Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Awqmw rwmu n pUjnI dUjY ikau suKu hoie ] (1415-1)
aatmaa raam na poojnee doojai ki-o sukh ho-ay.
They do not worship the Lord, the Supreme Soul; how can they find peace in duality?

haumY AMqir mYlu hY sbid n kwFih Doie ] (1415-1)
ha-umai antar mail hai sabad na kaadheh Dho-ay.
They are filled with the filth of egotism; they do not wash it away with the Word of the Shabad.

nwnk ibnu nwvY mYilAw muey jnmu pdwrQu Koie ]20] (1415-2)
naanak bin naavai maili-aa mu-ay janam padaarath kho-ay. ||20||
O Nanak, without the Name, they die in their filth; they waste the priceless opportunity of this human life. ||20||

mnmuK boly AMDuly iqsu mih AgnI kw vwsu ] (1415-2)
manmukh bolay anDhulay tis meh agnee kaa vaas.
The self-willed manmukhs are deaf and blind; they are filled with the fire of desire.

bwxI suriq n buJnI sbid n krih pRgwsu ] (1415-3)
banee surat na bujhnee sabad na karahi pargaas.
They have no intuitive understanding of the Guru's Bani; they are not illumined with the Shabad.

Enw AwpxI AMdir suiD nhI gur bcin n krih ivswsu ] (1415-3)
onaa aapnee andar suDh nahee gur bachan na karahi visaas.
They do not know their own inner being, and they have no faith in the Guru's Word.

igAwnIAw AMdir gur sbdu hY inq hir ilv sdw ivgwsu ] (1415-4)
gi-aanee-aa andar gur sabad hai nit har liv sadaa vigaas.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is within the being of the spiritually wise ones. They always blossom in His love.

hir igAwnIAw kI rKdw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ] (1415-4)
har gi-aanee-aa kee rakh-daa ha-o sad balihaaree taas.
The Lord saves the honor of the spiritually wise ones.I am forever a sacrifice to them.

gurmuiK jo hir syvdy jn nwnku qw kw dwsu ]21] (1415-5)
gurmukh jo har sayvday jan naanak taa kaa daas. ||21||
Servant Nanak is the slave of those Gurmukhs who serve the Lord. ||21||

mwieAw BuieAMgmu srpu hY jgu GyirAw ibKu mwie ] (1415-5)
maa-i-aa bhu-i-angam sarap hai jag ghayri-aa bikh maa-ay.
The poisonous snake, the serpent of Maya, has surrounded the world with its coils, O mother!

ibKu kw mwrxu hir nwmu hY gur gruV sbdu muiK pwie ] (1415-6)
bikh kaa maaran har naam hai gur garurh sabad mukh paa-ay.
The antidote to this poisonous venom is the Name of the Lord; the Guru places the magic spell of the Shabad into the mouth.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn siqguru imilAw Awie ] (1415-7)
jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa tin satgur mili-aa aa-ay.
Those who are blessed with such pre-ordained destiny come and meet the True Guru.

imil siqgur inrmlu hoieAw ibKu haumY gieAw iblwie ] (1415-7)
mil satgur nirmal ho-i-aa bikh ha-umai ga-i-aa bilaa-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, they become immaculate, and the poison of egotism is eradicated.

gurmuKw ky muK aujly hir drgh soBw pwie ] (1415-8)
gurmukhaa kay mukh ujlay har dargeh sobhaa paa-ay.
Radiant and bright are the faces of the Gurmukhs; they are honored in the Court of the Lord.

jn nwnku sdw kurbwxu iqn jo cwlih siqgur Bwie ]22] (1415-8)
jan naanak sadaa kurbaan tin jo chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay. ||22||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. ||22||

siqgur purKu inrvYru hY inq ihrdY hir ilv lwie ] (1415-9)
satgur purakh nirvair hai nit hirdai har liv laa-ay.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, has no hatred or vengeance. His heart is constantly attuned to the Lord.

inrvYrY nwil vYru rcwiedw ApxY Gir lUkI lwie ] (1415-9)
nirvairai naal vair rachaa-idaa apnai ghar lookee laa-ay.
Whoever directs hatred against the Guru, who has no hatred at all, only sets his own home on fire.

