Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


rwgu kydwrw bwxI kbIr jIau kI (1123-1)
raag kaydaaraa banee kabeer jee-o kee
Raag Kaydaaraa, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1123-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ausqiq inMdw doaU ibbrijq qjhu mwnu AiBmwnw ] (1123-2)
ustat nindaa do-oo bibarjit tajahu maan abhimaanaa.
Those who ignore both praise and slander, who reject egotistical pride and conceit,

lohw kMcnu sm kir jwnih qy mUriq Bgvwnw ]1] (1123-2)
lohaa kanchan sam kar jaaneh tay moorat bhagvaanaa. ||1||
who look alike upon iron and gold - they are the very image of the Lord God. ||1||

qyrw jnu eyku AwDu koeI ] (1123-3)
tayraa jan ayk aaDh ko-ee.
Hardly anyone is a humble servant of Yours, O Lord.

kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu ibbrijq hir pdu cIn@Y soeI ]1] rhwau ] (1123-3)
kaam kroDh lobh moh bibarjit har pad cheenHai so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Ignoring sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment, such a person becomes aware of the Lord's Feet. ||1||Pause||

rj gux qm gux sq gux khIAY ieh qyrI sB mwieAw ] (1123-4)
raj gun tam gun sat gun kahee-ai ih tayree sabh maa-i-aa.
Raajas, the quality of energy and activity; Taamas, the quality of darkness and inertia; and Satvas, the quality of purity and light, are all called the creations of Maya, Your illusion.

cauQy pd kau jo nru cIn@Y iqn@ hI prm pdu pwieAw ]2] (1123-4)
cha-uthay pad ka-o jo nar cheenHai tinH hee param pad paa-i-aa. ||2||
That man who realizes the fourth state - he alone obtains the supreme state. ||2||

qIrQ brq nym suic sMjm sdw rhY inhkwmw ] (1123-5)
tirath barat naym such sanjam sadaa rahai nihkaamaa.
Amidst pilgrimages, fasting, rituals, purification and self-discipline, he remains always without thought of reward.

iqRsnw Aru mwieAw BRmu cUkw icqvq Awqm rwmw ]3] (1123-5)
tarisnaa ar maa-i-aa bharam chookaa chitvat aatam raamaa. ||3||
Thirst and desire for Maya and doubt depart, remembering the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||3||

ijh mMdir dIpku prgwisAw AMDkwru qh nwsw ] (1123-6)
jih mandar deepak pargaasi-aa anDhkaar tah naasaa.
When the temple is illuminated by the lamp, its darkness is dispelled.

inrBau pUir rhy BRmu Bwgw kih kbIr jn dwsw ]4]1] (1123-7)
nirbha-o poor rahay bharam bhaagaa kahi kabeer jan daasaa. ||4||1||
The Fearless Lord is All-pervading. Doubt has run away, says Kabeer, the Lord's humble slave. ||4||1||

iknhI bnijAw kWsI qWbw iknhI laug supwrI ] (1123-7)
kinhee banji-aa kaaNsee taaNbaa kinhee la-ug supaaree.
Some deal in bronze and copper, some in cloves and betel nuts.

sMqhu bnijAw nwmu goibd kw AYsI Kyp hmwrI ]1] (1123-8)
santahu banji-aa naam gobid kaa aisee khayp hamaaree. ||1||
The Saints deal in the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. Such is my merchandise as well. ||1||

hir ky nwm ky ibAwpwrI ] (1123-8)
har kay naam kay bi-aapaaree.
I am a trader in the Name of the Lord.

hIrw hwiQ ciVAw inrmolku CUit geI sMswrI ]1] rhwau ] (1123-9)
heeraa haath charhi-aa nirmolak chhoot ga-ee sansaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The priceless diamond has come into my hands. I have left the world behind. ||1||Pause||

swcy lwey qau sc lwgy swcy ky ibauhwrI ] (1123-9)
saachay laa-ay ta-o sach laagay saachay kay bi-uhaaree.
When the True Lord attached me, then I was attached to Truth. I am a trader of the True Lord.

swcI bsqu ky Bwr clwey phucy jwie BMfwrI ]2] (1123-10)
saachee basat kay bhaar chalaa-ay pahuchay jaa-ay bhandaaree. ||2||
I have loaded the commodity of Truth; It has reached the Lord, the Treasurer. ||2||

Awpih rqn jvwhr mwink AwpY hY pwswrI ] (1123-10)
aapeh ratan javaahar maanik aapai hai paasaaree.
He Himself is the pearl, the jewel, the ruby; He Himself is the jeweller.

