Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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988 Awl jwl ibkwr qij siB hir gunw iniq gwau ] (988-1)aal jaal bikaar taj sabh har gunaa nit gaa-o. Abandon all your entanglements and corruption; sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever. kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY dyhu Apnw nwau ]2]1]6] (988-1)kar jorh naanak daan maaNgai dayh apnaa naa-o. ||2||1||6|| With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing; please bless me with Your Name. ||2||1||6|| mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] (988-2)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 5. Maalee Gauraa, Fifth Mehl: pRB smrQ dyv Apwr ] (988-2)parabh samrath dayv apaar. God is all-powerful, divine and infinite. kaunu jwnY cilq qyry ikCu AMqu nwhI pwr ]1] rhwau ] (988-2)ka-un jaanai chalit tayray kichh ant naahee paar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Who knows Your wondrous plays? You have no end or limitation. ||1||Pause|| iek iKnih Qwip auQwpdw GiV BMin krnYhwru ] (988-3)ik khineh thaap uthaapadaa gharh bhann karnaihaar. In an instant, You establish and disestablish; You create and destroy, O Creator Lord. jyq kIn aupwrjnw pRBu dwnu dyie dwqwr ]1] (988-3)jayt keen upaarjanaa parabh daan day-ay daataar. ||1|| As many beings as You created, God, so many You bless with Your blessings. ||1|| hir srin AwieE dwsu qyrw pRB aUc Agm murwr ] (988-4)har saran aa-i-o daas tayraa parabh ooch agam muraar. I have come to Your Sanctuary, Lord; I am Your slave, O Inaccessible Lord God. kiF lyhu Baujl ibKm qy jnu nwnku sd bilhwr ]2]2]7] (988-4)kadh layho bha-ojal bikham tay jan naanak sad balihaar. ||2||2||7|| Lift me up and pull me out of the terrifying, treacherous world-ocean; servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||2||2||7|| mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] (988-5)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 5. Maalee Gauraa, Fifth Mehl: min qin bis rhy gopwl ] (988-5)man tan bas rahay gopaal. The Lord of the World abides in my mind and body. dIn bWDv Bgiq vCl sdw sdw ik®pwl ]1] rhwau ] (988-6)deen baaNDhav bhagat vachhal sadaa sadaa kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o. Friend of the meek, Lover of His devotees, forever and ever merciful. ||1||Pause|| Awid AMqy miD qUhY pRB ibnw nwhI koie ] (988-6)aad antay maDh toohai parabh binaa naahee ko-ay. In the beginning, in the end and in the middle, You alone exist, God; there is none other than You. pUir rihAw sgl mMfl eyku suAwmI soie ]1] (988-7)poor rahi-aa sagal mandal ayk su-aamee so-ay. ||1|| He is totally permeating and pervading all worlds; He is the One and only Lord and Master. ||1|| krin hir jsu nyqR drsnu rsin hir gun gwau ] (988-7)karan har jas naytar darsan rasan har gun gaa-o. With my ears I hear God's Praises, and with my eyes I behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; with my tongue I sing the Lord's Glorious Praises. bilhwir jwey sdw nwnku dyhu Apxw nwau ]2]3]8]6]14] (988-8)balihaar jaa-ay sadaa naanak dayh apnaa naa-o. ||2||3||8||6||14|| Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You; please, bless me with Your Name. ||2||3||8||6||14|| mwlI gauVw bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI (988-9)maalee ga-urhaa banee bhagat naamdayv jee kee Maalee Gauraa, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (988-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Din