Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iliKAw plY pwie so scu jwxIAY ] (1288-1)
likhi-aa palai paa-ay so sach jaanee-ai.
One whose pre-ordained destiny is activated, comes to know the True Lord.

hukmI hoie inbyVu gieAw jwxIAY ] (1288-1)
hukmee ho-ay nibayrh ga-i-aa jaanee-ai.
By God's Command, it is ordained. When the mortal goes, he knows.

Baujl qwrxhwru sbid pCwxIAY ] (1288-1)
bha-ojal taaranhaar sabad pachhaanee-ai.
Realize the Word of the Shabad, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

cor jwr jUAwr pIVy GwxIAY ] (1288-2)
chor jaar joo-aar peerhay ghaanee-ai.
Thieves, adulterers and gamblers are pressed like seeds in the mill.

inMdk lwieqbwr imly hV@vwxIAY ] (1288-2)
nindak laa-itbaar milay harhHvaanee-ai.
Slanderers and gossipers are hand-cuffed.

gurmuiK sic smwie su drgh jwxIAY ]21] (1288-2)
gurmukh sach samaa-ay so dargeh jaanee-ai. ||21||
The Gurmukh is absorbed in the True Lord, and is famous in the Court of the Lord. ||21||

slok mÚ 2 ] (1288-3)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

nwau PkIrY pwiqswhu mUrK pMifqu nwau ] (1288-3)
naa-o fakeerai paatisaahu moorakh pandit naa-o.
The beggar is known as an emperor, and the fool is known as a religious scholar.

AMDy kw nwau pwrKU eyvY kry guAwau ] (1288-3)
anDhay kaa naa-o paarkhoo ayvai karay gu-aa-o.
The blind man is known as a seer; this is how people talk.

ieliq kw nwau cauDrI kUVI pUry Qwau ] (1288-4)
ilat kaa naa-o cha-uDhree koorhee pooray thaa-o.
The trouble-maker is called a leader, and the liar is seated with honor.

nwnk gurmuiK jwxIAY kil kw eyhu inAwau ]1] (1288-4)
naanak gurmukh jaanee-ai kal kaa ayhu ni-aa-o. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs know that this is justice in the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1288-5)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

hrxW bwjW qY iskdwrW eyn@w piV@Aw nwau ] (1288-5)
harnaaN baajaaN tai sikdaaraaN aynHaa parhH-aa naa-o.
Deer, falcons and government officials are known to be trained and clever.

PWDI lgI jwiq Phwiein AgY nwhI Qwau ] (1288-5)
faaNDhee lagee jaat fahaa-in agai naahee thaa-o.
When the trap is set, they trap their own kind; hereafter they will find no place of rest.

so piVAw so pMifqu bInw ijn@I kmwxw nwau ] (1288-6)
so parhi-aa so pandit beenaa jinHee kamaanaa naa-o.
He alone is learned and wise, and he alone is a scholar, who practices the Name.

pihlo dy jV AMdir jMmY qw aupir hovY CWau ] (1288-6)
pahilo day jarh andar jammai taa upar hovai chhaaN-o.
First, the tree puts down its roots, and then it spreads out its shade above.

rwjy sIh mukdm kuqy ] (1288-7)
raajay seeh mukdam kutay.
The kings are tigers, and their officials are dogs;

jwie jgwiein@ bYTy suqy ] (1288-7)
jaa-ay jagaa-iniH baithay sutay.
they go out and awaken the sleeping people to harass them.

cwkr nhdw pwiein@ Gwau ] (1288-7)
chaakar nahdaa paa-iniH ghaa-o.
The public servants inflict wounds with their nails.

rqu ipqu kuiqho cit jwhu ] (1288-8)
rat pit kutiho chat jaahu.
The dogs lick up the blood that is spilled.

ijQY jIAW hosI swr ] (1288-8)
jithai jee-aaN hosee saar.
But there, in the Court of the Lord, all beings will be judged.

nkˆØI vFˆØI lwieqbwr ]2] (1288-8)
nakeeN vadheeN laa-itbaar. ||2||
Those who have violated the people's trust will be disgraced; their noses will be cut off. ||2||

pauVI ] (1288-8)

Awip aupwey mydnI Awpy krdw swr ] (1288-9)
aap upaa-ay maydnee aapay kardaa saar.
He Himself creates the world, and He himself takes care of it.

BY ibnu Brmu n ktIAY nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (1288-9)
bhai bin bharam na katee-ai naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without the Fear of God, doubt is not dispelled, and love for the Name is not embraced.

siqgur qy Bau aUpjY pweIAY moK duAwr ] (1288-9)
satgur tay bha-o oopjai paa-ee-ai mokh du-aar.
Through the True Guru, the Fear of God wells up, and the Door of Salvation is found.

