Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pMc BUq sic BY rqy joiq scI mn mwih ] (20-1)
panch bhoot sach bhai ratay jot sachee man maahi.
The body of the five elements is dyed in the Fear of the True One; the mind is filled with the True Light.

nwnk Aaugx vIsry guir rwKy piq qwih ]4]15] (20-1)
naanak a-ugan veesray gur raakhay pat taahi. ||4||15||
O Nanak, your demerits shall be forgotten; the Guru shall preserve your honor. ||4||15||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (20-2)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

nwnk byVI sc kI qrIAY gur vIcwir ] (20-2)
naanak bayrhee sach kee taree-ai gur veechaar.
O Nanak, the Boat of Truth will ferry you across; contemplate the Guru.

ieik Awvih ieik jwvhI pUir Bry AhMkwir ] (20-2)
ik aavahi ik jaavhee poor bharay ahaNkaar.
Some come, and some go; they are totally filled with egotism.

mnhiT mqI bUfIAY gurmuiK scu su qwir ]1] (20-3)
manhath matee boodee-ai gurmukh sach so taar. ||1||
Through stubborn-mindedness, the intellect is drowned; one who becomes Gurmukh and truthful is saved. ||1||

gur ibnu ikau qrIAY suKu hoie ] (20-3)
gur bin ki-o taree-ai sukh ho-ay.
Without the Guru, how can anyone swim across to find peace?

ijau BwvY iqau rwKu qU mY Avru n dUjw koie ]1] rhwau ] (20-4)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakh too mai avar na doojaa ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As it pleases You, Lord, You save me. There is no other for me at all. ||1||Pause||

AwgY dyKau fau jlY pwCY hirE AMgUru ] (20-4)
aagai daykh-a-u da-o jalai paachhai hari-o angoor.
In front of me, I see the jungle burning; behind me, I see green plants sprouting.

ijs qy aupjY iqs qy ibnsY Git Git scu BrpUir ] (20-5)
jis tay upjai tis tay binsai ghat ghat sach bharpoor.
We shall merge into the One from whom we came. The True One is pervading each and every heart.

Awpy myil imlwvhI swcY mhil hdUir ]2] (20-5)
aapay mayl milaavahee saachai mahal hadoor. ||2||
He Himself unites us in Union with Himself; the True Mansion of His Presence is close at hand. ||2||

swih swih quJu sMmlw kdy n ivswryau ] (20-6)
saahi saahi tujh sammlaa kaday na vaysaara-o.
With each and every breath, I dwell upon You; I shall never forget You.

ijau ijau swhbu min vsY gurmuiK AMimRqu pyau ] (20-6)
ji-o ji-o saahab man vasai gurmukh amrit pay-o.
The more the Lord and Master dwells within the mind, the more the Gurmukh drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar.

mnu qnu qyrw qU DxI grbu invwir smyau ]3] (20-6)
man tan tayraa too Dhanee garab nivaar samay-o. ||3||
Mind and body are Yours; You are my Master. Please rid me of my pride, and let me merge with You. ||3||

ijin eyhu jgqu aupwieAw iqRBvxu kir Awkwru ] (20-7)
jin ayhu jagat upaa-i-aa taribhavan kar aakaar.
The One who formed this universe created the creation of the three worlds.

gurmuiK cwnxu jwxIAY mnmuiK mugDu gubwru ] (20-8)
gurmukh chaanan jaanee-ai manmukh mugaDh gubaar.
The Gurmukh knows the Divine Light, while the foolish self-willed manmukh gropes around in the darkness.

Git Git joiq inrMqrI bUJY gurmiq swru ]4] (20-8)
ghat ghat jot nirantree boojhai gurmat saar. ||4||
One who sees that Light within each and every heart understands the Essence of the Guru's Teachings. ||4||

gurmuiK ijnI jwixAw iqn kIcY swbwis ] (20-9)
gurmukh jinee jaani-aa tin keechai saabaas.
Those who understand are Gurmukh; recognize and applaud them.

scy syqI ril imly scy gux prgwis ] (20-9)
sachay saytee ral milay sachay gun pargaas.
They meet and merge with the True One. They become the Radiant Manifestation of the Excellence of the True One.

nwnk nwim sMqoKIAw jIau ipMfu pRB pwis ]5]16] (20-9)
naanak naam santokhee-aa jee-o pind parabh paas. ||5||16||
O Nanak, they are contented with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. They offer their bodies and souls to God. ||5||16||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (20-10)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

suix mn imqR ipAwirAw imlu vylw hY eyh ] (20-10)
sun man mitar pi-aari-aa mil vaylaa hai ayh.
Listen, O my mind, my friend, my darling: now is the time to meet the Lord.

