Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hir ky sMq sMq jn nIky ijn imilAW mnu rMig rMgIiq ] (1296-1)
har kay sant sant jan neekay jin mili-aaN man rang rangeet.
The humble Saints, the Saints of the Lord, are noble and sublime; meeting them, the mind is tinged with love and joy.

hir rMgu lhY n auqrY kbhU hir hir jwie imlY hir pRIiq ]3] (1296-2)
har rang lahai na utrai kabhoo har har jaa-ay milai har pareet. ||3||
The Lord's Love never fades away, and it never wears off. Through the Lord's Love, one goes and meets the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

hm bhu pwp kIey AprwDI guir kwty kitq ktIiq ] (1296-2)
ham baho paap kee-ay apraaDhee gur kaatay katit kateet.
I am a sinner; I have committed so many sins. The Guru has cut them, cut them, and hacked them off.

hir hir nwmu dIE muiK AauKDu jn nwnk piqq punIiq ]4]5] (1296-3)
har har naam dee-o mukh a-ukhaDh jan naanak patit puneet. ||4||5||
The Guru has placed the healing remedy of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, into my mouth. Servant Nanak, the sinner, has been purified and sanctified. ||4||5||

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1296-4)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:

jip mn rwm nwm jgMnwQ ] (1296-4)
jap man raam naam jagannaath.
Chant, O my mind, the Name of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe.

GUmn Gyr pry ibKu ibiKAw siqgur kwiF lIey dy hwQ ]1] rhwau ] (1296-4)
ghooman ghayr paray bikh bikhi-aa satgur kaadh lee-ay day haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I was caught in the whirlpool of poisonous sin and corruption. The True Guru gave me His Hand; He lifted me up and pulled me out. ||1||Pause||

suAwmI ABY inrMjn nrhir qum@ rwiK lyhu hm pwpI pwQ ] (1296-5)
su-aamee abhai niranjan narhar tumH raakh layho ham paapee paath.
O my Fearless, Immaculate Lord and Master, please save me - I am a sinner, a sinking stone.

kwm k®oD ibiKAw loiB luBqy kwst loh qry sMig swQ ]1] (1296-5)
kaam kroDh bikhi-aa lobh lubh-tay kaasat loh taray sang saath. ||1||
I am lured and enticed by sexual desire, anger, greed and corruption, but associating with You, I am carried across, like iron in the wooden boat. ||1||

qum@ vf purK bf Agm Agocr hm FUiF rhy pweI nhI hwQ ] (1296-6)
tumH vad purakh bad agam agochar ham dhoodh rahay paa-ee nahee haath.
You are the Great Primal Being, the most Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord God; I search for You, but cannot find Your depth.

qU prY prY AprMpru suAwmI qU Awpn jwnih Awip jgMnwQ ]2] (1296-7)
too parai parai aprampar su-aamee too aapan jaaneh aap jagannaath. ||2||
You are the farthest of the far, beyond the beyond, O my Lord and Master; You alone know Yourself, O Lord of the Universe. ||2||

AidRstu Agocr nwmu iDAwey sqsMgiq imil swDU pwQ ] (1296-7)
adrist agochar naam Dhi-aa-ay satsangat mil saaDhoo paath.
I meditate on the Name of the Unseen and Unfathomable Lord; joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I have found the Path of the Holy.

hir hir kQw sunI imil sMgiq hir hir jipE AkQ kQ kwQ ]3] (1296-8)
har har kathaa sunee mil sangat har har japi-o akath kath kaath. ||3||
Joining the congregation, I listen to the Gospel of the Lord, Har, Har; I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, and speak the Unspoken Speech. ||3||

hmry pRB jgdIs gusweI hm rwiK lyhu jgMnwQ ] (1296-9)
hamray parabh jagdees gusaa-ee ham raakh layho jagannaath.
My God is the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Universe; please save me, O Lord of all Creation.

