Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1108 bn PUly mMJ bwir mY ipru Gir bwhuVY ] (1108-1)ban foolay manjh baar mai pir ghar baahurhai. The forest is blossoming in front of my door; if only my Beloved would return to my home! ipru Gir nhI AwvY Dn ikau suKu pwvY ibrih ibroD qnu CIjY ] (1108-1)pir ghar nahee aavai Dhan ki-o sukh paavai bireh biroDh tan chheejai. If her Husband Lord does not return home, how can the soul-bride find peace? Her body is wasting away with the sorrow of separation. koikl AMib suhwvI bolY ikau duKu AMik shIjY ] (1108-2)kokil amb suhaavee bolai ki-o dukh ank saheejai. The beautiful song-bird sings, perched on the mango tree; but how can I endure the pain in the depths of my being? Bvru BvMqw PUlI fwlI ikau jIvw mru mwey ] (1108-2)bhavar bhavantaa foolee daalee ki-o jeevaa mar maa-ay. The bumble bee is buzzing around the flowering branches; but how can I survive? I am dying, O my mother! nwnk cyiq shij suKu pwvY jy hir vru Gir Dn pwey ]5] (1108-3)naanak chayt sahj sukh paavai jay har var ghar Dhan paa-ay. ||5|| O Nanak, in Chayt, peace is easily obtained, if the soul-bride obtains the Lord as her Husband, within the home of her own heart. ||5|| vYswKu Blw swKw vys kry ] (1108-3)vaisaakh bhalaa saakhaa vays karay. Baisakhi is so pleasant; the branches blossom with new leaves. Dn dyKY hir duAwir Awvhu dieAw kry ] (1108-4)Dhan daykhai har du-aar aavhu da-i-aa karay. The soul-bride yearns to see the Lord at her door. Come, O Lord, and take pity on me! Gir Awau ipAwry duqr qwry quDu ibnu AFu n molo ] (1108-4)ghar aa-o pi-aaray dutar taaray tuDh bin adh na molo. Please come home, O my Beloved; carry me across the treacherous world-ocean. Without You, I am not worth even a shell. kImiq kaux kry quDu BwvW dyiK idKwvY Folo ] (1108-5)keemat ka-un karay tuDh bhaavaaN daykh dikhaavai dholo. Who can estimate my worth, if I am pleasing to You? I see You, and inspire others to see You, O my Love. dUir n jwnw AMqir mwnw hir kw mhlu pCwnw ] (1108-5)door na jaanaa antar maanaa har kaa mahal pachhaanaa. I know that You are not far away; I believe that You are deep within me, and I realize Your Presence. nwnk vYswKIN pRBu pwvY suriq sbid mnu mwnw ]6] (1108-6)naanak vaisaakheeN parabh paavai surat sabad man maanaa. ||6|| O Nanak, finding God in Baisakhi, the consciousness is filled with the Word of the Shabad, and the mind comes to believe. ||6|| mwhu jyTu Blw pRIqmu ikau ibsrY ] (1108-6)maahu jayth bhalaa pareetam ki-o bisrai. The month of Jayt'h is so sublime. How could I forget my Beloved? Ql qwpih sr Bwr sw Dn ibnau krY ] (1108-7)thal taapeh sar bhaar saa Dhan bin-o karai. The earth burns like a furnace, and the soul-bride offers her prayer. Dn ibnau krydI gux swrydI gux swrI pRB Bwvw ] (1108-7)Dhan bin-o karaydee gun saaraydee gun saaree parabh bhaavaa. The bride offers her prayer, and sings His Glorious Praises; singing His Praises, she becomes pleasing to God. swcY mhil rhY bYrwgI Awvx dyih q Awvw ] (1108-8)saachai mahal rahai bairaagee aavan deh ta aavaa. The Unattached Lord dwells in His true mansion. If He allows me, then I will come to Him. inmwxI inqwxI hir ibnu ikau pwvY suK mhlI ] (1108-8)nimaanee nitaanee har bin ki-o paavai sukh mahlee. The bride is dishonored and powerless; how will she find peace without her Lord? nwnk jyiT jwxY iqsu jYsI krim imlY gux gihlI ]7] (1108-9)naanak jayth jaanai tis jaisee karam milai gun gahilee. ||7|| O Nanak, in Jayt'h, she who knows her Lord becomes just like Him; grasping virtue, she meets with the Merciful Lord. ||7|| AwswVu Blw sUrju ggin qpY ] (1108-9)aasaarh bhalaa sooraj gagan tapai. The month of Aasaarh is good; the sun blazes in the sky. DrqI dUK shY soKY Agin BKY ] (1108-10)Dhartee dookh sahai sokhai agan bhakhai. The earth suffers in pain, parched and roasted in the fire. Agin rsu soKY mrIAY DoKY BI so ikrqu n hwry ] (1108-10)agan ras sokhai maree-ai