Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1135 mDusUdnu jpIAY aur Dwir ] (1135-1)maDhusoodan japee-ai ur Dhaar. Enshrine Him in your heart, and meditate on the Lord. dyhI ngir qskr pMc DwqU gur sbdI hir kwFy mwir ]1] rhwau ] (1135-1)dayhee nagar taskar panch Dhaatoo gur sabdee har kaadhay maar. ||1|| rahaa-o. The five plundering thieves are in the body-village; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord has beaten them and driven them out. ||1||Pause|| ijn kw hir syqI mnu mwinAw iqn kwrj hir Awip svwir ] (1135-2)jin kaa har saytee man maani-aa tin kaaraj har aap savaar. Those whose minds are satisfied with the Lord - the Lord Himself resolves their affairs. iqn cUkI muhqwjI lokn kI hir AMgIkwru kIAw krqwir ]2] (1135-3)tin chookee muhtaajee lokan kee har angeekaar kee-aa kartaar. ||2|| Their subservience and their dependence on other people is ended; the Creator Lord is on their side. ||2|| mqw msUriq qW ikCu kIjY jy ikCu hovY hir bwhir ] (1135-3)mataa masoorat taaN kichh keejai jay kichh hovai har baahar. If something were beyond the realm of the Lord's Power, only then would we have recourse to consult someone else. jo ikCu krY soeI Bl hosI hir iDAwvhu Anidnu nwmu murwir ]3] (1135-4)jo kichh karai so-ee bhal hosee har Dhi-aavahu an-din naam muraar. ||3|| Whatever the Lord does is good. Meditate on the Name of the Lord, night and day. ||3|| hir jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy Ehu pUiC n iksY kry bIcwir ] (1135-5)har jo kichh karay so aapay aapay oh poochh na kisai karay beechaar. Whatever the Lord does, He does by Himself. He does not ask or consult anyone else. nwnk so pRBu sdw iDAweIAY ijin myilAw siqguru ikrpw Dwir ]4]1]5] (1135-5)naanak so parabh sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai jin mayli-aa satgur kirpaa Dhaar. ||4||1||5|| O Nanak, meditate forever on God; granting His Grace, He unites us with the True Guru. ||4||1||5|| BYrau mhlw 4 ] (1135-6)bhairo mehlaa 4. Bhairao, Fourth Mehl: qy swDU hir mylhu suAwmI ijn jipAw giq hoie hmwrI ] (1135-6)tay saaDhoo har maylhu su-aamee jin japi-aa gat ho-ay hamaaree. O my Lord and Master, please unite me with the Holy people; meditating on You, I am saved. iqn kw drsu dyiK mnu ibgsY iKnu iKnu iqn kau hau bilhwrI ]1] (1135-7)tin kaa daras daykh man bigsai khin khin tin ka-o ha-o balihaaree. ||1|| Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, my mind blossoms forth. Each and every moment, I am a sacrifice to them. ||1|| hir ihrdY jip nwmu murwrI ] (1135-8)har hirdai jap naam muraaree. Meditate within your heart on the Name of the Lord. ik®pw ik®pw kir jgq ipq suAwmI hm dwsin dws kIjY pinhwrI ]1] rhwau ] (1135-8)kirpaa kirpaa kar jagat pit su-aamee ham daasan daas keejai panihaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o. Show Mercy, Mercy to me, O Father of the World, O my Lord and Master; make me the water-carrier of the slave of Your slaves. ||1||Pause|| iqn miq aUqm iqn piq aUqm ijn ihrdY visAw bnvwrI ] (1135-9)tin mat ootam tin pat ootam jin hirdai vasi-aa banvaaree. Their intellect is sublime and exalted, and so is their honor; the Lord, the Lord of the forest, abides within their hearts. iqn kI syvw lwie hir suAwmI iqn ismrq giq hoie hmwrI ]2] (1135-9)tin kee sayvaa laa-ay har su-aamee tin simrat gat ho-ay hamaaree. ||2|| O my Lord and Master, please link me to the service of those who meditate in remembrance on You, and are saved. ||2|| ijn AYsw siqguru swDu n pwieAw qy hir drgh kwFy mwrI ] (1135-10)jin