Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1292 rwgu mlwr bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jIau kI (1292-1)raag malaar banee bhagat naamdayv jee-o kee Raag Malaar, The Word Of The Devotee Naam Dayv Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1292-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: syvIly gopwl rwie Akul inrMjn ] (1292-2)sayveelay gopaal raa-ay akul niranjan. Serve the King, the Sovereign Lord of the World. He has no ancestry; He is immaculate and pure. Bgiq dwnu dIjY jwcih sMq jn ]1] rhwau ] (1292-2)bhagat daan deejai jaacheh sant jan. ||1|| rahaa-o. Please bless me with the gift of devotion, which the humble Saints beg for. ||1||Pause|| jW cY Gir idg idsY srwiecw bYkuMT Bvn icqRswlw spq lok swmwin pUrIAly ] (1292-2)jaaN chai ghar dig disai saraa-ichaa baikunth bhavan chitarsaalaa sapat lok saamaan pooree-alay. His Home is the pavilion seen in all directions; His ornamental heavenly realms fill the seven worlds alike. jW cY Gir liCmI kuAwrI cMdu sUrju dIvVy kauqku kwlu bpuVw kotvwlu su krw isrI ] (1292-3)jaaN chai ghar lachhimee ku-aaree chand sooraj deevrhay ka-utak kaal bapurhaa kotvaal so karaa siree. In His Home, the virgin Lakshmi dwells. The moon and the sun are His two lamps; the wretched Messenger of Death stages his dramas, and levies taxes on all. su AYsw rwjw sRI nrhrI ]1] (1292-4)so aisaa raajaa saree narharee. ||1|| Such is my Sovereign Lord King, the Supreme Lord of all. ||1|| jW cY Gir kulwlu bRhmw cqur muKu fWvVw ijin ibsÍ sMswru rwcIly ] (1292-4)jaaN chai ghar kulaal barahmaa chatur mukh daaNvrhaa jin bisav sansaar raacheelay. In His House, the four-faced Brahma, the cosmic potter lives. He created the entire universe. jW kY Gir eIsru bwvlw jgq gurU qq swrKw igAwnu BwKIly ] (1292-5)jaaN kai ghar eesar baavlaa jagat guroo tat saarkhaa gi-aan bhaakheelay. In His House, the insane Shiva, the Guru of the World, lives; he imparts spiritual wisdom to expain the essence of reality. pwpu puMnu jW cY fWgIAw duAwrY icqR gupqu lyKIAw ] (1292-6)paap punn jaaN chai daaNgee-aa du-aarai chitar gupat laykhee-aa. Sin and virtue are the standard-bearers at His Door; Chitr and Gupt are the recording angels of the conscious and subconscious. Drm rwie prulI pRiqhwru ] (1292-6)Dharam raa-ay parulee partihaar. The Righteous Judge of Dharma, the Lord of Destruction, is the door-man. suo AYsw rwjw sRI gopwlu ]2] (1292-7)so aisaa raajaa saree gopaal. ||2|| Such is the Supreme Sovereign Lord of the World. ||2|| jW cY Gir gx gMDrb irKI bpuVy FwFIAw gwvMq AwCY ] (1292-7)jaaN chai ghar gan ganDharab rikhee bapurhay dhaadhee-aa gavant aachhai. In His Home are the heavenly heralds, celestial singers, Rishis and poor minstrels, who sing so sweetly. srb swsqR bhu rUpIAw AngrUAw AwKwVw mMflIk bol bolih kwCy ] (1292-8)sarab saastar baho roopee-aa angaroo-aa aakhaarhaa mandleek bol boleh kaachhay. All the Shaastras take various forms in His theater, singing beautiful songs. caur FUl jW cY hY pvxu ] (1292-8)cha-ur dhool jaaN chai hai pavan. The wind waves the fly-brush over Him; cyrI skiq jIiq ly Bvxu ] (1292-9)chayree sakat jeet lay bhavan. His hand-maiden is Maya, who has conquered the world. AMf tUk jw cY BsmqI ] (1292-9)and took jaa chai bhasmatee. The shell of the earth is His fireplace. suo AYsw rwjw iqRBvx pqI ]3] (1292-9)so aisaa raajaa taribhavan patee. ||3|| Such is the Sovereign Lord of the three worlds. ||3|| jW