||1||34||
only if she passes her life singing the Lord's Praises. ||4||1||34||
Awsw ] (484-7)
krvqu Blw n krvt qyrI ] (484-7)
karvat bhalaa na karvat tayree.
I would rather be cut apart by a saw, than have You turn Your back on me.
lwgu gly sunu ibnqI myrI ]1] (484-7)
laag galay sun bintee mayree. ||1||
Hug me close, and listen to my prayer. ||1||
hau vwrI muKu Pyir ipAwry ] (484-7)
ha-o vaaree mukh fayr pi-aaray.
I am a sacrifice to You - please, turn Your face to me, O Beloved Lord.
krvtu dy mo kau kwhy kau mwry ]1] rhwau ] (484-8)
karvat day mo ka-o kaahay ka-o maaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why have You turned Your back to me? Why have You killed me? ||1||Pause||
jau qnu cIrih AMgu n morau ] (484-8)
ja-o tan cheereh ang na mora-o.
Even if You cut my body apart, I shall not pull my limbs away from You.
ipMfu prY qau pRIiq n qorau ]2] (484-9)
pind parai ta-o pareet na tora-o. ||2||
Even if my body falls, I shall not break my bonds of love with You. ||2||
hm qum bIcu BieE nhI koeI ] (484-9)
ham tum beech bha-i-o nahee ko-ee.
Between You and I, there is no other.
qumih su kMq nwir hm soeI ]3] (484-9)
tumeh so kant naar ham so-ee. ||3||
You are the Husband Lord, and I am the soul-bride. ||3||
khqu kbIru sunhu ry loeI ] (484-10)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray lo-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, O people:
Ab qumrI prqIiq n hoeI ]4]2]35] (484-10)
ab tumree parteet na ho-ee. ||4||2||35||
now, I place no reliance in you. ||4||2||35||
Awsw ] (484-10)
korI ko kwhU mrmu n jwnW ] (484-10)
koree ko kaahoo maram na jaanaaN.
No one knows the secret of God, the Cosmic Weaver.
sBu jgu Awin qnwieE qwnW ]1] rhwau ] (484-11)
sabh jag aan tanaa-i-o taanaaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has stretched out the fabric of the whole world. ||1||Pause||
jb qum suin ly byd purwnW ] (484-11)
jab tum sun lay bayd puraanaaN.
When you listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas,
qb hm ieqnku psirE qwnW ]1] (484-11)
tab ham itnak pasri-o taanaaN. ||1||
you shall know that the whole world is only a small piece of His woven fabric. ||1||
Drin Akws kI krgh bnweI ] (484-12)
Dharan akaas kee kargah banaa-ee.
He has made the earth and sky His loom.
cMdu sUrju duie swQ clweI ]2] (484-12)
chand sooraj du-ay saath chalaa-ee. ||2||
Upon it, He moves the two bobbins of the sun and the moon. ||2||
pweI joir bwq iek kInI qh qWqI mnu mwnW ] (484-13)
paa-ee jor baat ik keenee tah taaNtee man maanaaN.
Placing my feet together, I have accomplished one thing - my mind is pleased with that Weaver.
jolwhy Gru Apnw cIn@W Gt hI rwmu pCwnW ]3] (484-13)
jolaahay ghar apnaa cheenHaaN ghat hee raam pachhaanaaN. ||3||
I have come to understand my own home, and recognize the Lord within my heart. ||3||
khqu kbIru kwrgh qorI ] (484-14)
kahat kabeer kaargah toree.
Says Kabeer, when my body workshop breaks,
sUqY sUq imlwey korI ]4]3]36] (484-14)
sootai soot milaa-ay koree. ||4||3||36||
the Weaver shall blend my thread with His thread. ||4||3||36||
Awsw ] (484-14)
AMqir mYlu jy qIrQ nwvY iqsu bYkuMT n jwnW ] (484-14)
antar mail jay tirath naavai tis baikunth na jaanaaN.
With filth within the heart, even if one bathes at sacred places of pilgrimage, still, he shall not go to heaven.
lok pqIxy kCU n hovY nwhI rwmu AXwnw ]1] (484-15)
lok pateenay kachhoo na hovai naahee raam ayaanaa. ||1||
Nothing is gained by trying to please others - the Lord cannot be fooled. ||1||
pUjhu rwmu eyku hI dyvw ] (484-15)
poojahu raam ayk hee dayvaa.
Worship the One Divine Lord.
swcw nwvxu gur kI syvw ]1] rhwau ] (484-15)
saachaa naavan gur kee sayvaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The true cleansing bath is service to the Guru. ||1||Pause||
jl kY mjin jy giq hovY inq inq myNfuk nwvih ] (484-16)
jal kai majan jay gat hovai nit nit mayNduk naaveh.
If salvation can be obtained by bathing in water, then what about the frog, which is always bathing in water?
jYsy myNfuk qYsy Eie nr iPir iPir jonI Awvih ]2] (484-16)
jaisay mayNduk taisay o-ay nar fir fir jonee aavahi. ||2||
As is the frog, so is that mortal; he is reincarnated, over and over again. ||2||
mnhu kToru mrY bwnwris nrku n bWicAw jweI ] (484-17)
manhu kathor marai baanaaras narak na baaNchi-aa jaa-ee.
If the hard-hearted sinner dies in Benaares, he cannot escape hell.
hir kw sMqu mrY hwVMbY q sglI sYn qrweI ]3] (484-18)
har kaa sant marai haarhambai ta saglee sain taraa-ee. ||3||
And even if the Lord's Saint dies in the cursed land of Haramba, still, he saves all his family. ||3||
idnsu n rYin bydu nhI swsqR qhw bsY inrMkwrw ] (484-18)
dinas na rain bayd nahee saastar tahaa basai nirankaaraa.
Where there is neither day nor night, and neither Vedas nor Shaastras, there, the Formless Lord abides.
kih kbIr nr iqsih iDAwvhu bwvirAw sMswrw ]4]4]37] (484-19)
kahi kabeer nar tiseh Dhi-aavahu baavri-aa sansaaraa. ||4||4||37||
Says Kabeer, meditate on Him, O mad-men of the world. ||4||4||37||