srb jIAw kau dyvxhwrw ] (106-1)
sarab jee-aa ka-o dayvanhaaraa.
He is the Giver of all souls.
gur prswdI ndir inhwrw ] (106-1)
gur parsaadee nadar nihaaraa.
By Guru's Grace, He blesses us with His Glance of Grace.
jl Ql mhIAl siB iqRpqwxy swDU crn pKwlI jIau ]3] (106-2)
jal thal mahee-al sabh tariptaanay saaDhoo charan pakhaalee jee-o. ||3||
The beings in the water, on the land and in the sky are all satisfied; I wash the Feet of the Holy. ||3||
mn kI ieC pujwvxhwrw ] (106-2)
man kee ichh pujaavanhaaraa.
He is the Fulfiller of the desires of the mind.
sdw sdw jweI bilhwrw ] (106-3)
sadaa sadaa jaa-ee balihaaraa.
Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him.
nwnk dwnu kIAw duK BMjin rqy rMig rswlI jIau ]4]32]39] (106-3)
naanak daan kee-aa dukh bhanjan ratay rang rasaalee jee-o. ||4||32||39||
O Nanak, the Destroyer of pain has given this Gift; I am imbued with the Love of the Delightful Lord. ||4||32||39||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (106-4)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
mnu qnu qyrw Dnu BI qyrw ] (106-4)
man tan tayraa Dhan bhee tayraa.
Mind and body are Yours; all wealth is Yours.
qUM Twkuru suAwmI pRBu myrw ] (106-4)
tooN thaakur su-aamee parabh mayraa.
You are my God, my Lord and Master.
jIau ipMfu sBu rwis qumwrI qyrw joru gopwlw jIau ]1] (106-4)
jee-o pind sabh raas tumaaree tayraa jor gopaalaa jee-o. ||1||
Body and soul and all riches are Yours. Yours is the Power, O Lord of the World. ||1||
sdw sdw qUMhY suKdweI ] (106-5)
sadaa sadaa tooNhai sukh-daa-ee.
Forever and ever, You are the Giver of Peace.
iniv iniv lwgw qyrI pweI ] (106-5)
niv niv laagaa tayree paa-ee.
I bow down and fall at Your Feet.
kwr kmwvw jy quDu Bwvw jw qUM dyih dieAwlw jIau ]2] (106-6)
kaar kamaavaa jay tuDh bhaavaa jaa tooN deh da-i-aalaa jee-o. ||2||
I act as it pleases You, as You cause me to act, Kind and Compassionate Dear Lord. ||2||
pRB qum qy lhxw qUM myrw ghxw ] (106-6)
parabh tum tay lahnaa tooN mayraa gahnaa.
O God, from You I receive; You are my decoration.
jo qUM dyih soeI suKu shxw ] (106-7)
jo tooN deh so-ee sukh sahnaa.
Whatever You give me, brings me happiness.
ijQY rKih bYkuMTu iqQweI qUM sBnw ky pRiqpwlw jIau ]3] (106-7)
jithai rakheh baikuNth tithaa-ee tooN sabhnaa kay partipaalaa jee-o. ||3||
Wherever You keep me, is heaven. You are the Cherisher of all. ||3||
ismir ismir nwnk suKu pwieAw ] (106-8)
simar simar naanak sukh paa-i-aa.
Meditating, meditating in remembrance, Nanak has found peace.
AwT phr qyry gux gwieAw ] (106-8)
aath pahar tayray gun gaa-i-aa.
Twenty-four hours a day, I sing Your Glorious Praises.
sgl mnorQ pUrn hoey kdy n hoie duKwlw jIau ]4]33]40] (106-8)
sagal manorath pooran ho-ay kaday na ho-ay dukhaalaa jee-o. ||4||33||40||
All my hopes and desires are fulfilled; I shall never again suffer sorrow. ||4||33||40||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (106-9)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
pwrbRhim pRiB myGu pTwieAw ] (106-9)
paarbarahm parabh maygh pathaa-i-aa.
The Supreme Lord God has unleashed the rain clouds.
jil Qil mhIAil dh idis vrswieAw ] (106-9)
jal thal mahee-al dah dis varsaa-i-aa.
Over the sea and over the land-over all the earth's surface, in all directions, He has brought the rain.
sWiq BeI buJI sB iqRsnw Andu BieAw sB TweI jIau ]1] (106-10)
saaNt bha-ee bujhee sabh tarisnaa anad bha-i-aa sabh thaa-ee jee-o. ||1||
Peace has come, and the thirst of all has been quenched; there is joy and ecstasy everywhere. ||1||
suKdwqw duK BMjnhwrw ] (106-11)
sukh-daata dukh bhaNjanhaaraa.
