Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1110 nwnk Aihinis rwvY pRIqmu hir vru iQru sohwgo ]17]1] (1110-1)naanak ahinis raavai pareetam har var thir sohaago. ||17||1|| O Nanak, day and night, my Beloved enjoys me; with the Lord as my Husband, my Marriage is Eternal. ||17||1|| quKwrI mhlw 1 ] (1110-1)tukhaaree mehlaa 1. Tukhaari, First Mehl: pihlY phrY nYx slonVIey rYix AMiDAwrI rwm ] (1110-2)pahilai pahrai nain salonrhee-ay rain anDhi-aaree raam. In the first watch of the dark night, O bride of splendored eyes, vKru rwKu mueIey AwvY vwrI rwm ] (1110-2)vakhar raakh mu-ee-ay aavai vaaree raam. protect your riches; your turn is coming soon. vwrI AwvY kvxu jgwvY sUqI jm rsu cUsey ] (1110-3)vaaree aavai kavan jagaavai sootee jam ras choos-ay. When your turn comes, who will wake you? While you sleep, your juice shall be sucked out by the Messenger of Death. rYix AMDyrI ikAw piq qyrI coru pVY Gru mUsey ] (1110-3)rain anDhayree ki-aa pat tayree chor parhai ghar moos-ay. The night is so dark; what will become of your honor? The thieves will break into your home and rob you. rwKxhwrw Agm Apwrw suix bynµqI myrIAw ] (1110-4)raakhanhaaraa agam apaaraa sun baynantee mayree-aa. O Saviour Lord, Inaccessible and Infinite, please hear my prayer. nwnk mUrKu kbih n cyqY ikAw sUJY rYix AMDyrIAw ]1] (1110-4)naanak moorakh kabeh na chaytai ki-aa soojhai rain anDhayree-aa. ||1|| O Nanak, the fool never remembers Him; what can he see in the dark of night? ||1|| dUjw phru BieAw jwgu AcyqI rwm ] (1110-5)doojaa pahar bha-i-aa jaag achaytee raam. The second watch has begun; wake up, you unconscious being! vKru rwKu mueIey KwjY KyqI rwm ] (1110-5)vakhar raakh mu-ee-ay khaajai khaytee raam. Protect your riches, O mortal; your farm is being eaten. rwKhu KyqI hir gur hyqI jwgq coru n lwgY ] (1110-5)raakho khaytee har gur haytee jaagat chor na laagai. Protect your crops, and love the Lord, the Guru. Stay awake and aware, and the thieves shall not rob you. jm mig n jwvhu nw duKu pwvhu jm kw fru Bau BwgY ] (1110-6)jam mag na jaavhu naa dukh paavhu jam kaa dar bha-o bhaagai. You shall not have to go on the path of Death, and you shall not suffer in pain; your fear and terror of death shall run away. riv sis dIpk gurmiq duAwrY min swcw muiK iDAwvey ] (1110-6)rav sas deepak gurmat du-aarai man saachaa mukh Dhi-aav-ay. The lamps of the sun and the moon are lit by the Guru's Teachings, through His Door, meditating on the True Lord, in the mind and with the mouth. nwnk mUrKu Ajhu n cyqY ikv dUjY suKu pwvey ]2] (1110-7)naanak moorakh ajahu na chaytai kiv doojai sukh paav-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, the fool still does not remember the Lord. How can he find peace in duality? ||2|| qIjw phru BieAw nId ivAwpI rwm ] (1110-8)teejaa pahar bha-i-aa need vi-aapee raam. The third watch has begun, and sleep has set in. mwieAw suq dwrw dUiK sMqwpI rwm ] (1110-8)maa-i-aa sut daaraa dookh santaapee raam. The mortal suffers in pain, from attachment to Maya, children and spouse. mwieAw suq dwrw jgq ipAwrw cog cugY inq PwsY ] (1110-8)maa-i-aa sut daaraa jagat pi-aaraa chog chugai nit faasai. Maya, his children, his wife and the world are so dear to him; he bites the bait, and is caught. nwmu iDAwvY qw suKu pwvY gurmiq kwlu n gRwsY ] (1110-9)naam Dhi-aavai taa sukh paavai gurmat kaal na garaasai. Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he shall find peace; following the Guru's Teachings, he shall not be seized by death. jMmxu mrxu kwlu nhI CofY ivxu nwvY sMqwpI ] (1110-9)jaman maran kaal nahee chhodai vin naavai santaapee. He cannot escape from birth, dying and death; without the Name, he suffers. nwnk qIjY iqRibiD lokw mwieAw moih ivAwpI ]3] (1110-10)naanak teejai taribaDh lokaa maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapee. ||3|| O Nanak, in the third watch of the three-phased Maya, the world is engrossed in attachment to Maya. ||3|| cauQw phru BieAw dauqu ibhwgY rwm ] (1110-10)cha-uthaa pahar bha-i-aa da-ut bihaagai raam. The fourth watch has begun, and the day is about to dawn. iqn Gru rwiKAVw juo Anidnu jwgY rwm ] (1110-11)tin ghar raakhi-arhaa jo an-din jaagai raam. Those who remain awake and aware, night and day, preserve and protect their homes. gur pUiC jwgy nwim lwgy iqnw rYix suhylIAw ] (1110-11)gur poochh jaagay naam laagay tinaa rain suhaylee-aa. The night is pleasant and peaceful, for those who remain awake; following the Guru's advice, they focus on the Naam. gur sbdu kmwvih jnim n Awvih iqnw hir pRBu bylIAw ] (1110-12)gur sabad kamaaveh janam na aavahi tinaa har parabh baylee-aa. Those who practice the Word of the Guru's Shabad are not reincarnated again; the Lord God is their Best Friend. kr kMip crx srIru kMpY nYx AMDuly qnu Bsm sy ] (1110-12)kar kaNp charan sareer kampai nain anDhulay tan bhasam say. The hands shake, the feet and body totter, the vision goes dark, and the body turns to dust. nwnk duKIAw jug cwry ibnu nwm hir ky min vsy ]4] (1110-13)naanak dukhee-aa jug chaaray bin naam har kay man vasay. ||4|| O Nanak, people are miserable throughout the four ages, if the Name of the Lord does not abide in the mind. ||4|| KUlI gMiT auTo iliKAw AwieAw rwm ] (1110-14)khoolee ganth utho likhi-aa aa-i-aa raam. The knot has been untied; rise up - the order has come! rs ks suK Twky bMiD clwieAw rwm ] (1110-14)ras kas sukh thaakay banDh chalaa-i-aa raam. Pleasures and comforts are gone; like a prisoner, you are driven on. bMiD clwieAw jw pRB BwieAw nw dIsY nw suxIAY ] (1110-14)banDh chalaa-i-aa jaa parabh bhaa-i-aa naa deesai naa sunee-ai. You shall be bound and gagged, when it pleases God; you will not see or hear it coming. Awpx vwrI sBsY AwvY pkI KyqI luxIAY ] (1110-15)aapan vaaree sabhsai aavai pakee khaytee lunee-ai. Everyone will have their turn; the crop ripens, and then it is cut down. GVI csy kw lyKw lIjY burw Blw shu jIAw ] (1110-15)gharhee chasay kaa laykhaa leejai buraa bhalaa saho jee-aa. The account is kept for every second, every instant; the soul suffers for the bad and the good. nwnk suir nr sbid imlwey iqin pRiB kwrxu kIAw ]5]2] (1110-16)naanak sur nar sabad milaa-ay tin parabh kaaran kee-aa. ||5||2|| O Nanak, the angelic beings are united with the Word of the Shabad; this is the way God made it. ||5||2|| quKwrI mhlw 1 ] (1110-17)tukhaaree mehlaa 1. Tukhaari, First Mehl: qwrw ciVAw lµmw ikau ndir inhwilAw rwm ] (1110-17)taaraa charhi-aa lammaa ki-o nadar nihaali-aa raam. The meteor shoots across the sky. How can it be seen with the eyes? syvk pUr krMmw siqguir sbid idKwilAw rwm ] (1110-17)sayvak poor karammaa satgur sabad dikhaali-aa raam. The True Guru reveals the Word of the Shabad to His servant who has such perfect karma. gur sbid idKwilAw scu smwilAw Aihinis dyiK bIcwirAw ] (1110-18)gur sabad dikhaali-aa sach samaali-aa ahinis daykh beechaari-aa. The Guru reveals the Shabad; dwelling on the True Lord, day and night, he beholds and reflects on God. Dwvq pMc rhy Gru jwixAw kwmu k®oDu ibKu mwirAw ] (1110-19)Dhaavat panch rahay ghar jaani-aa kaam kroDh bikh maari-aa. The five restless desires are restrained, and he knows the home of his own heart. He conquers sexual desire, anger and corruption. AMqir joiq BeI gur swKI cIny rwm krMmw ] (1110-19)antar jot bha-ee gur saakhee cheenay raam karammaa. His inner being is illuminated, by the Guru's Teachings; He beholds the Lord's play of karma. |
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