AwpY dh ids Awp clwvY inhclu hY ibAwpwrI ]3] (1123-11)
aapai dah dis aap chalaavai nihchal hai bi-aapaaree. ||3||
He Himself spreads out in the ten directions. The Merchant is Eternal and Unchanging. ||3||

mnu kir bYlu suriq kir pYfw igAwn goin Bir fwrI ] (1123-11)
man kar bail surat kar paidaa gi-aan gon bhar daaree.
My mind is the bull, and meditation is the road; I have filled my packs with spiritual wisdom, and loaded them on the bull.

khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu inbhI Kyp hmwrI ]4]2] (1123-12)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu nibhee khayp hamaaree. ||4||2||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: my merchandise has reached its destination! ||4||2||

rI klvwir gvwir mUF miq aulto pvnu iPrwvau ] (1123-13)
ree kalvaar gavaar moodh mat ulto pavan firaava-o.
You barbaric brute, with your primitive intellect - reverse your breath and turn it inward.

mnu mqvwr myr sr BwTI AMimRq Dwr cuAwvau ]1] (1123-13)
man matvaar mayr sar bhaathee amrit Dhaar chu-aava-o. ||1||
Let your mind be intoxicated with the stream of Ambrosial Nectar which trickles down from the furnace of the Tenth Gate. ||1||

bolhu BeIAw rwm kI duhweI ] (1123-14)
bolhu bha-ee-aa raam kee duhaa-ee.
O Siblings of Destiny, call on the Lord.

pIvhu sMq sdw miq durlB shjy ipAws buJweI ]1] rhwau ] (1123-14)
peevhu sant sadaa mat durlabh sehjay pi-aas bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Saints, drink in this wine forever; it is so difficult to obtain, and it quenches your thirst so easily. ||1||Pause||

BY ibic Bwau Bwie koaU bUJih hir rsu pwvY BweI ] (1123-15)
bhai bich bhaa-o bhaa-ay ko-oo boojheh har ras paavai bhaa-ee.
In the Fear of God, is the Love of God. Only those few who understand His Love obtain the sublime essence of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny.

jyqy Gt AMimRqu sB hI mih BwvY iqsih pIAweI ]2] (1123-15)
jaytay ghat amrit sabh hee meh bhaavai tiseh pee-aa-ee. ||2||
As many hearts as there are - in all of them, is His Ambrosial Nectar; as He pleases, He causes them to drink it in. ||2||

ngrI eykY nau drvwjy Dwvqu brij rhweI ] (1123-16)
nagree aykai na-o darvaajay Dhaavat baraj rahaa-ee.
There are nine gates to the one city of the body; restrain your mind from escaping through them.

iqRkutI CUtY dsvw dru KUl@Y qw mnu KIvw BweI ]3] (1123-16)
tarikutee chhootai dasvaa dar khoolHai taa man kheevaa bhaa-ee. ||3||
When the knot of the three qualities is untied, then the Tenth Gate opens up, and the mind is intoxicated, O Siblings of Destiny. ||3||

ABY pd pUir qwp qh nwsy kih kbIr bIcwrI ] (1123-17)
abhai pad poor taap tah naasay kahi kabeer beechaaree.
When the mortal fully realizes the state of fearless dignity, then his sufferings vanish; so says Kabeer after careful deliberation.

aubt clµqy iehu mdu pwieAw jYsy KoNd KumwrI ]4]3] (1123-17)
ubat chalantay ih mad paa-i-aa jaisay khoNd khumaaree. ||4||3||
Turning away from the world, I have obtained this wine, and I am intoxicated with it. ||4||3||

kwm k®oD iqRsnw ky lIny giq nhI eykY jwnI ] (1123-18)
kaam kroDh tarisnaa kay leenay gat nahee aykai jaanee.
You are engrossed with unsatisfied sexual desire and unresolved anger; you do not know the State of the One Lord.

PUtI AwKY kCU n sUJY bUif mUey ibnu pwnI ]1] (1123-18)
footee aakhai kachhoo na soojhai bood moo-ay bin paanee. ||1||
Your eyes are blinded, and you see nothing at all. You drown and die without water. ||1||