Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Git Git bsMq bwsudyvh pwrbRhm prmysurh ] (1356-1)
ghat ghat basant baasudayveh paarbarahm parmaysureh.
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent, Luminous Lord, dwells in each and every heart.

jwcMiq nwnk ik®pwl pRswdM nh ibsrMiq nh ibsrMiq nwrwiexh ]21] (1356-1)
jaachant naanak kirpaal parsaadaN nah bisrant nah bisrant naaraa-ineh. ||21||
Nanak begs for this blessing from the Merciful Lord, that he may never forget Him, never forget Him. ||21||

nh smrQM nh syvkM nh pRIiq prm purKoqmM ] (1356-2)
nah samrathaN nah sayvkaN nah pareet param parkhotamaN.
I have no power; I do not serve You, and I do not love You, O Supreme Sublime Lord God.

qv pRswid ismrqy nwmM nwnk ik®pwl hir hir gurM ]22] (1356-3)
tav parsaad simartay naamaN naanak kirpaal har har guraN. ||22||
By Your Grace, Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Merciful Lord, Har, Har. ||22||

Brx poKx krMq jIAw ibsRwm Cwdn dyvMq dwnµ ] (1356-3)
bharan pokhan karant jee-aa bisraam chhaadan dayvant daanaN.
The Lord feeds and sustains all living beings; He blesses them gifts of restful peace and fine clothes.

isRjMq rqn jnm cqur cyqnh ] (1356-4)
sirjaNt ratan janam chatur chaytnah.
He created the jewel of human life, with all its cleverness and intelligence.

vrqMiq suK Awnµd pRswdh ] (1356-4)
vartant sukh aanand parsaadeh.
By His Grace, mortals abide in peace and bliss.

ismrMq nwnk hir hir hry ] (1356-4)
simrant naanak har har haray.
O Nanak, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, Haray,

Ainq´ rcnw inrmoh qy ]23] (1356-5)
anit-y rachnaa nirmoh tay. ||23||
the mortal is released from attachment to the world. ||23||

dwnµ prw pUrbyx BuMcMqy mhIpqy ] (1356-5)
daanaN paraa poorbayn bhuNchantay maheepatay.
The kings of the earth are eating up the blessings of the good karma of their past lives.

ibprIq buD´M mwrq lokh nwnk icrMkwl duK Bogqy ]24] (1356-5)
bipreet buDh-yaN maarat lokah naanak chirankaal dukh bhogtay. ||24||
Those cruel-minded rulers who oppress the people, O Nanak, shall suffer in pain for a very long time. ||24||

ibRQw AnugRhM goibMdh js´ ismrx irdMqrh ] (1356-6)
baritha anugrahaN gobindah jas-y simran ridantrah.
Those who meditate in remembrance on the Lord in their hearts, look upon even pain as God's Grace.

Awrog´M mhw rog´M ibisimRqy kruxw mXh ]25] (1356-7)
aarog-yaN mahaa rog-yaN bisimritay karunaa ma-yeh. ||25||
The healthy person is very sick, if he does not remember the Lord, the Embodiment of Mercy. ||25||

rmxM kyvlµ kIrqnµ suDrmM dyh Dwrxh ] (1356-7)
ramnaN kayvlaN keeratanaN suDharmaN dayh Dhaarnah.
To sing the Kirtan of God's Praises is the righteous duty incurred by taking birth in this human body.

AMimRq nwmu nwrwiex nwnk pIvqM sMq n iqRp´qy ]26] (1356-8)
amrit naam naaraa-in naanak peevtaN sant na tariptayatay. ||26||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar, O Nanak. The Saints drink it in, and never have enough of it. ||26||

shx sIl sMqM sm imqRs´ durjnh ] (1356-8)
sahan seel santaN sam mitarsa-y durajneh.
The Saints are tolerant and good-natured; friends and enemies are the same to them.

nwnk Bojn Aink pRkwryx inMdk AwvD hoie aupiqstqy ]27] (1356-9)
naanak bhojan anik parkaarayn nindak aavaDh ho-ay uptistatay. ||27||
O Nanak, it is all the same to them, whether someone offers them all sorts of foods, or slanders them, or draws weapons to kill them. ||27||

iqrskwr nh BvMiq nh BvMiq mwn BMgnh ] (1356-9)
tiraskaar nah bhavant nah bhavant maan bhangnah.
They pay no attention to dishonor or disrespect.

soBw hIn nh BvMiq nh pohMiq sMswr duKnh ] (1356-10)
sobhaa heen nah bhavant nah pohant sansaar dukhnah.
They are not bothered by gossip; the miseries of the world do not touch them.

