Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1424 siqgur ivic AMimRq nwmu hY AMimRqu khY khwie ] (1424-1)satgur vich amrit naam hai amrit kahai kahaa-ay. The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is within the True Guru. gurmqI nwmu inrmluo inrml nwmu iDAwie ] (1424-2)gurmatee naam nirmalo nirmal naam Dhi-aa-ay. Following the Guru's Teachings, one meditates on the Immaculate Naam, the Pure and Holy Naam. AMimRq bwxI qqu hY gurmuiK vsY min Awie ] (1424-2)amrit banee tat hai gurmukh vasai man aa-ay. The Ambrosial Word of His Bani is the true essence. It comes to abide in the mind of the Gurmukh. ihrdY kmlu prgwisAw joqI joiq imlwie ] (1424-3)hirdai kamal pargaasi-aa jotee jot milaa-ay. The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and one's light merges in the Light. nwnk siqguru iqn kau myilEnu ijn Duir msqik Bwgu ilKwie ]25] (1424-3)naanak satgur tin ka-o mayli-on jin Dhur mastak bhaag likhaa-ay. ||25|| O Nanak, they alone meet with the True Guru, who have such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon their foreheads. ||25|| AMdir iqsnw Aig hY mnmuK BuK n jwie ] (1424-4)andar tisnaa ag hai manmukh bhukh na jaa-ay. Within the self-willed manmukhs is the fire of desire; their hunger does not depart. mohu kutMbu sBu kUVu hY kUiV rihAw lptwie ] (1424-4)moh kutamb sabh koorh hai koorh rahi-aa laptaa-ay. Emotional attachments to relatives are totally false; they remain engrossed in falsehood. Anidnu icMqw icMqvY icMqw bDw jwie ] (1424-5)an-din chintaa chintvai chintaa baDhaa jaa-ay. Night and day, they are troubled by anxiety; bound to anxiety, they depart. jMmxu mrxu n cukeI haumY krm kmwie ] (1424-5)jaman maran na chuk-ee ha-umai karam kamaa-ay. Their comings and goings in reincarnation never end; they do their deeds in egotism. gur srxweI aubrY nwnk ley Cfwie ]26] (1424-6)gur sarnaa-ee ubrai naanak la-ay chhadaa-ay. ||26|| But in the Guru's Sanctuary, they are saved, O Nanak, and set free. ||26|| siqgur purKu hir iDAwiedw sqsMgiq siqgur Bwie ] (1424-6)satgur purakh har Dhi-aa-idaa satsangat satgur bhaa-ay. The True Guru meditates on the Lord, the Primal Being. The Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, loves the True Guru. sqsMgiq siqgur syvdy hir myly guru mylwie ] (1424-7)satsangat satgur sayvday har maylay gur maylaa-ay. Those who join the Sat Sangat, and serve the True Guru - the Guru unites them in the Lord's Union. eyhu Baujlu jgqu sMswru hY guru boihQu nwim qrwie ] (1424-7)ayhu bha-ojal jagat sansaar hai gur bohith naam taraa-ay. This world, this universe, is a terrifying ocean. On the Boat of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the Guru carries us across. gurisKI Bwxw mMinAw guru pUrw pwir lµGwie ] (1424-8)gursikhee bhaanaa mani-aa gur pooraa paar langhaa-ay. The Sikhs of the Guru accept and obey the Lord's Will; the Perfect Guru carries them across. gurisKW kI hir DUiV dyih hm pwpI BI giq pWih ] (1424-8)gursikhaaN kee har Dhoorh deh ham paapee bhee gat paaNhi. O Lord, please bless me with the dust of the feet of the Guru's Sikhs. I am a sinner - please save me. Duir msqik hir pRB iliKAw gur nwnk imilAw Awie ] (1424-9)Dhur mastak har parabh likhi-aa gur naanak mili-aa aa-ay. Those who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads by the Lord