Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kiv kIrq jo sMq crn muiV lwgih iqn@ kwm k®oD jm ko nhI qRwsu ] (1406-1)
kav keerat jo sant charan murh laageh tinH kaam kroDh jam ko nahee taraas.
So speaks Keerat the poet: those who grasp hold of the feet of the Saints, are not afraid of death, sexual desire or anger.

ijv AMgdu AMig sMig nwnk gur iqv gur Amrdws kY guru rwmdwsu ]1] (1406-2)
jiv angad ang sang naanak gur tiv gur amardaas kai gur raamdaas. ||1||
Just as Guru Nanak was part and parcel, life and limb with Guru Angad, so is Guru Amar Daas one with Guru Raam Daas. ||1||

ijin siqguru syiv pdwrQu pwXau inis bwsur hir crn invwsu ] (1406-3)
jin satgur sayv padaarath paa-ya-o nis baasur har charan nivaas.
Whoever serves the True Guru obtains the treasure; night and day, he dwells at the Lord's Feet.

qw qy sMgiq sGn Bwie Bau mwnih qum mlIAwgr pRgt subwsu ] (1406-3)
taa tay sangat saghan bhaa-ay bha-o maaneh tum malee-aagar pargat subaas.
And so, the entire Sangat loves, fears and respects You. You are the sandalwood tree; Your fragrance spreads gloriously far and wide.

DR¨ pRhlwd kbIr iqlocn nwmu lYq aupj´o ju pRgwsu ] (1406-4)
Dharoo parahlaad kabeer tilochan naam lait upjayo jo pargaas.
Dhroo, Prahlaad, Kabeer and Trilochan chanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and His Illumination radiantly shines forth.

ijh ipKq Aiq hoie rhsu min soeI sMq shwru gurU rwmdwsu ]2] (1406-5)
jih pikhat at ho-ay rahas man so-ee sant sahaar guroo raamdaas. ||2||
Seeing Him, the mind is totally delighted; Guru Raam Daas is the Helper and Support of the Saints. ||2||

nwnik nwmu inrMjn jwn´au kInI Bgiq pRym ilv lweI ] (1406-5)
naanak naam niranjan jaan-ya-o keenee bhagat paraym liv laa-ee.
Guru Nanak realized the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord. He was lovingly attuned to loving devotional worship of the Lord.

qw qy AMgdu AMg sMig BXo swieru iqin sbd suriq kI nIv rKweI ] (1406-6)
taa tay angad ang sang bha-yo saa-ir tin sabad surat kee neev rakhaa-ee.
Gur Angad was with Him, life and limb, like the ocean; He showered His consciousness with the Word of the Shabad.

gur Amrdws kI AkQ kQw hY iek jIh kCu khI n jweI ] (1406-7)
gur amardaas kee akath kathaa hai ik jeeh kachh kahee na jaa-ee.
The Unspoken Speech of Guru Amar Daas cannot be expressed with only one tongue.

soFI isRis† skl qwrx kau Ab gur rwmdws kau imlI bfweI ]3] (1406-7)
sodhee sarisat sakal taaran ka-o ab gur raamdaas ka-o milee badaa-ee. ||3||
Guru Raam Daas of the Sodhi dynasty has now been blessed with Glorious Greatness, to carry the whole world across. ||3||

hm Avguix Bry eyku guxu nwhI AMimRqu Cwif ibKY ibKu KweI ] (1406-8)
ham avgun bharay ayk gun naahee amrit chhaad bikhai bikh khaa-ee.
I am overflowing with sins and demerits; I have no merits or virtues at all. I abandoned the Ambrosial Nectar, and I drank poison instead.

mwXw moh Brm pY BUly suq dwrw isau pRIiq lgweI ] (1406-9)
maa-yaa moh bharam pai bhoolay sut daaraa si-o pareet lagaa-ee.
I am attached to Maya, and deluded by doubt; I have fallen in love with my children and spouse.

ieku auqm pMQu suinE gur sMgiq iqh imlµq jm qRws imtweI ] (1406-9)
ik utam panth suni-o gur sangat tih milant jam taraas mitaa-ee.
I have heard that the most exalted Path of all is the Sangat, the Guru's Congregation. Joining it, the fear of death is taken away.

