Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kir ikrpw pRBu BgqI lwvhu scu nwnk AMimRqu pIey jIau ]4]28]35] (105-1)
kar kirpaa parabh bhagtee laavhu sach naanak amrit pee-ay jee-o. ||4||28||35||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, God; let me be committed to devotional worship. Nanak drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of Truth. ||4||28||35||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (105-1)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

Bey ik®pwl goivMd gusweI ] (105-2)
bha-ay kirpaal govind gusaa-ee.
The Lord of the Universe, the Support of the earth, has become Merciful;

myGu vrsY sBnI QweI ] (105-2)
maygh varsai sabhnee thaa-ee.
the rain is falling everywhere.

dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwlw TwiF pweI krqwry jIau ]1] (105-2)
deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaalaa thaadh paa-ee kartaaray jee-o. ||1||
He is Merciful to the meek, always Kind and Gentle; the Creator has brought cooling relief. ||1||

Apuny jIA jMq pRiqpwry ] (105-3)
apunay jee-a jant partipaaray.
He cherishes all His beings and creatures,

ijau bwirk mwqw sMmwry ] (105-3)
ji-o baarik maataa sammaaray.
as the mother cares for her children.

duK BMjn suK swgr suAwmI dyq sgl Awhwry jIau ]2] (105-3)
dukh bhanjan sukh saagar su-aamee dayt sagal aahaaray jee-o. ||2||
The Destroyer of pain, the Ocean of Peace, the Lord and Master gives sustenance to all. ||2||

jil Qil pUir rihAw imhrvwnw ] (105-4)
jal thal poor rahi-aa miharvaanaa.
The Merciful Lord is totally pervading and permeating the water and the land.

sd bilhwir jweIAY kurbwnw ] (105-4)
sad balihaar jaa-ee-ai kurbaanaa.
I am forever devoted, a sacrifice to Him.

rYix idnsu iqsu sdw iDAweI ij iKn mih sgl auDwry jIau ]3] (105-5)
rain dinas tis sadaa Dhi-aa-ee je khin meh sagal uDhaaray jee-o. ||3||
Night and day, I always meditate on Him; in an instant, He saves all. ||3||

rwiK lIey sgly pRiB Awpy ] (105-5)
raakh lee-ay saglay parabh aapay.
God Himself protects all;

auqir gey sB sog sMqwpy ] (105-6)
utar ga-ay sabh sog santaapay.
He drives out all sorrow and suffering.

nwmu jpq mnu qnu hrIAwvlu pRB nwnk ndir inhwry jIau ]4]29]36] (105-6)
naam japat man tan haree-aaval parabh naanak nadar nihaaray jee-o. ||4||29||36||
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind and body are rejuvenated. O Nanak, God has bestowed His Glance of Grace. ||4||29||36||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (105-7)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

ijQY nwmu jpIAY pRB ipAwry ] (105-7)
jithai naam japee-ai parabh pi-aaray.
Where the Naam, the Name of God the Beloved is chanted

sy AsQl soien caubwry ] (105-7)
say asthal so-in cha-ubaaray.
-those barren places become mansions of gold.

ijQY nwmu n jpIAY myry goiedw syeI ngr aujwVI jIau ]1] (105-7)
jithai naam na japee-ai mayray go-idaa say-ee nagar ujaarhee jee-o. ||1||
Where the Naam, the Name of my Lord of the Universe is not chanted-those towns are like the barren wilderness. ||1||

hir ruKI rotI Kwie smwly ] (105-8)
har rukhee rotee khaa-ay samaalay.
One who meditates as he eats dry bread,

hir AMqir bwhir ndir inhwly ] (105-8)
har antar baahar nadar nihaalay.
sees the Blessed Lord inwardly and outwardly.

Kwie Kwie kry bdPYlI jwxu ivsU kI vwVI jIau ]2] (105-9)
khaa-ay khaa-ay karay badfailee jaan visoo kee vaarhee jee-o. ||2||
Know this well, that one who eats and eats while practicing evil, is like a field of poisonous plants. ||2||

sMqw syqI rMgu n lwey ] (105-9)
santaa saytee rang na laa-ay.
One who does not feel love for the Saints,

swkq sMig ivkrm kmwey ] (105-10)
saakat sang vikram kamaa-ay.
misbehaves in the company of the wicked shaaktas, the faithless cynics;

dulB dyh KoeI AigAwnI jV ApuxI Awip aupwVI jIau ]3] (105-10)
dulabh dayh kho-ee agi-aanee jarh apunee aap upaarhee jee-o. ||3||
he wastes this human body, so difficult to obtain. In his ignorance, he tears up his own roots. ||3||

qyrI srix myry dIn dieAwlw ] (105-11)
tayree saran mayray deen da-i-aalaa.
I seek Your Sanctuary, O my Lord, Merciful to the meek,

suK swgr myry gur gopwlw ] (105-11)
sukh saagar mayray gur gopaalaa.
Ocean of Peace, my Guru, Sustainer of the world.