God, come to meet Guru Nanak. jmkMkr mwir ibdwirAnu hir drgh ley Cfwie ] (1424-10)jamkankar maar bidaari-an har dargeh la-ay chhadaa-ay. The Messenger of Death is beaten and driven away; we are saved in the Court of the Lord. gurisKw no swbwis hY hir quTw myil imlwie ]27] (1424-10)gursikhaa no saabaas hai har tuthaa mayl milaa-ay. ||27|| Blessed and celebrated are the Sikhs of the Guru; in His Pleasure, the Lord unites them in His Union. ||27|| guir pUrY hir nwmu idVwieAw ijin ivchu Brmu cukwieAw ] (1424-11)gur poorai har naam dirhaa-i-aa jin vichahu bharam chukaa-i-aa. The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me; it has dispelled my doubts from within. rwm nwmu hir kIriq gwie kir cwnxu mgu dyKwieAw ] (1424-11)raam naam har keerat gaa-ay kar chaanan mag daykhaa-i-aa. Singing the Kirtan of the Praises of the Lord's Name, the Lord's path is illuminated and shown to His Sikhs. haumY mwir eyk ilv lwgI AMqir nwmu vswieAw ] (1424-12)ha-umai maar ayk liv laagee antar naam vasaa-i-aa. Conquering my egotism, I remain lovingly attuned to the One Lord; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells within me. gurmqI jmu joih n skY scY nwie smwieAw ] (1424-13)gurmatee jam johi na sakai sachai naa-ay samaa-i-aa. I follow the Guru's Teachings, and so the Messenger of Death cannot even see me; I am immersed in the True Name. sBu Awpy Awip vrqY krqw jo BwvY so nwie lwieAw ] (1424-13)sabh aapay aap vartai kartaa jo bhaavai so naa-ay laa-i-aa. The Creator Himself is All-pervading; as He pleases, He links us to His Name. jn nwnku nwau ley qW jIvY ibnu nwvY iKnu mir jwieAw ]28] (1424-14)jan naanak naa-o la-ay taaN jeevai bin naavai khin mar jaa-i-aa. ||28|| Servant Nanak lives, chanting the Name. Without the Name, he dies in an instant. ||28|| mn AMqir haumY rogu BRim BUly haumY swkq durjnw ] (1424-14)man antar ha-umai rog bharam bhoolay ha-umai saakat durjanaa. Within the minds of the faithless cynics is the disease of egotism; these evil people wander around lost, deluded by doubt. nwnk rogu gvwie imil siqgur swDU sjxw ]29] (1424-15)naanak rog gavaa-ay mil satgur saaDhoo sajnaa. ||29|| O Nanak, this disease is eradicated only by meeting with the True Guru, the Holy Friend. ||29|| gurmqI hir hir boly ] (1424-16)gurmatee har har bolay. Following the Guru's Teachings, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. hir pRyim ksweI idnsu rwiq hir rqI hir rMig coly ] (1424-16)har paraym kasaa-ee dinas raat har ratee har rang cholay. Attracted by the Lord's Love, day and night, the body-robe is imbued with the Lord's Love. hir jYsw purKu n lBeI sBu dyiKAw jgqu mY toly ] (1424-16)har jaisaa purakh na labh-ee sabh daykhi-aa jagat mai tolay. I have not found any being like the Lord, although I have searched and looked all over the world. gur siqguir nwmu idVwieAw mnu Anq n kwhU foly ] (1424-17)gur satgur naam dirhaa-i-aa man anat na kaahoo dolay. The Guru, the True Guru, has implanted the Naam within; now, my mind does not waver or wander anywhere else. jn nwnku hir kw dwsu hY gur siqgur ky gul goly ]30] (1424-18)jan naanak har kaa daas hai gur satgur kay gul golay. ||30|| Servant Nanak is the slave of the Lord, the slave of the slaves of the Guru, the True Guru. ||30|| |
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