Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


AYsw qYN jgu Brim lwieAw ] (92-1)
aisaa taiN jag bharam laa-i-aa.
You have misled the world so deeply in doubt.

kYsy bUJY jb moihAw hY mwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (92-1)
kaisay boojhai jab mohi-aa hai maa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can people understand You, when they are entranced by Maya? ||1||Pause||

khq kbIr Coif ibiKAw rs iequ sMgiq inhcau mrxw ] (92-2)
kahat kabeer chhod bikhi-aa ras it sangat nihcha-o marnaa.
Says Kabeer, give up the pleasures of corruption, or else you will surely die of them.

rmeIAw jphu pRwxI Anq jIvx bwxI ien ibiD Bv swgru qrxw ]2] (92-2)
rama-ee-aa japahu paraanee anat jeevan banee in biDh bhav saagar tarnaa. ||2||
Meditate on the Lord, O mortal being, through the Word of His Bani; you shall be blessed with eternal life. In this way, shall you cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

jW iqsu BwvY qw lwgY Bwau ] (92-3)
jaaN tis bhaavai taa laagai bhaa-o.
As it pleases Him, people embrace love for the Lord,

Brmu Bulwvw ivchu jwie ] (92-3)
bharam bhulaavaa vichahu jaa-ay.
and doubt and delusion are dispelled from within.

aupjY shju igAwn miq jwgY ] (92-4)
upjai sahj gi-aan mat jaagai.
Intuitive peace and poise well up within, and the intellect is awakened to spiritual wisdom.

gur pRswid AMqir ilv lwgY ]3] (92-4)
gur parsaad antar liv laagai. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, the inner being is touched by the Lord's Love. ||3||

iequ sMgiq nwhI mrxw ] (92-4)
it sangat naahee marnaa.
In this association, there is no death.

hukmu pCwix qw KsmY imlxw ]1] rhwau dUjw ] (92-5)
hukam pachhaan taa khasmai milnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa.
Recognizing the Hukam of His Command, you shall meet with your Lord and Master. ||1||Second Pause||

isrIrwgu iqRlocn kw ] (92-5)
sireeraag tarilochan kaa.
Siree Raag, Trilochan:

mwieAw mohu min AwglVw pRwxI jrw mrxu Bau ivsir gieAw ] (92-5, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
maa-i-aa moh man aaglarhaa paraanee jaraa maran bha-o visar ga-i-aa.
The mind is totally attached to Maya; the mortal has forgotten his fear of old age and death.

kutMbu dyiK ibgsih kmlw ijau pr Gir johih kpt nrw ]1] (92-6, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
kutamb daykh bigsahi kamlaa ji-o par ghar joheh kapat naraa. ||1||
Gazing upon his family, he blossoms forth like the lotus flower; the deceitful person watches and covets the homes of others. ||1||

dUVw AwieEih jmih qxw ] iqn AwglVY mY rhxu n jwie ] (92-7, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
doorhaa aa-i-ohi jameh tanaa. tin aaglarhai mai rahan na jaa-ay.
When the powerful Messenger of Death comes, no one can stand against his awesome power.

koeI koeI swjxu Awie khY ] (92-7, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
ko-ee ko-ee saajan aa-ay kahai.
Rare, very rare, is that friend who comes and says,

imlu myry bITulw lY bwhVI vlwie ] imlu myry rmeIAw mY lyih Cfwie ]1] rhwau ] (92-8, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
mil mayray beethulaa lai baahrhee valaa-ay. mil mayray rama-ee-aa mai layhi chhadaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
"O my Beloved, take me into Your Embrace! O my Lord, please save me!"||1||Pause||

Aink Aink Bog rwj ibsry pRwxI sMswr swgr pY Amru BieAw ] (92-9, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
anik anik bhog raaj bisray paraanee sansaar saagar pai amar bha-i-aa.
Indulging in all sorts of princely pleasures, O mortal, you have forgotten God; you have fallen into the world-ocean, and you think that you have become immortal.

mwieAw mUTw cyqis nwhI jnmu gvwieE AwlsIAw ]2] (92-9, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
maa-i-aa moothaa chaytas naahee janam gavaa-i-o aalsee-aa. ||2||
Cheated and plundered by Maya, you do not think of God, and you waste your life in laziness. ||2||

ibKm Gor pMiQ cwlxw pRwxI riv sis qh n pRvysM ] (92-10, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
bikham ghor panth chaalnaa paraanee rav sas tah na parvaysaN.
The path you must walk is treacherous and terrifying, O mortal; neither the sun nor the moon shine there.

