Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1112 Anidnu rqVIey shij imlIjY ] (1112-1)an-din rat-rhee-ay sahj mileejai. Night and day, imbued with His Love, you shall meet with Him with intuitive ease. suiK shij imlIjY rosu n kIjY grbu invwir smwxI ] (1112-1)sukh sahj mileejai ros na keejai garab nivaar samaanee. In celestial peace and poise, you shall meet Him; do not harbor anger - subdue your proud self! swcY rwqI imlY imlweI mnmuiK Awvx jwxI ] (1112-2)saachai raatee milai milaa-ee manmukh aavan jaanee. Imbued with Truth, I am united in His Union, while the self-willed manmukhs continue coming and going. jb nwcI qb GUGtu kYsw mtukI PoiV inrwrI ] (1112-2)jab naachee tab ghooghat kaisaa matukee forh niraaree. When you dance, what veil covers you? Break the water pot, and be unattached. nwnk AwpY Awpu pCwxY gurmuiK qqu bIcwrI ]4]4] (1112-3)naanak aapai aap pachhaanai gurmukh tat beechaaree. ||4||4|| O Nanak, realize your own self; as Gurmukh, contemplate the essence of reality. ||4||4|| quKwrI mhlw 1 ] (1112-3)tukhaaree mehlaa 1. Tukhaari, First Mehl: myry lwl rMgIly hm lwln ky lwly ] (1112-4)mayray laal rangeelay ham laalan kay laalay. O my Dear Beloved, I am the slave of Your slaves. guir AlKu lKwieAw Avru n dUjw Bwly ] (1112-4)gur alakh lakhaa-i-aa avar na doojaa bhaalay. The Guru has shown me the Invisible Lord, and now, I do not seek any other. guir AlKu lKwieAw jw iqsu BwieAw jw pRiB ikrpw DwrI ] (1112-4)gur alakh lakhaa-i-aa jaa tis bhaa-i-aa jaa parabh kirpaa Dhaaree. The Guru showed me the Invisible Lord, when it pleased Him, and when God showered His Blessings. jgjIvnu dwqw purKu ibDwqw shij imly bnvwrI ] (1112-5)jagjeevan daataa purakh biDhaataa sahj milay banvaaree. The Life of the World, the Great Giver, the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, the Lord of the woods - I have met Him with intuitive ease. ndir krih qU qwrih qrIAY scu dyvhu dIn dieAwlw ] (1112-6)nadar karahi too taareh taree-ai sach dayvhu deen da-i-aalaa. Bestow Your Glance of Grace and carry me across, to save me. Please bless me with the Truth, O Lord, Merciful to the meek. pRxviq nwnk dwsin dwsw qU srb jIAw pRiqpwlw ]1] (1112-6)paranvat naanak daasan daasaa too sarab jee-aa partipaalaa. ||1|| Prays Nanak, I am the slave of Your slaves. You are the Cherisher of all souls. ||1|| Birpuir Dwir rhy Aiq ipAwry ] (1112-7)bharipur Dhaar rahay at pi-aaray. My Dear Beloved is enshrined throughout the Universe. sbdy riv rihAw gur rUip murwry ] (1112-7)sabday rav rahi-aa gur roop muraaray. The Shabad is pervading, through the Guru, the Embodiment of the Lord. gur rUp murwry iqRBvx Dwry qw kw AMqu n pwieAw ] (1112-8)gur roop muraaray taribhavan Dhaaray taa kaa ant na paa-i-aa. The Guru, the Embodiment of the Lord, is enshrined throughout the three worlds; His limits cannot be found. rMgI ijnsI jMq aupwey inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ] (1112-8)rangee jinsee jant upaa-ay nit dayvai charhai savaa-i-aa. He created the beings of various colors and kinds; His Blessings increase day by day. AprMpru Awpy Qwip auQwpy iqsu BwvY so hovY ] (1112-9)aprampar aapay thaap uthaapay tis bhaavai so hovai. The Infinite Lord Himself establishes and disestablishes; whatever pleases Him, happens. nwnk hIrw hIrY byiDAw gux kY hwir provY ]2] (1112-9)naanak heeraa heerai bayDhi-aa gun kai haar parovai. ||2|| O Nanak, the diamond of the mind is pierced through by the diamond of spiritual wisdom. The garland of virtue is strung. ||2|| gux guxih smwxy msqik nwm nIswxo ] (1112-10)gun guneh samaanay mastak naam neesaano. The virtuous person merges in the Virtuous Lord; his forehead bears the insignia of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. scu swic smwieAw cUkw Awvx jwxo ] (1112-10)sach saach samaa-i-aa chookaa aavan jaano. The