iek Ardwis Bwt kIriq kI gur rwmdws rwKhu srxweI ]4]58] (1406-10)
ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee gur raamdaas raakho sarnaa-ee. ||4||58||
Keerat the poet offers this one prayer: O Guru Raam Daas, save me! Take me into Your Sanctuary! ||4||58||

mohu mil ibvis kIAau kwmu gih kys pCwV´au ] (1406-11)
moh mal bivas kee-a-o kaam geh kays pachhaarh-ya-o.
He has crushed and overpowered emotional attachment. He seized sexual desire by the hair, and threw it down.

k®oDu KMif prcMif loBu Apmwn isau JwV´au ] (1406-11)
kroDh khand parchand lobh apmaan si-o jhaarh-ya-o.
With His Power, He cut anger into pieces, and sent greed away in disgrace.

jnmu kwlu kr joiV hukmu jo hoie su mMnY ] (1406-12)
janam kaal kar jorh hukam jo ho-ay so mannai.
Life and death, with palms pressed together, respect and obey the Hukam of His Command.

Bv swgru bMiDAau isK qwry supRsMnY ] (1406-12)
bhav saagar banDhi-a-o sikh taaray suparsannai.
He brought the terrifying world-ocean under His Control; by His Pleasure, He carried His Sikhs across.

isir Awqpqu scO qKqu jog Bog sMjuqu bil ] (1406-13)
sir aatpat sachou takhat jog bhog sanjut bal.
He is seated upon the Throne of Truth, with the canopy above His Head; He is embellished with the powers of Yoga and the enjoyment of pleasures.

gur rwmdws scu sl´ Bix qU Atlu rwij ABgu dil ]1] (1406-13)
gur raamdaas sach sal-y bhan too atal raaj abhag dal. ||1||
So speaks SALL the poet: O Guru Raam Daas, Your sovereign power is eternal and unbreakable; Your army is invincible. ||1||

qU siqguru chu jugI Awip Awpy prmysru ] (1406-14)
too satgur chahu jugee aap aapay parmaysar.
You are the True Guru, throughout the four ages; You Yourself are the Transcendent Lord.

suir nr swiDk isD isK syvMq Durh Duru ] (1406-14)
sur nar saaDhik siDh sikh sayvant Dhurah Dhur.
The angelic beings, seekers, Siddhas and Sikhs have served You, since the very beginning of time.

Awid jugwid Anwid klw DwrI iqRhu loAh ] (1406-15)
aad jugaad anaad kalaa Dhaaree tarihu lo-ah.
You are the Primal Lord God, from the very beginning, and throughout the ages; Your Power supports the three worlds.

Agm ingm auDrx jrw jMimih AwroAh ] (1406-15)
agam nigam uDhran jaraa jamihi aaro-ah.
You are Inaccessible; You are the Saving Grace of the Vedas. You have conquered old age and death.

gur Amrdwis iQru QipAau prgwmI qwrx qrx ] (1406-16)
gur amardaas thir thapi-a-o pargaamee taaran taran.
Guru Amar Daas has permanently established You; You are the Emancipator, to carry all across to the other side.

AG AMqk bdY n sl´ kiv gur rwmdws qyrI srx ]2]60] (1406-16)
agh antak badai na sal-y kav gur raamdaas tayree saran. ||2||60||
So speaks SALL the poet: O Guru Raam Daas, You are the Destroyer of sins; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||60||

sveIey mhly pMjvy ky 5 (1406-18)
sava-ee-ay mahlay panjvay kay 5
Swaiyas In Praise Of The Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1406-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ismrM soeI purKu Aclu AibnwsI ] (1406-19)
simaraN so-ee purakh achal abhinaasee.
Meditate in remembrance on the Primal Lord God, Eternal and Imperishable.

ijsu ismrq durmiq mlu nwsI ] (1406-19)
jis simrat durmat mal naasee.
Remembering Him in meditation, the filth of evil-mindedness is eradicated.

siqgur crx kvl irid DwrM ] (1406-19)
satgur charan kaval rid DhaaraN.
I enshrine the Lotus Feet of the True Guru within my heart.