aisaa satgur saaDh na paa-i-aa tay har dargeh kaadhay maaree. Those who do not find such a Holy True Guru are beaten, and driven out of the Court of the Lord. qy nr inMdk soB n pwvih iqn nk kwty isrjnhwrI ]3] (1135-11)tay nar nindak sobh na paavahi tin nak kaatay sirjanhaaree. ||3|| These slanderous people have no honor or reputation; their noses are cut by the Creator Lord. ||3|| hir Awip bulwvY Awpy bolY hir Awip inrMjnu inrMkwru inrwhwrI ] (1135-11)har aap bulaavai aapay bolai har aap niranjan nirankaar niraahaaree. The Lord Himself speaks, and the Lord Himself inspires all to speak; He is Immaculate and Formless, and needs no sustenance. hir ijsu qU mylih so quDu imlsI jn nwnk ikAw eyih jMq ivcwrI ]4]2]6] (1135-12)har jis too mayleh so tuDh milsee jan naanak ki-aa ayhi jant vichaaree. ||4||2||6|| O Lord, he alone meets You, whom You cause to meet. Says servant Nanak, I am a wretched creature. What can I do? ||4||2||6|| BYrau mhlw 4 ] (1135-13)bhairo mehlaa 4. Bhairao, Fourth Mehl: sqsMgiq sweI hir qyrI ijqu hir kIriq hir sunxy ] (1135-13)satsangat saa-ee har tayree jit har keerat har sunnay. That is Your True Congregation, Lord, where the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are heard. ijn hir nwmu suixAw mnu BInw iqn hm sRyvh inq crxy ]1] (1135-14)jin har naam suni-aa man bheenaa tin ham sarayveh nit charnay. ||1|| The minds of those who listen to the Lord's Name are drenched with bliss; I worship their feet continually. ||1|| jgjIvnu hir iDAwie qrxy ] (1135-14)jagjeevan har Dhi-aa-ay tarnay. Meditating on the Lord, the Life of the World, the mortals cross over. Anyk AsMK nwm hir qyry n jwhI ijhvw iequ gnxy ]1] rhwau ] (1135-15)anayk asaNkh naam har tayray na jaahee jihvaa it gannay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your Names are so many, they are countless, O Lord. This tongue of mine cannot even count them. ||1||Pause|| gurisK hir bolhu hir gwvhu ly gurmiq hir jpxy ] (1135-15)gursikh har bolhu har gaavhu lay gurmat har japnay. O Gursikhs, chant the Lord's Name, and sing the Praises of the Lord. Take the Guru's Teachings, and meditate on the Lord. jo aupdysu suxy gur kyrw so jnu pwvY hir suK Gxy ]2] (1135-16)jo updays sunay gur kayraa so jan paavai har sukh ghanay. ||2|| Whoever listens to the Guru's Teachings - that humble being receives countless comforts and pleasures from the Lord. ||2|| DMnu su vMsu DMnu su ipqw DMnu su mwqw ijin jn jxy ] (1135-17)Dhan so vans Dhan so pitaa Dhan so maataa jin jan janay. Blessed is the ancestry, blessed is the father, and blessed is that mother who gave birth to this humble servant. ijn swis igrwis iDAwieAw myrw hir hir sy swcI drgh hir jn bxy ]3] (1135-17)jin saas giraas Dhi-aa-i-aa mayraa har har say saachee dargeh har jan banay. ||3|| Those who meditate on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and morsel of food - those humble servants of the Lord look beautiful in the True Court of the Lord. ||3|| hir hir Agm nwm hir qyry ivic Bgqw hir Drxy ] (1135-18)har har agam naam har tayray vich bhagtaa har Dharnay. O Lord, Har, Har, Your Names are profound and infinite; Your devotees cherish them deep within. nwnk jin pwieAw miq gurmiq jip hir hir pwir pvxy ]4]3]7] (1135-19)naanak jan paa-i-aa mat gurmat jap har har paar pavnay. ||4||3||7|| Servant Nanak has obained the wisdom of the Guru's Teachings; meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, he crosses over to the other side. ||4||3||7|| |
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