Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1256 duK suK doaU sm kir jwnY burw Blw sMswr ] (1256-1)dukh sukh do-oo sam kar jaanai buraa bhalaa sansaar. He sees pleasure and pain as both the same, along with good and bad in the world. suiD buiD suriq nwim hir pweIAY sqsMgiq gur ipAwr ]2] (1256-1)suDh buDh surat naam har paa-ee-ai satsangat gur pi-aar. ||2|| Wisdom, understanding and awareness are found in the Name of the Lord. In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, embrace love for the Guru. ||2|| Aihinis lwhw hir nwmu prwpiq guru dwqw dyvxhwru ] (1256-2)ahinis laahaa har naam paraapat gur daataa dayvanhaar. Day and night, profit is obtained through the Lord's Name. The Guru, the Giver, has given this gift. gurmuiK isK soeI jnu pwey ijs no ndir kry krqwru ]3] (1256-3)gurmukh sikh so-ee jan paa-ay jis no nadar karay kartaar. ||3|| That Sikh who becomes Gurmukh obtains it. The Creator blesses him with His Glance of Grace. ||3|| kwieAw mhlu mMdru Gru hir kw iqsu mih rwKI joiq Apwr ] (1256-3)kaa-i-aa mahal mandar ghar har kaa tis meh raakhee jot apaar. The body is a mansion, a temple, the home of the Lord; He has infused His Infinite Light into it. nwnk gurmuiK mhil bulweIAY hir myly mylxhwr ]4]5] (1256-4)naanak gurmukh mahal bulaa-ee-ai har maylay maylanhaar. ||4||5|| O Nanak, the Gurmukh is invited to the Mansion of the Lord's Presence; the Lord unites him in His Union. ||4||5|| mlwr mhlw 1 Gru 2 (1256-6)malaar mehlaa 1 ghar 2 Malaar, First Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1256-6)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: pvxY pwxI jwxY jwiq ] (1256-7)pavnai paanee jaanai jaat. Know that the creation was formed through air and water; kwieAW Agin kry inBrWiq ] (1256-7)kaa-i-aaN agan karay nibhraaNt. have no doubt that the body was made through fire. jMmih jIA jwxY jy Qwau ] (1256-7)jameh jee-a jaanai jay thaa-o. And if you know where the soul comes from, surqw pMifqu qw kw nwau ]1] (1256-7)surtaa pandit taa kaa naa-o. ||1|| you shall be known as a wise religious scholar. ||1|| gux goibMd n jwxIAih mwie ] (1256-8)gun gobind na jaanee-ahi maa-ay. Who can know the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, O mother? AxfITw ikCu khxu n jwie ] (1256-8)andeethaa kichh kahan na jaa-ay. Without seeing Him, we cannot say anything about Him. ikAw kir AwiK vKwxIAY mwie ]1] rhwau ] (1256-8)ki-aa kar aakh vakhaanee-ai maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. How can anyone speak and describe Him, O mother? ||1||Pause|| aUpir dir Asmwin pieAwil ] (1256-9)oopar dar asmaan pa-i-aal. He is high above the sky, and beneath the nether worlds. ikau kir khIAY dyhu vIcwir ] (1256-9)ki-o kar kahee-ai dayh veechaar. How can I speak of Him? Let me understand. ibnu ijhvw jo jpY ihAwie ] koeI jwxY kYsw nwau ]2] (1256-10)bin jihvaa jo japai hi-aa-ay. ko-ee jaanai kaisaa naa-o. ||2|| Who knows what sort of Name is chanted, in the heart, without the tongue? ||2|| kQnI bdnI rhY inBrWiq ] (1256-10)kathnee badnee rahai nibhraaNt. Undoubtedly, words fail me. so bUJY hovY ijsu dwiq ] (1256-11)so boojhai hovai jis daat. He alone understands, who is blessed. Aihinis AMqir rhY ilv lwie ] (1256-11)ahinis antar rahai liv laa-ay. Day and night, deep within, he remains lovingly attuned to the Lord. soeI purKu ij sic smwie ]3] (1256-11)so-ee purakh je sach samaa-ay. ||3|| He is the true person, who is merged in the True Lord. ||3|| jwiq