Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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21 AMqr kI giq jwxIAY gur imlIAY sMk auqwir ] (21-1)antar kee gat jaanee-ai gur milee-ai sank utaar. Know the state of your inner being; meet with the Guru and get rid of your skepticism. muieAw ijqu Gir jweIAY iqqu jIvidAw mru mwir ] (21-2)mu-i-aa jit ghar jaa-ee-ai tit jeevdi-aa mar maar. To reach your True Home after you die, you must conquer death while you are still alive. Anhd sbid suhwvxy pweIAY gur vIcwir ]2] (21-2)anhad sabad suhaavanay paa-ee-ai gur veechaar. ||2|| The beautiful, Unstruck Sound of the Shabad is obtained, contemplating the Guru. ||2|| Anhd bwxI pweIAY qh haumY hoie ibnwsu ] (21-3)anhad banee paa-ee-ai tah ha-umai ho-ay binaas. The Unstruck Melody of Gurbani is obtained, and egotism is eliminated. sqguru syvy Awpxw hau sd kurbwxY qwsu ] (21-3)satgur sayvay aapnaa ha-o sad kurbaanai taas. I am forever a sacrifice to those who serve their True Guru. KiV drgh pYnweIAY muiK hir nwm invwsu ]3] (21-4)kharh dargeh painaa-ee-ai mukh har naam nivaas. ||3|| They are dressed in robes of honor in the Court of the Lord; the Name of the Lord is on their lips. ||3|| jh dyKw qh riv rhy isv skqI kw mylu ] (21-4)jah daykhaa tah rav rahay siv saktee kaa mayl. Wherever I look, I see the Lord pervading there, in the union of Shiva and Shakti, of consciousness and matter. iqRhu gux bMDI dyhurI jo AwieAw jig so Kylu ] (21-5)tarihu gun banDhee dayhuree jo aa-i-aa jag so khayl. The three qualities hold the body in bondage; whoever comes into the world is subject to their play. ivjogI duiK ivCuVy mnmuiK lhih n mylu ]4] (21-5)vijogee dukh vichhurhay manmukh laheh na mayl. ||4|| Those who separate themselves from the Lord wander lost in misery. The self-willed manmukhs do not attain union with Him. ||4|| mnu bYrwgI Gir vsY sc BY rwqw hoie ] (21-6)man bairaagee ghar vasai sach bhai raataa ho-ay. If the mind becomes balanced and detached, and comes to dwell in its own true home, imbued with the Fear of God, igAwn mhwrsu BogvY bwhuiV BUK n hoie ] (21-6)gi-aan mahaaras bhogvai baahurh bhookh na ho-ay. then it enjoys the essence of supreme spiritual wisdom; it shall never feel hunger again. nwnk iehu mnu mwir imlu BI iPir duKu n hoie ]5]18] (21-7)naanak ih man maar mil bhee fir dukh na ho-ay. ||5||18|| O Nanak, conquer and subdue this mind; meet with the Lord, and you shall never again suffer in pain. ||5||18|| isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (21-7)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: eyhu mno mUrKu loBIAw loBy lgw luoBwnu ] (21-7)ayhu mano moorakh lobhee-aa lobhay lagaa lobhaan. This foolish mind is greedy; through greed, it becomes even more attached to greed. sbid n BIjY swkqw durmiq Awvnu jwnu ] (21-8)sabad na bheejai saaktaa durmat aavan jaan. The evil-minded shaaktas, the faithless cynics, are not attuned to the Shabad; they come and go in reincarnation. swDU sqguru jy imlY qw pweIAY guxI inDwnu ]1] (21-8)saaDhoo satgur jay milai taa paa-ee-ai gunee niDhaan. ||1|| One who meets with the Holy True Guru finds the Treasure of Excellence. ||1|| mn ry haumY Coif gumwnu ] (21-9)man ray ha-umai chhod gumaan. O mind, renounce your egotistical pride. hir guru srvru syiv qU pwvih drgh mwnu ]1] rhwau ] (21-9)har gur sarvar sayv too paavahi dargeh maan. ||1|| rahaa-o. Serve the Lord, the Guru, the Sacred Pool, and you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| rwm nwmu jip idnsu rwiq gurmuiK hir Dnu jwnu ] (21-10)raam naam jap dinas raat gurmukh har Dhan jaan. Chant the Name of the Lord day and night; become Gurmukh, and know the Wealth of the Lord. siB suK hir rs Bogxy sMq sBw imil igAwnu ] (21-10)sabh sukh har ras bhognay sant sabhaa mil gi-aan. All comforts and peace, and the Essence of the