jn nwnku dwsu dws dwsn ko pRB krhu ik®pw rwKhu jn swQ ]4]6] (1296-9)
jan naanak daas daas daasan ko parabh karahu kirpaa raakho jan saath. ||4||6||
Servant Nanak is the slave of the slave of Your slaves. O God, please bless me with Your Grace; please protect me and keep me with Your humble servants. ||4||6||

kwnVw mhlw 4 pVqwl Gru 5 ] (1296-11)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4 parh-taal ghar 5.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl, Partaal, Fifth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1296-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mn jwphu rwm gupwl ] (1296-12)
man jaapahu raam gupaal.
O mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the World.

hir rqn jvyhr lwl ] (1296-12)
har ratan javayhar laal.
The Lord is the Jewel, the Diamond, the Ruby.

hir gurmuiK GiV tkswl ] (1296-12)
har gurmukh gharh taksaal.
The Lord fashions the Gurmukhs in His Mint.

hir ho ho ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ] (1296-12)
har ho ho kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, please, please, be Merciful to me. ||1||Pause||

qumry gun Agm Agocr eyk jIh ikAw kQY ibcwrI rwm rwm rwm rwm lwl ] (1296-13)
tumray gun agam agochar ayk jeeh ki-aa kathai bichaaree raam raam raam raam laal.
Your Glorious Virtues are inaccessible and unfathomable; how can my one poor tongue describe them? O my Beloved Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam, Raam.

qumrI jI AkQ kQw qU qU qU hI jwnih hau hir jip BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1] (1296-14)
tumree jee akath kathaa too too too hee jaaneh ha-o har jap bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1||
O Dear Lord, You, You, You alone know Your Unspoken Speech. I have become enraptured, enraptured, enraptured, meditating on the Lord. ||1||

hmry hir pRwn sKw suAwmI hir mIqw myry min qin jIh hir hry hry rwm nwm Dnu mwl ] (1296-14)
hamray har paraan sakhaa su-aamee har meetaa mayray man tan jeeh har haray haray raam naam Dhan maal.
The Lord, my Lord and Master, is my Companion and my Breath of Life; the Lord is my Best Friend. My mind, body and tongue are attuned to the Lord, Har, Haray, Haray. The Lord is my Wealth and Property.

jw ko Bwgu iqin lIE rI suhwgu hir hir hry hry gun gwvY gurmiq hau bil bly hau bil bly jn nwnk hir jip BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl ]2]1]7] (1296-15)
jaa ko bhaag tin lee-o ree suhaag har har haray haray gun gaavai gurmat ha-o bal balay ha-o bal balay jan naanak har jap bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||2||1||7||
She alone obtains her Husband Lord, who is so pre-destined. Through the Guru's Teachings, she sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Haray, Haray. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Lord, O servant Nanak. Meditating on the Lord, I have become enraptured, enraptured, enraptured. ||2||1||7||

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1296-16)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:

hir gun gwvhu jgdIs ] (1296-16)
har gun gaavhu jagdees.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe.

eykw jIh kIcY lK bIs ] (1296-17)
aykaa jeeh keechai lakh bees.
Let my one tongue become two hundred thousand

jip hir hir sbid jpIs ] (1296-17)
jap har har sabad japees.
- with them all, I will meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, and chant the Word of the Shabad.

hir ho ho ikrpIs ]1] rhwau ] (1296-17)
har ho ho kirpees. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, please, please, be Merciful to me. ||1||Pause||

hir ikrpw kir suAwmI hm lwie hir syvw hir jip jpy hir jip jpy jpu jwpau jgdIs ] (1296-17)
har kirpaa kar su-aamee ham laa-ay har sayvaa har jap japay har jap japay jap jaapa-o jagdees.
O Lord, my Lord and Master, please be Merciful to me; please enjoin me to serve You. I chant and meditate on the Lord, I chant and meditate on the Lord, I chant and meditate on the Lord of the Universe.

qumry jn rwmu jpih qy aUqm iqn kau hau Guim Gumy Guim Guim jIs ]1] (1296-18)
tumray jan raam jaapeh tay ootam tin ka-o ha-o ghum ghumay ghum ghum jees. ||1||
Your humble servants chant and meditate on You, O Lord; they are sublime and exalted. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||1||