kulInu syvku jy hoie ] (1256-11)jaat kuleen sayvak jay ho-ay. If someone of high social standing becomes a selfless servant, qw kw khxw khhu n koie ] (1256-12)taa kaa kahnaa kahhu na ko-ay. then his praises cannot even be expressed. ivic snwqˆØI syvku hoie ] (1256-12)vich sanaateeN sayvak ho-ay. And if someone from a low social class becomes a selfless servant, nwnk pxHIAw pihrY soie ]4]1]6] (1256-12)naanak panHee-aa pahirai so-ay. ||4||1||6|| O Nanak, he shall wear shoes of honor. ||4||1||6|| mlwr mhlw 1 ] (1256-13)malaar mehlaa 1. Malaar, First Mehl: duKu vyCoVw ieku duKu BUK ] (1256-13)dukh vaychhorhaa ik dukh bhookh. The pain of separation - this is the hungry pain I feel. ieku duKu skqvwr jmdUq ] (1256-13)ik dukh sakatvaar jamdoot. Another pain is the attack of the Messenger of Death. ieku duKu rogu lgY qin Dwie ] (1256-14)ik dukh rog lagai tan Dhaa-ay. Another pain is the disease consuming my body. vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]1] (1256-14)vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||1|| O foolish doctor, don't give me medicine. ||1|| vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ] (1256-14)vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. O foolish doctor, don't give me medicine. drdu hovY duKu rhY srIr ] (1256-14)darad hovai dukh rahai sareer. The pain persists, and the body continues to suffer. AYsw dwrU lgY n bIr ]1] rhwau ] (1256-15)aisaa daaroo lagai na beer. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your medicine has no effect on me. ||1||Pause|| Ksmu ivswir kIey rs Bog ] (1256-15)khasam visaar kee-ay ras bhog. Forgetting his Lord and Master, the mortal enjoys sensual pleasures; qW qin auiT Kloey rog ] (1256-15)taaN tan uth khalo-ay rog. then, disease rises up in his body. mn AMDy kau imlY sjwie ] (1256-16)man anDhay ka-o milai sajaa-ay. The blind mortal receives his punishment. vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]2] (1256-16)vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||2|| O foolish doctor, don't give me medicine. ||2|| cMdn kw Plu cMdn vwsu ] (1256-16)chandan kaa fal chandan vaas. The value of sandalwood lies in its fragrance. mwxs kw Plu Gt mih swsu ] (1256-17)maanas kaa fal ghat meh saas. The value of the human lasts only as long as the breath in the body. swis gieAY kwieAw Fil pwie ] (1256-17)saas ga-i-ai kaa-i-aa dhal paa-ay. When the breath is taken away, the body crumbles into dust. qw kY pwCY koie n Kwie ]3] (1256-17)taa kai paachhai ko-ay na khaa-ay. ||3|| After that, no one takes any food. ||3|| kMcn kwieAw inrml hMsu ] (1256-18)kanchan kaa-i-aa nirmal hans. The mortal's body is golden, and the soul-swan is immaculate and pure, ijsu mih nwmu inrMjn AMsu ] (1256-18)jis meh naam niranjan aNs. if even a tiny particle of the Immaculate Naam is within. dUK rog siB gieAw gvwie ] (1256-18)dookh rog sabh ga-i-aa gavaa-ay. All pain and disease are eradicated. nwnk CUtis swcY nwie ]4]2]7] (1256-19)naanak chhootas saachai naa-ay. ||4||2||7|| O Nanak, the mortal is saved through the True Name. ||4||2||7|| mlwr mhlw 1 ] (1256-19)malaar mehlaa 1. Malaar, First Mehl: duK mhurw mwrx hir nwmu ] (1256-19)dukh mahuraa maaran har naam. Pain is the poison. The Lord's Name is the antidote. islw sMqoK pIsxu hiQ dwnu ] (1256-19)silaa santokh peesan hath daan. Grind it up in the mortar of contentment, with the pestle of charitable giving. |
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