Lord, are enjoyed by acquiring spiritual wisdom in the Society of the Saints. iniq Aihinis hir pRBu syivAw sqguir dIAw nwmu ]2] (21-11)nit ahinis har parabh sayvi-aa satgur dee-aa naam. ||2|| Day and night, continually serve the Lord God; the True Guru has given the Naam. ||2|| kUkr kUVu kmweIAY gur inMdw pcY pcwnu ] (21-11)kookar koorh kamaa-ee-ai gur nindaa pachai pachaan. Those who practice falsehood are dogs; those who slander the Guru shall burn in their own fire. Brmy BUlw duKu Gxo jmu mwir krY Kulhwnu ] (21-12)bharmay bhoolaa dukh ghano jam maar karai khulhaan. They wander lost and confused, deceived by doubt, suffering in terrible pain. The Messenger of Death shall beat them to a pulp. mnmuiK suKu n pweIAY gurmuiK suKu suBwnu ]3] (21-12)manmukh sukh na paa-ee-ai gurmukh sukh subhaan. ||3|| The self-willed manmukhs find no peace, while the Gurmukhs are wondrously joyful. ||3|| AYQY DMDu iptweIAY scu ilKqu prvwnu ] (21-13)aithai DhanDh pitaa-ee-ai sach likhat parvaan. In this world, people are engrossed in false pursuits, but in the world hereafter, only the account of your true actions is accepted. hir sjxu guru syvdw gur krxI prDwnu ] (21-13)har sajan gur sayvdaa gur karnee parDhaan. The Guru serves the Lord, His Intimate Friend. The Guru's actions are supremely exalted. nwnk nwmu n vIsrY krim scY nIswxu ]4]19] (21-14)naanak naam na veesrai karam sachai neesaan. ||4||19|| O Nanak, never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord; the True Lord shall bless you with His Mark of Grace. ||4||19|| isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (21-14)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: ieku iqlu ipAwrw vIsrY rogu vfw mn mwih ] (21-14)ik til pi-aaraa veesrai rog vadaa man maahi. Forgetting the Beloved, even for a moment, the mind is afflicted with terrible diseases. ikau drgh piq pweIAY jw hir n vsY mn mwih ] (21-15)ki-o dargeh pat paa-ee-ai jaa har na vasai man maahi. How can honor be attained in His Court, if the Lord does not dwell in the mind? guir imilAY suKu pweIAY Agin mrY gux mwih ]1] (21-15)gur mili-ai sukh paa-ee-ai agan marai gun maahi. ||1|| Meeting with the Guru, peace is found. The fire is extinguished in His Glorious Praises. ||1|| mn ry Aihinis hir gux swir ] (21-16)man ray ahinis har gun saar. O mind, enshrine the Praises of the Lord, day and night. ijn iKnu plu nwmu n vIsrY qy jn ivrly sMswir ]1] rhwau ] (21-16)jin khin pal naam na veesrai tay jan virlay sansaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. One who does not forget the Naam, for a moment or even an instant-how rare is such a person in this world! ||1||Pause|| joqI joiq imlweIAY surqI suriq sMjogu ] (21-17)jotee jot milaa-ee-ai surtee surat sanjog. When one's light merges into the Light, and one's intuitive consciousness is joined with the Intuitive Consciousness, ihMsw haumY gqu gey nwhI shsw sogu ] (21-17)hinsaa ha-umai gat ga-ay naahee sahsaa sog. then one's cruel and violent instincts and egotism depart, and skepticism and sorrow are taken away. gurmuiK ijsu hir min vsY iqsu myly guru sMjogu ]2] (21-18)gurmukh jis har man vasai tis maylay gur sanjog. ||2|| The Lord abides within the mind of the Gurmukh, who merges in the Lord's Union, through the Guru. ||2|| kwieAw kwmix jy krI Bogy Bogxhwru ] (21-18)kaa-i-aa kaaman jay karee bhogay bhoganhaar. If I surrender my body like a bride, the Enjoyer will enjoy me. iqsu isau nyhu n kIjeI jo dIsY clxhwru ] (21-19)tis si-o nayhu na keej-ee jo deesai chalanhaar. Do not make love with one who is just a passing show. gurmuiK rvih sohwgxI so pRBu syj Bqwru ]3] (21-19)gurmukh raveh sohaaganee so parabh sayj bhataar. ||3|| The Gurmukh is ravished like the pure and happy bride on the Bed of God, her Husband. ||3|| |
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