Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1298 qyry jn iDAwvih iek min iek iciq qy swDU suK pwvih jip hir hir nwmu inDwn ] (1298-1)tayray jan Dhi-aavahi ik man ik chit tay saaDhoo sukh paavahi jap har har naam niDhaan. Your humble servants focus their consciousness and meditate on You with one-pointed mind; those Holy beings find peace, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Treasure of Bliss. ausqiq krih pRB qyrIAw imil swDU swD jnw gur siqgurU Bgvwn ]1] (1298-1)ustat karahi parabh tayree-aa mil saaDhoo saaDh janaa gur satguroo bhagvaan. ||1|| They sing Your Praises, God, meeting with the Holy, the Holy people, and the Guru, the True Guru, O Lord God. ||1|| ijn kY ihrdY qU suAwmI qy suK Pl pwvih qy qry Bv isMDu qy Bgq hir jwn ] (1298-2)jin kai hirdai too su-aamee tay sukh fal paavahi tay taray bhav sinDh tay bhagat har jaan. They alone obtain the fruit of peace, within whose hearts You, O my Lord and Master, abide. They cross over the terrifying world-ocean - they are known as the Lord's devotees. iqn syvw hm lwie hry hm lwie hry jn nwnk ky hir qU qU qU qU qU Bgvwn ]2]6]12] (1298-3)tin sayvaa ham laa-ay haray ham laa-ay haray jan naanak kay har too too too too too bhagvaan. ||2||6||12|| Please enjoin me to their service, Lord, please enjoin me to their service. O Lord God, You, You, You, You, You are the Lord of servant Nanak. ||2||6||12|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 2 (1298-5)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 2 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1298-5)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: gweIAY gux gopwl ik®pw iniD ] (1298-6)gaa-ee-ai gun gopaal kirpaa niDh. Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World, the Treasure of Mercy. duK ibdwrn suKdwqy siqgur jw kau Bytq hoie sgl isiD ]1] rhwau ] (1298-6)dukh bidaaran sukh-daatay satgur jaa ka-o bhaytat ho-ay sagal siDh. ||1|| rahaa-o. The True Guru is the Destroyer of pain, the Giver of peace; meeting Him, one is totally fulfilled. ||1||Pause|| ismrq nwmu mnih swDwrY ] (1298-7)simrat naam maneh saDhaarai. Meditate in remembrance on the Naam, the Support of the mind. koit prwDI iKn mih qwrY ]1] (1298-7)kot paraaDhee khin meh taarai. ||1|| Millions of sinners are carried across in an instant. ||1|| jw kau cIiq AwvY guru Apnw ] (1298-7)jaa ka-o cheet aavai gur apnaa. Whoever remembers his Guru, qw kau dUKu nhI iqlu supnw ]2] (1298-8)taa ka-o dookh nahee til supnaa. ||2|| shall not suffer sorrow, even in dreams. ||2|| jw kau siqguru Apnw rwKY ] (1298-8)jaa ka-o satgur apnaa raakhai. Whoever keeps his Guru enshrined within so jnu hir rsu rsnw cwKY ]3] (1298-8)so jan har ras rasnaa chaakhai. ||3|| - that humble being tastes the sublime essence of the Lord with his tongue. ||3|| khu nwnk guir kInI mieAw ] (1298-9)kaho naanak gur keenee ma-i-aa. Says Nanak, the Guru has been Kind to me; hliq pliq muK aUjl BieAw ]4]1] (1298-9)halat palat mukh oojal bha-i-aa. ||4||1|| here and herafter, my face is radiant. ||4||1|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1298-10)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: AwrwDau quJih suAwmI Apny ] (1298-10)aaraaDha-o tujheh su-aamee apnay. I worship and adore You, my Lord and Master. aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq swis swis swis hir jpny ]1] rhwau ] (1298-10)oothat baithat sovat jaagat saas saas saas har japnay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Standing up and sitting down, while sleeping and awake, with each and every breath, I meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| qw kY ihrdY bisE nwmu ] (1298-11)taa kai hirdai basi-o naam. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides within the hearts of those, jw kau suAwmI kIno dwnu ]1] (1298-11)jaa ka-o su-aamee keeno daan. ||1|| whose Lord and Master blesses them with this gift. ||1|| qw kY ihrdY AweI sWiq ] (1298-11)taa kai hirdai aa-ee saaNt. Peace and tranquility come into the hearts of those Twkur Byty gur bcnWiq ]2] (1298-12)thaakur bhaytay gur bachnaaNt. ||2|| who meet their Lord and Master, through the Word of the Guru. ||2|| srb klw soeI prbIn ] nwm mMqRü jw kau guir dIn ]3] (1298-12)sarab kalaa so-ee parbeen. naam mantar jaa ka-o gur deen. ||3|| Those whom the Guru blesses with the Mantra of the Naam are wise, and blessed with all powers,. ||3|| khu nwnk qw kY bil jwau ] (1298-13)kaho naanak taa kai bal jaa-o. Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those kiljug mih pwieAw ijin nwau ]4]2] (1298-13)kalijug meh paa-i-aa jin naa-o. ||4||2|| who are blessed with the Name in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||4||2|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1298-13)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: kIriq pRB kI gwau myrI rsnW ] (1298-14)keerat parabh kee gaa-o mayree rasnaaN. Sing the Praises of God, O my tongue. Aink bwr kir bMdn sMqn aUhW crn goibMd jI ky bsnw ]1] rhwau ] (1298-14)anik baar kar bandan santan oohaaN charan gobind jee kay basnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Humbly bow to the Saints, over and over again; through them, the Feet of the Lord of the Universe shall come to abide within you. ||1||Pause|| Aink BWiq kir duAwru n pwvau ] (1298-15)anik bhaaNt kar du-aar na paava-o. The Door to the Lord cannot be found by any other means. hoie ik®pwlu q hir hir iDAwvau ]1] (1298-15)ho-ay kirpaal ta har har Dhi-aava-o. ||1|| When He becomes Merciful, we come to meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||1|| koit krm kir dyh n soDw ] (1298-15)kot karam kar dayh na soDhaa. The body is not purified by millions of rituals. swDsMgiq mih mnu prboDw ]2] (1298-16)saaDhsangat meh man parboDhaa. ||2|| The mind is awakened and enlightened only in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2|| iqRsn n bUJI bhu rMg mwieAw ] (1298-16)tarisan na boojhee baho rang maa-i-aa. Thirst and desire are not quenched by enjoying the many pleasures of Maya. nwmu lYq srb suK pwieAw ]3] (1298-16)naam lait sarab sukh paa-i-aa. ||3|| Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, total peace is found. ||3|| pwrbRhm jb Bey dieAwl ] (1298-17)paarbarahm jab bha-ay da-i-aal. When the Supreme Lord God becomes Merciful, khu nwnk qau CUty jMjwl ]4]3] (1298-17)kaho naanak ta-o chhootay janjaal. ||4||3|| says Nanak, then one is rid of worldly entanglements. ||4||3|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1298-18)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: AYsI mWgu goibd qy ] (1298-18)aisee maaNg gobid tay. Beg for such blessings from the Lord of the Universe: thl sMqn kI sMgu swDU kw hir nwmW jip prm gqy ]1] rhwau ] (1298-18)tahal santan kee sang saaDhoo kaa har naamaaN jap param gatay. ||1|| rahaa-o. to work for the Saints, and the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Chanting the Name of the Lord, the supreme status is obtained. ||1||Pause|| pUjw crnw Twkur srnw ] (1298-19)poojaa charnaa thaakur sarnaa. Worship the Feet of Your Lord and Master, and seek His Sanctuary. soeI kuslu ju pRB jIau krnw ]1] (1298-19)so-ee kusal jo parabh jee-o karnaa. ||1|| Take joy in whatever God does. ||1|| sPl hoq ieh durlB dyhI ] (1298-19)safal hot ih durlabh dayhee. This precious human body becomes fruitful, |
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