mwieAw mohu qb ibsir gieAw jW qjIAly sMswrM ]3] (92-10, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
maa-i-aa moh tab bisar ga-i-aa jaaN tajee-alay saNsaaraN. ||3||
Your emotional attachment to Maya will be forgotten, when you have to leave this world. ||3||

Awju myrY min pRgtu BieAw hY pyKIAly DrmrwE ] (92-11, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
aaj mayrai man pargat bha-i-aa hai paykhee-alay Dharamraa-o.
Today, it became clear to my mind that the Righteous Judge of Dharma is watching us.

qh kr dl krin mhwblI iqn AwglVY mY rhxu n jwie ]4] (92-12, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
tah kar dal karan mahaabalee tin aaglarhai mai rahan na jaa-ay. ||4||
His messengers, with their awesome power, crush people between their hands; I cannot stand against them. ||4||

jy ko mUM aupdysu krqu hY qw vix iqRix rqVw nwrwiexw ] (92-12, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
jay ko mooN updays karat hai taa van tarin rat-rhaa naaraa-inaa.
If someone is going to teach me something, let it be that the Lord is pervading the forests and fields.

AY jI qUM Awpy sB ikCu jwxdw bdiq iqRlocnu rwmeIAw ]5]2] (92-13, isrIrwgu, iqRlocn)
ai jee tooN aapay sabh kichh jaandaa badat tarilochan raam-ee-aa. ||5||2||
O Dear Lord, You Yourself know everything; so prays Trilochan, Lord. ||5||2||

sRIrwgu Bgq kbIr jIau kw ] (92-14)
sareeraag bhagat kabeer jee-o kaa.
Siree Raag, Devotee Kabeer Jee:

Acrj eyku sunhu ry pMfIAw Ab ikCu khnu n jweI ] (92-14)
achraj ayk sunhu ray pandee-aa ab kichh kahan na jaa-ee.
Listen, O religious scholar: the One Lord alone is Wondrous; no one can describe Him.

suir nr gx gMDRb ijin mohy iqRBvx myKulI lweI ]1] (92-14)
sur nar gan ganDharab jin mohay taribhavan maykhulee laa-ee. ||1||
He fascinates the angels, the celestial singers and the heavenly musicians; he has strung the three worlds upon His Thread. ||1||

rwjw rwm Anhd ikMgurI bwjY ] (92-15)
raajaa raam anhad kinguree baajai.
The Unstruck Melody of the Sovereign Lord's Harp vibrates;

jw kI idsit nwd ilv lwgY ]1] rhwau ] (92-15)
jaa kee disat naad liv laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
by His Glance of Grace, we are lovingly attuned to the Sound-current of the Naad. ||1||Pause||

BwTI ggnu isMi|Aw Aru cuMi|Aw knk kls ieku pwieAw ] (92-16)
bhaathee gagan sinyi-aa ar chunyi-aa kanak kalas ik paa-i-aa.
The Tenth Gate of my crown chakra is the distilling fire, and the channels of the Ida and Pingala are the funnels, to pour in and empty out the golden vat.

iqsu mih Dwr cuAY Aiq inrml rs mih rsn cuAwieAw ]2] (92-16)
tis meh Dhaar chu-ai at nirmal ras meh rasan chu-aa-i-aa. ||2||
Into that vat, there trickles a gentle stream of the most sublime and pure essence of all distilled essences. ||2||

eyk ju bwq AnUp bnI hY pvn ipAwlw swijAw ] (92-17)
ayk jo baat anoop banee hai pavan pi-aalaa saaji-aa.
Something wonderful has happened-the breath has become the cup.

qIin Bvn mih eyko jogI khhu kvnu hY rwjw ]3] (92-18)
teen bhavan meh ayko jogee kahhu kavan hai raajaa. ||3||
In all the three worlds, such a Yogi is unique. What king can compare to him? ||3||

AYsy igAwn pRgitAw purKoqm khu kbIr rMig rwqw ] (92-18)
aisay gi-aan pargati-aa purkhotam kaho kabeer rang raataa.
This spiritual wisdom of God, the Supreme Soul, has illuminated my being. Says Kabeer, I am attuned to His Love.

Aaur dunI sB Brim BulwnI mnu rwm rswien mwqw ]4]3] (92-19)
a-or dunee sabh bharam bhulaanee man raam rasaa-in maataa. ||4||3||
All the rest of the world is deluded by doubt, while my mind is intoxicated with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||4||3||