He is the Giver of Peace, the Destroyer of pain.
Awpy bKis kry jIA swrw ] (106-11)
aapay bakhas karay jee-a saaraa.
He gives and forgives all beings.
Apny kIqy no Awip pRiqpwly pie pYrI iqsih mnweI jIau ]2] (106-11)
apnay keetay no aap partipaalay pa-i pairee tiseh manaa-ee jee-o. ||2||
He Himself nurtures and cherishes His Creation. I fall at His Feet and surrender to Him. ||2||
jw kI srix pieAw giq pweIAY ] (106-12)
jaa kee saran pa-i-aa gat paa-ee-ai.
Seeking His Sanctuary, salvation is obtained.
swis swis hir nwmu iDAweIAY ] (106-12)
saas saas har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
With each and every breath, I meditate on the Lord's Name.
iqsu ibnu horu n dUjw Twkuru sB iqsY kIAw jweI jIau ]3] (106-13)
tis bin hor na doojaa thaakur sabh tisai kee-aa jaa-ee jee-o. ||3||
Without Him, there is no other Lord and Master. All places belong to Him. ||3||
qyrw mwxu qwxu pRB qyrw ] (106-13)
tayraa maan taan parabh tayraa.
Yours is the Honor, God, and Yours is the Power.
qUM scw swihbu guxI ghyrw ] (106-13)
tooN sachaa saahib gunee gahayraa.
You are the True Lord and Master, the Ocean of Excellence.
nwnku dwsu khY bynµqI AwT phr quDu iDAweI jIau ]4]34]41] (106-14)
naanak daas kahai baynantee aath pahar tuDh Dhi-aa-ee jee-o. ||4||34||41||
Servant Nanak utters this prayer: may I meditate on You twenty-four hours a day. ||4||34||41||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (106-15)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
sBy suK Bey pRB quTy ] (106-15)
sabhay sukh bha-ay parabh tuthay.
All happiness comes, when God is pleased.
gur pUry ky crx min vuTy ] (106-15)
gur pooray kay charan man vuthay.
The Feet of the Perfect Guru dwell in my mind.
shj smwiD lgI ilv AMqir so rsu soeI jwxY jIau ]1] (106-15)
sahj samaaDh lagee liv antar so ras so-ee jaanai jee-o. ||1||
I am intuitively absorbed in the state of Samaadhi deep within. God alone knows this sweet pleasure. ||1||
Agm Agocru swihbu myrw ] (106-16)
agam agochar saahib mayraa.
My Lord and Master is Inaccessible and Unfathomable.
Gt Gt AMqir vrqY nyrw ] (106-16)
ghat ghat antar vartai nayraa.
Deep within each and every heart, He dwells near and close at hand.
sdw Ailpqu jIAw kw dwqw ko ivrlw Awpu pCwxY jIau ]2] (106-16)
sadaa alipat jee-aa kaa daataa ko virlaa aap pachhaanai jee-o. ||2||
He is always detached; He is the Giver of souls. How rare is that person who understands his own self. ||2||
pRB imlxY kI eyh nIswxI ] (106-17)
parabh milnai kee ayh neesaanee.
This is the sign of union with God:
min ieko scw hukmu pCwxI ] (106-17)
man iko sachaa hukam pachhaanee.
in the mind, the Command of the True Lord is recognized.
shij sMqoiK sdw iqRpqwsy Andu Ksm kY BwxY jIau ]3] (106-18)
sahj santokh sadaa tariptaasay anad khasam kai bhaanai jee-o. ||3||
Intuitive peace and poise, contentment, enduring satisfaction and bliss come through the Pleasure of the Master's Will. ||3||
hQI idqI pRiB dyvxhwrY ] (106-18)
hathee ditee parabh dayvanhaarai.
God, the Great Giver, has given me His Hand.
jnm mrx rog siB invwry ] (106-19)
janam maran rog sabh nivaaray.
He has erased all the sickness of birth and death.
nwnk dws kIey pRiB Apuny hir kIrqin rMg mwxy jIau ]4]35]42] (106-19)
naanak daas kee-ay parabh apunay har keertan rang maanay jee-o. ||4||35||42||
O Nanak, those whom God has made His slaves, rejoice in the pleasure of singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||4||35||42||