Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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91 hir Bgqw no dyie Anµdu iQru GrI bhwilAnu ] (91-1)har bhagtaa no day-ay anand thir gharee bahaali-an. The Lord bestows bliss upon His devotees, and gives them a seat in the eternal home. pwpIAw no n dyeI iQru rhix cuix nrk Goir cwilAnu ] (91-1)paapee-aa no na day-ee thir rahan chun narak ghor chaali-an. He does not give the sinners any stability or place of rest; He consigns them to the depths of hell. hir Bgqw no dyie ipAwru kir AMgu insqwirAnu ]19] (91-2)har bhagtaa no day-ay pi-aar kar ang nistaari-an. ||19|| The Lord blesses His devotees with His Love; He sides with them and saves them. ||19|| slok mÚ 1 ] (91-3)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: kubuiD fUmxI kudieAw kswieix pr inMdw Gt cUhVI muTI k®oiD cMfwil ] (91-3)kubuDh doomnee kud-i-aa kasaa-in par nindaa ghat choohrhee muthee kroDh chandaal. False-mindedness is the drummer-woman; cruelty is the butcheress; slander of others in one's heart is the cleaning-woman, and deceitful anger is the outcast-woman. kwrI kFI ikAw QIAY jW cwry bYTIAw nwil ] (91-4)kaaree kadhee ki-aa thee-ai jaaN chaaray baithee-aa naal. What good are the ceremonial lines drawn around your kitchen, when these four are seated there with you? scu sMjmu krxI kwrW nwvxu nwau jpyhI ] (91-4)sach sanjam karnee kaaraaN naavan naa-o japayhee. Make Truth your self-discipline, and make good deeds the lines you draw; make chanting the Name your cleansing bath. nwnk AgY aUqm syeI ij pwpW pMid n dyhI ]1] (91-4)naanak agai ootam say-ee je paapaaN pand na dayhee. ||1|| O Nanak, those who do not walk in the ways of sin, shall be exalted in the world hereafter. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (91-5)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: ikAw hMsu ikAw bgulw jw kau ndir kryie ] (91-5)ki-aa hans ki-aa bagulaa jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. Which is the swan, and which is the crane? It is only by His Glance of Grace. jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw kwghu hMsu kryie ]2] (91-6)jo tis bhaavai naankaa kaagahu hans karay-i. ||2|| Whoever is pleasing to Him, O Nanak, is transformed from a crow into a swan. ||2|| pauVI ] (91-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: kIqw loVIAY kMmu su hir pih AwKIAY ] (91-6)keetaa lorhee-ai kamm so har peh aakhee-ai. Whatever work you wish to accomplish-tell it to the Lord. kwrju dyie svwir siqgur scu swKIAY ] (91-6)kaaraj day-ay savaar satgur sach saakhee-ai. He will resolve your affairs; the True Guru gives His Guarantee of Truth. sMqw sMig inDwnu AMimRqu cwKIAY ] (91-7)santaa sang niDhaan amrit chaakhee-ai. In the Society of the Saints, you shall taste the treasure of the Ambrosial Nectar. BY BMjn imhrvwn dws kI rwKIAY ] (91-7)bhai bhanjan miharvaan daas kee raakhee-ai. The Lord is the Merciful Destroyer of fear; He preserves and protects His slaves. nwnk hir gux gwie AlKu pRBu lwKIAY ]20] (91-8)naanak har gun gaa-ay alakh parabh laakhee-ai. ||20|| O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and see the Unseen Lord God. ||20|| slok mÚ 3 ] (91-8)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw sBsY dyie ADwru ] (91-8)jee-o pind sabh tis kaa sabhsai day-ay aDhaar. Body and soul, all belong to Him. He gives His Support to all. nwnk gurmuiK syvIAY sdw sdw dwqwru ] (91-9)naanak gurmukh sayvee-ai sadaa sadaa daataar. O Nanak, become Gurmukh and serve Him, who is forever and ever the Giver. hau bilhwrI iqn kau ijin iDAwieAw hir inrMkwru ] (91-9)ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o jin Dhi-aa-i-aa har nirankaar. I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on the Formless Lord. Enw ky muK sd aujly Enw no sBu jgqu kry nmskwru ]1] (91-10)onaa kay mukh sad ujlay onaa no sabh jagat karay namaskaar. ||1|| Their faces are forever radiant, and the whole world bows in reverence to them. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (91-10)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: siqgur imilAY aultI BeI nv iniD Kricau Kwau ] (91-11)satgur mili-ai ultee bha-ee nav niDh kharchi-o khaa-o. Meeting the True Guru, I am totally transformed; I have obtained the nine treasures to use and consume. ATwrh isDI ipCY lgIAw iPrin inj Gir vsY inj Qwie ] (91-11)athaarah siDhee pichhai lagee-aa firan nij ghar vasai nij thaa-ay. The Siddhis-the eighteen supernatural spiritual powers-follow in my footsteps; I dwell in my own home, within my own self. Anhd DunI sd vjdy aunmin hir ilv lwie ] (91-12)anhad Dhunee sad vajday unman har liv laa-ay. The Unstruck Melody constantly vibrates within; my mind is exalted and uplifted-I am lovingly absorbed in the Lord. nwnk hir Bgiq iqnw kY min vsY ijn msqik iliKAw Duir pwie ]2] (91-12)naanak har bhagat tinaa kai man vasai jin mastak likhi-aa Dhur paa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, devotion to the Lord abides within the minds of those who have such pre-ordained destiny written on their foreheads. ||2|| pauVI ] (91-13)pa-orhee. Pauree: hau FwFI hir pRB Ksm kw hir kY dir AwieAw ] (91-13)ha-o dhaadhee har parabh khasam kaa har kai dar aa-i-aa. I am a minstrel of the Lord God, my Lord and Master; I have come to the Lord's Door. hir AMdir suxI pUkwr FwFI muiK lwieAw ] (91-14)har andar sunee pookaar dhaadhee mukh laa-i-aa. The Lord has heard my sad cries from within; He has called me, His minstrel, into His Presence. hir puiCAw FwFI sid kY ikqu AriQ qUM AwieAw ] (91-14)har puchhi-aa dhaadhee sad kai kit arath tooN aa-i-aa. The Lord called His minstrel in, and asked, "Why have you come here?" inq dyvhu dwnu dieAwl pRB hir nwmu iDAwieAw ] (91-15)nit dayvhu daan da-i-aal parabh har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. "O Merciful God, please grant me the gift of continual meditation on the Lord's Name." hir dwqY hir nwmu jpwieAw nwnku pYnwieAw ]21]1] suDu (91-15)har daatai har naam japaa-i-aa naanak painaa-i-aa. ||21||1|| suDhu And so the Lord, the Great Giver, inspired Nanak to chant the Lord's Name, and blessed him with robes of honor. ||21||1||Sudh|| <> siqgur pRswid ] (91-17)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: isrIrwgu kbIr jIau kw ] eyku suAwnu kY Gir gwvxw (91-18)sireeraag kabeer jee-o kaa. ayk su-aan kai ghar gaavnaa Siree Raag, Kabeer Jee: To Be Sung To The Tune Of "Ayk Su-Aan" : jnnI jwnq suqu bfw hoqu hY ieqnw ku n jwnY ij idn idn AvD Gtqu hY ] (91-19)jannee jaanat sut badaa hot hai itnaa ko na jaanai je din din avaDh ghatat hai. The mother thinks that her son is growing up; she does not understand that, day by day, his life is diminishing. mor mor kir AiDk lwfu Dir pyKq hI jmrwau hsY ]1] (91-19)mor mor kar aDhik laad Dhar paykhat hee jamraa-o hasai. ||1|| Calling him, "Mine, mine", she fondles him lovingly, while the Messenger of Death looks on and laughs. ||1|| |
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