cY Gir kUrmw pwlu shsR PnI bwsku syj vwlUAw ] (1292-9)jaaN chai ghar koormaa paal sahsar fanee baasak sayj vaaloo-aa. In His Home, the celestial turtle is the bed-frame, woven with the strings of the thousand-headed snake. ATwrh Bwr bnwspqI mwlxI iCnvY kroVI myG mwlw pwxIhwrIAw ] (1292-10)athaarah bhaar banaaspatee maalnee chhinvai karorhee maygh maalaa paaneehaaree-aa. His flower-girls are the eighteen loads of vegetation; His water-carriers are the nine hundred sixty million clouds. nK pRsyv jw cY sursrI ] (1292-11)nakh parsayv jaa chai sursaree. His sweat is the Ganges River. spq smuMd jW cY GVQlI ] (1292-11)sapat samund jaaN chai gharhthalee. The seven seas are His water-pitchers. eyqy jIA jW cY vrqxI ] (1292-11)aytay jee-a jaaN chai vartanee. The creatures of the world are His household utensils. suo AYsw rwjw iqRBvx DxI ]4] (1292-12)so aisaa raajaa taribhavan Dhanee. ||4|| Such is the Sovereign Lord King of the three worlds. ||4|| jW cY Gir inkt vrqI Arjnu DR¨ pRhlwdu AMbrIku nwrdu nyjY isD buD gx gMDrb bwnvY hylw ] (1292-12)jaaN chai ghar nikat vartee arjan Dharoo parahlaad ambreek naarad nayjai siDh buDh gan ganDharab baanvai haylaa. In His home are Arjuna, Dhroo, Prahlaad, Ambreek, Naarad, Nayjaa, the Siddhas and Buddhas, the ninety-two heavenly heralds and celestial singers in their wondrous play. eyqy jIA jW cY hih GrI ] (1292-13)aytay jee-a jaaN chai heh gharee. All the creatures of the world are in His House. srb ibAwipk AMqr hrI ] (1292-13)sarab bi-aapik antar haree. The Lord is diffused in the inner beings of all. pRxvY nwmdyau qW cI Awix ] (1292-14)paranvai naamday-o taaN chee aan. Prays Naam Dayv, seek His Protection. sgl Bgq jw cY nIswix ]5]1] (1292-14)sagal bhagat jaa chai neesaan. ||5||1|| All the devotees are His banner and insignia. ||5||1|| mlwr ] (1292-14)malaar. Malaar: mo kau qUM n ibswir qU n ibswir ] (1292-14)mo ka-o tooN na bisaar too na bisaar. Please do not forget me; please do not forget me, qU n ibswry rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] (1292-15)too na bisaaray raam-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. please do not forget me, O Lord. ||1||Pause|| AwlwvMqI iehu BRmu jo hY muJ aUpir sB koiplw ] (1292-15)aalaavantee ih bharam jo hai mujh oopar sabh kopilaa. The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me. sUdu sUdu kir mwir auTwieE khw krau bwp bITulw ]1] (1292-16)sood sood kar maar uthaa-i-o kahaa kara-o baap beethulaa. ||1|| Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father Lord? ||1|| mUey hUey jau mukiq dyhugy mukiq n jwnY koielw ] (1292-16)moo-ay hoo-ay ja-o mukat dayhugay mukat na jaanai ko-ilaa. If You liberate me after I am dead, no one will know that I am liberated. ey pMfIAw mo kau FyF khq qyrI pYj ipCMaufI hoielw ]2] (1292-17)ay pandee-aa mo ka-o dhaydh kahat tayree paij pichhaNudee ho-ilaa. ||2|| These Pandits, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honor as well. ||2|| qU ju dieAwlu ik®pwlu khIAqu hYN AiqBuj BieE Apwrlw ] (1292-18)too jo da-i-aal kirpaal kahee-at haiN atibhuj bha-i-o apaarlaa. You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled. Pyir dIAw dyhurw nwmy kau pMfIAn kau ipCvwrlw ]3]2] (1292-18)fayr dee-aa dayhuraa naamay ka-o pandee-an ka-o pichhvaarlaa. ||3||2|| The Lord turned the temple around to face Naam Dayv; He turned His back on the Brahmins. ||3||2|| |
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