jb lgu jobin swsu hY qb lgu iehu qnu dyh ] (20-11)
jab lag joban saas hai tab lag ih tan dayh.
As long as there is youth and breath, give this body to Him.

ibnu gux kwim n AwveI Fih FyrI qnu Kyh ]1] (20-11)
bin gun kaam na aavee dheh dhayree tan khayh. ||1||
Without virtue, it is useless; the body shall crumble into a pile of dust. ||1||

myry mn lY lwhw Gir jwih ] (20-12)
mayray man lai laahaa ghar jaahi.
O my mind, earn the profit, before you return home.

gurmuiK nwmu slwhIAY haumY invrI Bwih ]1] rhwau ] (20-12)
gurmukh naam salaahee-ai ha-umai nivree bhaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukh praises the Naam, and the fire of egotism is extinguished. ||1||Pause||

suix suix gMFxu gMFIAY iliK piV buJih Bwru ] (20-13)
sun sun gandhan gandhee-ai likh parh bujheh bhaar.
Again and again, we hear and tell stories; we read and write and understand loads of knowledge,

iqRsnw Aihinis AglI haumY rogu ivkwru ] (20-13)
tarisnaa ahinis aglee ha-umai rog vikaar.
but still, desires increase day and night, and the disease of egotism fills us with corruption.

Ehu vyprvwhu Aqolvw gurmiq kImiq swru ]2] (20-14)
oh vayparvaahu atolvaa gurmat keemat saar. ||2||
That Carefree Lord cannot be appraised; His Real Value is known only through the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings. ||2||

lK isAwxp jy krI lK isau pRIiq imlwpu ] (20-14)
lakh si-aanap jay karee lakh si-o pareet milaap.
Even if someone has hundreds of thousands of clever mental tricks, and the love and company of hundreds of thousands of people

ibnu sMgiq swD n DRwpIAw ibnu nwvY dUK sMqwpu ] (20-15)
bin sangat saaDh na Dharaapee-aa bin naavai dookh santaap.
-still, without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he will not feel satisfied. Without the Name, all suffer in sorrow.

hir jip jIAry CutIAY gurmuiK cInY Awpu ]3] (20-15)
har jap jee-aray chhutee-ai gurmukh cheenai aap. ||3||
Chanting the Name of the Lord, O my soul, you shall be emancipated; as Gurmukh, you shall come to understand your own self. ||3||

qnu mnu gur pih vyicAw mnu dIAw isru nwil ] (20-16)
tan man gur peh vaychi-aa man dee-aa sir naal.
I have sold my body and mind to the Guru, and I have given my mind and head as well.

iqRBvxu Koij FMFoilAw gurmuiK Koij inhwil ] (20-16)
taribhavan khoj dhandholi-aa gurmukh khoj nihaal.
I was seeking and searching for Him throughout the three worlds; then, as Gurmukh, I sought and found Him.

sqguir myil imlwieAw nwnk so pRBu nwil ]4]17] (20-17)
satgur mayl milaa-i-aa naanak so parabh naal. ||4||17||
The True Guru has united me in Union, O Nanak, with that God. ||4||17||

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (20-17)
sireeraag mehlaa 1.
Siree Raag, First Mehl:

mrxY kI icMqw nhI jIvx kI nhI Aws ] (20-18)
marnai kee chintaa nahee jeevan kee nahee aas.
I have no anxiety about dying, and no hope of living.

qU srb jIAw pRiqpwlhI lyKY sws igrws ] (20-18)
too sarab jee-aa partipaalahee laykhai saas giraas.
You are the Cherisher of all beings; You keep the account of our breaths and morsels of food.

AMqir gurmuiK qU vsih ijau BwvY iqau inrjwis ]1] (20-19)
antar gurmukh too vaseh ji-o bhaavai ti-o nirjaas. ||1||
You abide within the Gurmukh. As it pleases You, You decide our allotment. ||1||

jIAry rwm jpq mnu mwnu ] (20-19)
jee-aray raam japat man maan.
O my soul, chant the Name of the Lord; the mind will be pleased and appeased.

AMqir lwgI jil buJI pwieAw gurmuiK igAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (20-19)
antar laagee jal bujhee paa-i-aa gurmukh gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The raging fire within is extinguished; the Gurmukh obtains spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||