BY qy shju pweIAY imil joqI joiq Apwr ] (1288-10)
bhai tay sahj paa-ee-ai mil jotee jot apaar.
Through the Fear of God, intuitive ease is obtained, and one's light merges into the Light of the Infinite.

BY qy BYjlu lµGIAY gurmqI vIcwru ] (1288-10)
bhai tay bhaijal langhee-ai gurmatee veechaar.
Through the Fear of God, the terrifying world-ocean is crossed over, reflecting on the Guru's Teachings.

BY qy inrBau pweIAY ijs dw AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (1288-11)
bhai tay nirbha-o paa-ee-ai jis daa ant na paaraavaar.
Through the Fear of God, the Fearless Lord is found; He has no end or limitation.

mnmuK BY kI swr n jwxnI iqRsnw jlqy krih pukwr ] (1288-11)
manmukh bhai kee saar na jaannee tarisnaa jaltay karahi pukaar.
The self-willed manmukhs do not appreciate the value of the Fear of God. Burning in desire, they weep and wail.

nwnk nwvY hI qy suKu pwieAw gurmqI auir Dwr ]22] (1288-12)
naanak naavai hee tay sukh paa-i-aa gurmatee ur Dhaar. ||22||
O Nanak, through the Name, peace is obtained, by enshrining the Guru's Teachings within the heart. ||22||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1288-12)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

rUpY kwmY dosqI BuKY swdY gMFu ] (1288-13)
roopai kaamai dostee bhukhai saadai gandh.
Beauty and sexual desire are friends; hunger and tasty food are tied together.

lbY mwlY Guil imil imcil aUNGY sauiV plµGu ] (1288-13)
labai maalai ghul mil michal ooNghai sa-urh palangh.
Greed is bound up in its search for wealth, and sleep will use even a tiny space as a bed.

BMaukY kopu KuAwru hoie PkVu ipty AMDu ] (1288-13)
bhaNukai kop khu-aar ho-ay fakarh pitay anDh.
Anger barks and brings ruin on itself, blindly pursuing useless conflicts.

cupY cMgw nwnkw ivxu nwvY muih gMDu ]1] (1288-14)
chupai changa naankaa vin naavai muhi ganDh. ||1||
It is good to be silent, O Nanak; without the Name, one's mouth spews forth only filth. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1288-14)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

rwju mwlu rUpu jwiq jobnu pMjy Tg ] (1288-14)
raaj maal roop jaat joban panjay thag.
Royal power, wealth, beauty, social status and youth are the five thieves.

eynI TgIN jgu TigAw iknY n rKI lj ] (1288-15)
aynee thageeN jag thagi-aa kinai na rakhee laj.
These thieves have plundered the world; no one's honor has been spared.

eynw Tgin@ Tg sy ij gur kI pYrI pwih ] (1288-15)
aynaa thagniH thag say je gur kee pairee paahi.
But these thieves themselves are robbed, by those who fall at the Guru's Feet.

nwnk krmw bwhry hoir kyqy muTy jwih ]2] (1288-16)
naanak karmaa baahray hor kaytay muthay jaahi. ||2||
O Nanak, the multitudes who do not have good karma are plundered. ||2||

pauVI ] (1288-16)

piVAw lyKydwru lyKw mMgIAY ] (1288-16)
parhi-aa laykhaydaar laykhaa mangee-ai.
The learned and educated are called to account for their actions.

ivxu nwvY kUiVAwru AauKw qMgIAY ] (1288-17)
vin naavai koorhi-aar a-ukhaa tangee-ai.
Without the Name, they are judged false; they become miserable and suffer hardship.

AauGt ruDy rwh glIAW rokIAW ] (1288-17)
a-ughat ruDhay raah galee-aaN rokee-aaN.
Their path becomes treacherous and difficult, and their way is blocked.

scw vyprvwhu sbid sMqoKIAW ] (1288-17)
sachaa vayparvaahu sabad santokhee-aaN.
Through the Shabad, the Word of the True and Independent Lord God, one becomes content.

gihr gBIr AQwhu hwQ n lBeI ] (1288-18)
gahir gabheer athaahu haath na labh-ee.
The Lord is deep and profound and unfathomable; His depth cannot be measured.

muhy muih cotw Kwhu ivxu gur koie n CutsI ] (1288-18)
muhay muhi chotaa khaahu vin gur ko-ay na chhutsee.
Without the Guru, the mortals are beaten and punched in the face and the mouth, and no one is released.

piq syqI Gir jwhu nwmu vKwxIAY ] (1288-19)
pat saytee ghar jaahu naam vakhaanee-ai.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one returns to his true home with honor.

hukmI swh igrwh dyNdw jwxIAY ]23] (1288-19)
hukmee saah giraah dayNdaa jaanee-ai. ||23||
Know that the Lord, by the Hukam of His Command, gives sustenance and the breath of life. ||23||