true person merges in the True Lord; his comings and goings are over. scu swic pCwqw swcY rwqw swcu imlY min BwvY ] (1112-11)sach saach pachhaataa saachai raataa saach milai man bhaavai. The true person realizes the True Lord, and is imbued with Truth. He meets the True Lord, and is pleasing to the Lord's Mind. swcy aUpir Avru n dIsY swcy swic smwvY ] (1112-11)saachay oopar avar na deesai saachay saach samaavai. No one else is seen to be above the True Lord; the true person merges in the True Lord. mohin moih lIAw mnu myrw bMDn Koil inrwry ] (1112-12)mohan mohi lee-aa man mayraa banDhan khol niraaray. The Fascinating Lord has fascinated my mind; releasing me from bondage, He has set me free. nwnk joqI joiq smwxI jw imilAw Aiq ipAwry ]3] (1112-12)naanak jotee jot samaanee jaa mili-aa at pi-aaray. ||3|| O Nanak, my light merged into the Light, when I met my most Darling Beloved. ||3|| sc Gru Koij lhy swcw gur Qwno ] (1112-13)sach ghar khoj lahay saachaa gur thaano. By searching, the true home, the place of the True Guru is found. mnmuiK nh pweIAY gurmuiK igAwno ] (1112-13)manmukh nah paa-ee-ai gurmukh gi-aano. The Gurmukh obtains spiritual wisdom, while the self-willed manmukh does not. dyvY scu dwno so prvwno sd dwqw vf dwxw ] (1112-13)dayvai sach daano so parvaano sad daataa vad daanaa. Whoever the Lord has blessed with the gift of Truth is accepted; the Supremely Wise Lord is forever the Great Giver. Amru AjonI AsiQru jwpY swcw mhlu icrwxw ] (1112-14)amar ajonee asthir jaapai saachaa mahal chiraanaa. He is known to be Immortal, Unborn and Permanent; the True Mansion of His Presence is everlasting. doiq aucwpiq lyKu n ilKIAY pRgtI joiq murwrI ] (1112-14)dot uchaapat laykh na likee-ai pargatee jot muraaree. The day-to-day account of deeds is not recorded for that person, who manifests the radiance of the Divine Light of the Lord. nwnk swcw swcY rwcw gurmuiK qrIAY qwrI ]4]5] (1112-15)naanak saachaa saachai raachaa gurmukh taree-ai taaree. ||4||5|| O Nanak, the true person is absorbed in the True Lord; the Gurmukh crosses over to the other side. ||4||5|| quKwrI mhlw 1 ] (1112-16)tukhaaree mehlaa 1. Tukhaari, First Mehl: ey mn myirAw qU smJu Acyq ieAwixAw rwm ] (1112-16)ay man mayri-aa too samajh achayt i-aani-aa raam. O my ignorant, unconscious mind, reform yourself. ey mn myirAw Cif Avgx guxI smwixAw rwm ] (1112-16)ay man mayri-aa chhad avgan gunee samaani-aa raam. O my mind, leave behind your faults and demerits, and be absorbed in virtue. bhu swd luBwxy ikrq kmwxy ivCuiVAw nhI mylw ] (1112-17)baho saad lubhaanay kirat kamaanay vichhurhi-aa nahee maylaa. You are deluded by so many flavors and pleasures, and you act in such confusion. You are separated, and you will not meet your Lord. ikau duqru qrIAY jm fir mrIAY jm kw pMQu duhylw ] (1112-17)ki-o dutar taree-ai jam dar maree-ai jam kaa panth duhaylaa. How can the impassible world-ocean be crossed? The fear of the Messenger of Death is deadly. The path of Death is agonizingly painful. min rwmu nhI jwqw swJ pRBwqw AvGit ruDw ikAw kry ] (1112-18)man raam nahee jaataa saajh parbhataa avghat ruDhaa ki-aa karay. The mortal does not know the Lord in the evening, or in the morning; trapped on the treacherous path, what will he do then? bMDin bwiDAw ien ibiD CUtY gurmuiK syvY nrhry ]1] (1112-18)banDhan baaDhi-aa in biDh chhootai gurmukh sayvai narharay. ||1|| Bound in bondage, he is released only by this method: as Gurmukh, serve the Lord. ||1|| ey mn myirAw qU Coif Awl jMjwlw rwm ] (1112-19)ay man mayri-aa too chhod aal janjaalaa raam. O my mind, abandon your household entanglements. ey mn myirAw hir syvhu purKu inrwlw rwm ] (1112-19)ay man mayri-aa har sayvhu purakh niraalaa raam. O my mind, serve the Lord, the Primal, Detached Lord. |
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