goibMd nwm jpMiq imil swD sMgh nwnk sy pRwxI suK bwsnh ]28] (1356-10)
gobind naam japant mil saaDh sangah naanak say paraanee sukh baasnah. ||28||
Those who join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and chant the Name of the Lord of the Universe - O Nanak, those mortals abide in peace. ||28||

sYnw swD smUh sUr AijqM sMnwhM qin inMmRqwh ] (1356-11)
sainaa saaDh samooh soor ajitaN saNnaahaN tan nimartaah.
The Holy people are an invincible army of spiritual warriors; their bodies are protected by the armor of humility.

AwvDh gux goibMd rmxM Et gur sbd kr crmxh ] (1356-12)
aavDhah gun gobind ramnaN ot gur sabad kar charamneh.
Their weapons are the Glorious Praises of the Lord which they chant; their Shelter and Shield is the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

AwrUVqy AsÍ rQ nwgh buJMqy pRB mwrgh ] (1356-12)
aaroorh-tay asav rath naagah bujhantay parabh maargah.
The horses, chariots and elephants they ride are their way to realize God's Path.

ibcrqy inrBXM sqRü sYnw DwXMqy guopwl kIrqnh ] (1356-13)
bichartay nirabh-yaN satar sainaa Dhaa-yantay gopaal keeratneh.
They walk fearlessly through the armies of their enemies; they attack them with the Kirtan of God's Praises.

ijqqy ibsÍ sMswrh nwnk vs´M kroiq pMc qskrh ]29] (1356-13)
jittay bisav sansaarah naanak vas-yaN karot panch taskarahi. ||29||
They conquer the entire world, O Nanak, and overpower the five thieves. ||29||

imRg iqRsnw gMDrb ngrM dRüm CwXw ric durmiqh ] (1356-14)
marig tarisnaa ganDharab nagraN darum chhaa-yaa rach duramtih.
Misled by evil-mindedness, mortals are engrossed in the mirage of the illusory world, like the passing shade of a tree.

qqh kutMb moh imQ´w ismrMiq nwnk rwm rwm nwmh ]30] (1356-14)
tatah kutamb moh mith-yaa simrant naanak raam raam naamah. ||30||
Emotional attachment to family is false, so Nanak meditates in remembrance on the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam. ||30||

nc ibidAw inDwn ingmM nc guxg´ nwm kIrqnh ] (1356-15)
nach bidi-aa niDhaan nigamaN nach gunga-y naam keeratneh.
I do not possess the treasure of the wisdom of the Vedas, nor do I possess the merits of the Praises of the Naam.

nc rwg rqn kMTM nh cMcl cqur cwqurh ] (1356-16)
nach raag ratan kanthaN nah chanchal chatur chaatureh.
I do not have a beautiful voice to sing jewelled melodies; I am not clever, wise or shrewd.

Bwg auidm lbD´M mwieAw nwnk swDsMig Kl pMifqh ]31] (1356-16)
bhaag udim labDha-yaN maa-i-aa naanak saaDhsang khal panditah. ||31||
By destiny and hard work, the wealth of Maya is obtained. O Nanak, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, even fools become religious scholars. ||31||

kMT rmxIX rwm rwm mwlw hsq aUc pRym DwrxI ] (1356-17)
kanth ramneey raam raam maalaa hasat ooch paraym Dhaarnee.
The mala around my neck is the chanting of the Lord's Name. The Love of the Lord is my silent chanting.

jIh Bix jo auqm slok auDrxM nYn nµdnI ]32] (1356-17)
jeeh bhan jo utam salok uDharnaN nain nandnee. ||32||
Chanting this most Sublime Word brings salvation and joy to the eyes. ||32||

gur mMqR hIxs´ jo pRwxI iDRgMq jnm BRstxh ] (1356-18)
gur mantar heensa-y jo paraanee Dharigant janam bharsatnah.
That mortal who lacks the Guru's Mantra - cursed and contaminated is his life.

kUkrh sUkrh grDBh kwkh srpnh quil Klh ]33] (1356-18)
kookrah sookrah garaDh-bheh kaakah sarapneh tul khalah. ||33||
That blockhead is just a dog, a pig, a jackass, a crow, a snake. ||33||

crxwribMd Bjnµ irdXM nwm Dwrxh ] (1356-19)
charnaarbind bhajanaN rid-yaN naam Dhaarnah.
Whoever contemplates the Lord's Lotus Feet, and enshrines His Name within the heart,