DMin E rwm bynu bwjY ] (988-10)Dhan Dhan o raam bayn baajai. Blessed, blessed is that flute which the Lord plays. mDur mDur Duin Anhq gwjY ]1] rhwau ] (988-10)maDhur maDhur Dhun anhat gaajai. ||1|| rahaa-o. The sweet, sweet unstruck sound current sings forth. ||1||Pause|| Din Din myGw romwvlI ] (988-10)Dhan Dhan mayghaa romaavalee. Blessed, blessed is the wool of the sheep; Din Din ik®sn EFY kWblI ]1] (988-11)Dhan Dhan krisan odhai kaaNblee. ||1|| blessed, blessed is the blanket worn by Krishna. ||1|| Din Din qU mwqw dyvkI ] (988-11)Dhan Dhan too maataa dayvkee. Blessed, blessed are you, O mother Dayvakee; ijh igRh rmeIAw kvlwpqI ]2] (988-11)jih garih rama-ee-aa kavalaapatee. ||2|| into your home the Lord was born. ||2|| Din Din bn KMf ibMdRwbnw ] (988-12)Dhan Dhan ban khand bindraabanaa. Blessed, blessed are the forests of Brindaaban; jh KylY sRI nwrwienw ]3] (988-12)jah khaylai saree naaraa-inaa. ||3|| the Supreme Lord plays there. ||3|| bynu bjwvY goDnu crY ] (988-12)bayn bajaavai goDhan charai. He plays the flute, and herds the cows; nwmy kw suAwmI Awnd krY ]4]1] (988-13)naamay kaa su-aamee aanad karai. ||4||1|| Naam Dayv's Lord and Master plays happily. ||4||1|| myro bwpu mwDau qU Dnu kysO sWvlIE bITulwie ]1] rhwau ] (988-13)mayro baap maaDha-o too Dhan kaysou saaNvlee-o beethulaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. O my Father, Lord of wealth, blessed are You, long-haired, dark-skinned, my darling. ||1||Pause|| kr Dry ck® bYkuMT qy Awey gj hsqI ky pRwn auDwrIAly ] (988-14)kar Dharay chakar baikunth tay aa-ay gaj hastee kay paraan uDhaaree-alay. You hold the steel chakra in Your hand; You came down from Heaven, and saved the life of the elephant. duhswsn kI sBw dRopqI AMbr lyq aubwrIAly ]1] (988-14)duhsaasan kee sabhaa daropatee ambar layt ubaaree-alay. ||1|| In the court of Duhsaasan, You saved the honor of Dropati, when her clothes were being removed. ||1|| goqm nwir AhilAw qwrI pwvn kyqk qwrIAly ] (988-15)gotam naar ahli-aa taaree paavan kaytak taaree-alay. You saved Ahliyaa, the wife of Gautam; how many have You purified and carried across? AYsw ADmu Ajwiq nwmdyau qau srnwgiq AweIAly ]2]2] (988-15)aisaa aDham ajaat naamday-o ta-o sarnaagat aa-ee-alay. ||2||2|| Such a lowly outcaste as Naam Dayv has come seeking Your Sanctuary. ||2||2|| sBY Gt rwmu bolY rwmw bolY ] (988-16)sabhai ghat raam bolai raamaa bolai. Within all hearts, the Lord speaks, the Lord speaks. rwm ibnw ko bolY ry ]1] rhwau ] (988-16)raam binaa ko bolai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o. Who else speaks, other than the Lord? ||1||Pause|| eykl mwtI kuMjr cItI Bwjn hYN bhu nwnw ry ] (988-17)aykal maatee kunjar cheetee bhaajan haiN baho naanaa ray. Out of the same clay, the elephant, the ant, and the many sorts of species are formed. AsQwvr jMgm kIt pqMgm Git Git rwmu smwnw ry ]1] (988-17)asthaavar jangam keet patangam ghat ghat raam samaanaa ray. ||1|| In stationary life forms, moving beings, worms, moths and within each and every heart, the Lord is contained. ||1|| eykl icMqw rwKu Anµqw Aaur qjhu sB Awsw ry ] (988-18)aykal chintaa raakh anantaa a-or tajahu sabh aasaa ray. Remember the One, Infinite Lord; abandon all other hopes. pRxvY nwmw Bey inhkwmw ko Twkuru ko dwsw ry ]2]3] (988-19)paranvai naamaa bha-ay nihkaamaa ko thaakur ko daasaa ray. ||2||3|| Naam Dayv prays, I have become dispassionate and detached; who is the Lord and Master, and who is the slave? ||2||3|| |
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