AMqir k®oDu AhMkwru hY Anidnu jlY sdw duKu pwie ] (1415-10)
antar kroDh ahaNkaar hai an-din jalai sadaa dukh paa-ay.
Anger and egotism are within him night and day; he burns, and suffers constant pain.

kUVu boil boil inq Baukdy ibKu KwDy dUjY Bwie ] (1415-11)
koorh bol bol nit bha-ukday bikh khaaDhay doojai bhaa-ay.
They babble and tell lies, and keep on barking, eating the poison of the love of duality.

ibKu mwieAw kwrix Brmdy iPir Gir Gir piq gvwie ] (1415-11)
bikh maa-i-aa kaaran bharamday fir ghar ghar pat gavaa-ay.
For the sake of the poison of Maya, they wander from house to house, and lose their honor.

bysuAw kyry pUq ijau ipqw nwmu iqsu jwie ] (1415-12)
baysu-aa kayray poot ji-o pitaa naam tis jaa-ay.
They are like the son of a prostitute, who does not know the name of his father.

hir hir nwmu n cyqnI krqY Awip KuAwie ] (1415-12)
har har naam na chaytnee kartai aap khu-aa-ay.
They do not remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; the Creator Himself brings them to ruin.

hir gurmuiK ikrpw DwrIAnu jn ivCuVy Awip imlwie ] (1415-13)
har gurmukh kirpaa Dhaaree-an jan vichhurhay aap milaa-ay.
The Lord showers His Mercy upon the Gurmukhs, and reunites the separated ones with Himself.

jn nwnku iqsu bilhwrxY jo siqgur lwgy pwie ]23] (1415-13)
jan naanak tis balihaarnai jo satgur laagay paa-ay. ||23||
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to those who fall at the Feet of the True Guru. ||23||

nwim lgy sy aUbry ibnu nwvY jm puir jWih ] (1415-14)
naam lagay say oobray bin naavai jam pur jaaNhi.
Those who are attached to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are saved; without the Name, they must go to the City of Death.

nwnk ibnu nwvY suKu nhI Awie gey pCuqwih ]24] (1415-14)
naanak bin naavai sukh nahee aa-ay ga-ay pachhutaahi. ||24||
O Nanak, without the Name, they find no peace; they come and go in reincarnation with regrets. ||24||

icMqw Dwvq rih gey qW min BieAw Anµdu ] (1415-15)
chintaa Dhaavat reh ga-ay taaN man bha-i-aa anand.
When anxiety and wanderings come to an end, the mind becomes happy.

gur pRswdI buJIAY sw Dn suqI inicMd ] (1415-15)
gur parsaadee bujhee-ai saa Dhan sutee nichind.
By Guru's Grace, the soul-bride understands, and then she sleeps without worry.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn@w ByitAw gur goivMdu ] (1415-16)
jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa tinHaa bhayti-aa gur govind.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny meet with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

nwnk shjy imil rhy hir pwieAw prmwnµdu ]25] (1415-16)
naanak sehjay mil rahay har paa-i-aa parmaanand. ||25||
O Nanak, they merge intuitively into the Lord, the Embodiment of Supreme Bliss. ||25||

siqguru syvin Awpxw gur sbdI vIcwir ] (1415-17)
satgur sayvan aapnaa gur sabdee veechaar.
Those who serve their True Guru, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

siqgur kw Bwxw mMin lYin hir nwmu rKih aur Dwir ] (1415-17)
satgur kaa bhaanaa man lain har naam rakheh ur Dhaar.
who honor and obey the Will of the True Guru, who keep the Lord's Name enshrined within their hearts,

AYQY EQY mMnIAin hir nwim lgy vwpwir ] (1415-18)
aithai othai mannee-an har naam lagay vaapaar.
are honored, here and hereafter; they are dedicated to the business of the Lord's Name.

gurmuiK sbid is\wpdy iqqu swcY drbwir ] (1415-18)
gurmukh sabad sinjaapadai tit saachai darbaar.
Through the Word of the Shabad, the Gurmukhs gain recognition in that Court of the True Lord.

scw saudw Krcu scu AMqir iprmu ipAwru ] (1415-19)
sachaa sa-udaa kharach sach antar piram pi-aar.
The True Name is their merchandise, the True Name is their expenditure; the Love of their Beloved fills their inner beings.

jmkwlu nyiV n AwveI Awip bKsy krqwir ] (1415-19)
jamkaal nayrh na aavee aap bakhsay kartaar.
The Messenger of Death does not even approach them; the Creator Lord Himself forgives them.