kir ikrpw nwnku gux gwvY rwKhu srm AswVI jIau ]4]30]37] (105-11)
kar kirpaa naanak gun gaavai raakho saram asaarhee jee-o. ||4||30||37||
Shower Your Mercy upon Nanak, that he may sing Your Glorious Praises; please, preserve my honor. ||4||30||37||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (105-12)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

crx Twkur ky irdY smwxy ] (105-12)
charan thaakur kay ridai samaanay.
I cherish in my heart the Feet of my Lord and Master.

kil klys sB dUir pieAwxy ] (105-12)
kal kalays sabh door pa-i-aanay.
All my troubles and sufferings have run away.

sWiq sUK shj Duin aupjI swDU sMig invwsw jIau ]1] (105-13)
saaNt sookh sahj Dhun upjee saaDhoo sang nivaasaa jee-o. ||1||
The music of intuitive peace, poise and tranquility wells up within; I dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||

lwgI pRIiq n qUtY mUly ] (105-13)
laagee pareet na tootai moolay.
The bonds of love with the Lord are never broken.

hir AMqir bwhir rihAw BrpUry ] (105-14)
har antar baahar rahi-aa bharpooray.
The Lord is totally permeating and pervading inside and out.

ismir ismir ismir gux gwvw kwtI jm kI Pwsw jIau ]2] (105-14)
simar simar simar gun gaavaa kaatee jam kee faasaa jee-o. ||2||
Meditating, meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, singing His Glorious Praises, the noose of death is cut away. ||2||

AMimRqu vrKY Anhd bwxI ] (105-15)
amrit varkhai anhad banee.
The Ambrosial Nectar, the Unstruck Melody of Gurbani rains down continually;

mn qn AMqir sWiq smwxI ] (105-15)
man tan antar saaNt samaanee.
deep within my mind and body, peace and tranquility have come.

iqRpiq AGwie rhy jn qyry siqguir kIAw idlwsw jIau ]3] (105-15)
taripat aghaa-ay rahay jan tayray satgur kee-aa dilaasaa jee-o. ||3||
Your humble servants remain satisfied and fulfilled, and the True Guru blesses them with encouragement and comfort. ||3||

ijs kw sw iqs qy Plu pwieAw ] (105-16)
jis kaa saa tis tay fal paa-i-aa.
We are His, and from Him, we receive our rewards.

kir ikrpw pRB sMig imlwieAw ] (105-16)
kar kirpaa parabh sang milaa-i-aa.
Showering His Mercy upon us, God has united us with Him.

Awvx jwx rhy vfBwgI nwnk pUrn Awsw jIau ]4]31]38] (105-17)
aavan jaan rahay vadbhaagee naanak pooran aasaa jee-o. ||4||31||38||
Our comings and goings have ended, and through great good fortune, O Nanak, our hopes are fulfilled. ||4||31||38||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (105-17)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

mIhu pieAw prmysir pwieAw ] (105-17)
meehu pa-i-aa parmaysar paa-i-aa.
The rain has fallen; I have found the Transcendent Lord God.

jIA jMq siB suKI vswieAw ] (105-18)
jee-a jant sabh sukhee vasaa-i-aa.
All beings and creatures dwell in peace.

gieAw klysu BieAw suKu swcw hir hir nwmu smwlI jIau ]1] (105-18)
ga-i-aa kalays bha-i-aa sukh saachaa har har naam samaalee jee-o. ||1||
Suffering has been dispelled, and true happiness has dawned, as we meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

ijs ky sy iqn hI pRiqpwry ] (105-19)
jis kay say tin hee partipaaray.
The One, to whom we belong, cherishes and nurtures us.

pwrbRhm pRB Bey rKvwry ] (105-19)
paarbarahm parabh bha-ay rakhvaaray.
The Supreme Lord God has become our Protector.

suxI bynµqI Twkuir myrY pUrn hoeI GwlI jIau ]2] (105-19)
sunee baynantee thaakur mayrai pooran ho-ee ghaalee jee-o. ||2||
My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded. ||2||