Dhokhai bhee so kirat na haaray. The fire dries up the moisture, and she dies in agony. But even then, the sun does not grow tired. rQu iPrY CwieAw Dn qwkY tIfu lvY mMiJ bwry ] (1108-10)rath firai chhaa-i-aa Dhan taakai teed lavai manjh baaray. His chariot moves on, and the soul-bride seeks shade; the crickets are chirping in the forest. Avgx bwiD clI duKu AwgY suKu iqsu swcu smwly ] (1108-11)avgan baaDh chalee dukh aagai sukh tis saach samaalay. She ties up her bundle of faults and demerits, and suffers in the world hereafter. But dwelling on the True Lord, she finds peace. nwnk ijs no iehu mnu dIAw mrxu jIvxu pRB nwly ]8] (1108-12)naanak jis no ih man dee-aa maran jeevan parabh naalay. ||8|| O Nanak, I have given this mind to Him; death and life rest with God. ||8|| swvix srs mnw Gx vrsih ruiq Awey ] (1108-12)saavan saras manaa ghan varseh rut aa-ay. In Saawan, be happy, O my mind. The rainy season has come, and the clouds have burst into showers. mY min qin shu BwvY ipr prdyis isDwey ] (1108-13)mai man tan saho bhaavai pir pardays siDhaa-ay. My mind and body are pleased by my Lord, but my Beloved has gone away. ipru Gir nhI AwvY mrIAY hwvY dwmin cmik frwey ] (1108-13)pir ghar nahee aavai maree-ai haavai daaman chamak daraa-ay. My Beloved has not come home, and I am dying of the sorrow of separation. The lightning flashes, and I am scared. syj iekylI KrI duhylI mrxu BieAw duKu mwey ] (1108-14)sayj ikaylee kharee duhaylee maran bha-i-aa dukh maa-ay. My bed is lonely, and I am suffering in agony. I am dying in pain, O my mother! hir ibnu nId BUK khu kYsI kwpVu qin n suKwvey ] (1108-14)har bin need bhookh kaho kaisee kaaparh tan na sukhaava-ay. Tell me - without the Lord, how can I sleep, or feel hungry? My clothes give no comfort to my body. nwnk sw sohwgix kMqI ipr kY AMik smwvey ]9] (1108-15)naanak saa sohagan kantee pir kai ank samaav-ay. ||9|| O Nanak, she alone is a happy soul-bride, who merges in the Being of her Beloved Husband Lord. ||9|| Bwdau Brim BulI Bir jobin pCuqwxI ] (1108-15)bhaada-o bharam bhulee bhar joban pachhutaanee. In Bhaadon, the young woman is confused by doubt; later, she regrets and repents. jl Ql nIir Bry brs ruqy rMgu mwxI ] (1108-16)jal thal neer bharay baras rutay rang maanee. The lakes and fields are overflowing with water; the rainy season has come - the time to celebrate! brsY inis kwlI ikau suKu bwlI dwdr mor lvMqy ] (1108-16)barsai nis kaalee ki-o sukh baalee daadar mor lavantay. In the dark of night it rains; how can the young bride find peace? The frogs and peacocks send out their noisy calls. ipRau ipRau cvY bbIhw boly BuieAMgm iPrih fsMqy ] (1108-17)pari-o pari-o chavai babeehaa bolay bhu-i-angam fireh dasantay. "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!" cries the rainbird, while the snakes slither around, biting. mCr fMg swier Br suBr ibnu hir ikau suKu pweIAY ] (1108-17)machhar dang saa-ir bhar subhar bin har ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai. The mosquitoes bite and sting, and the ponds are filled to overflowing; without the Lord, how can she find peace? nwnk pUiC clau gur Apuny jh pRBu qh hI jweIAY ]10] (1108-18)naanak poochh chala-o gur apunay jah parabh tah hee jaa-ee-ai. ||10|| O Nanak, I will go and ask my Guru; wherever God is, there I will go. ||10|| Asuin Awau iprw sw Dn JUir mueI ] (1108-19)asun aa-o piraa saa Dhan jhoor mu-ee. In Assu, come, my Beloved; the soul-bride is grieving to death. qw imlIAY pRB myly dUjY Bwie KueI ] (1108-19)taa milee-ai parabh maylay doojai bhaa-ay khu-ee. She can only meet Him, when God leads her to meet Him; she is ruined by the love of duality. JUiT ivguqI qw ipr muqI kukh kwh is Puly ] (1108-19)jhooth vigutee taa pir mutee kukah kaah se fulay. If she is plundered by falsehood, then her Beloved forsakes her. Then, the white flowers of old age blossom in my hair. |
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