Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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966 DMnu su qyry Bgq ijn@I scu qUM ifTw ] (966-1)Dhan so tayray bhagat jinHee sach tooN dithaa. Blessed are Your devotees, who see You, O True Lord. ijs no qyrI dieAw slwhy soie quDu ] (966-1)jis no tayree da-i-aa salaahay so-ay tuDh. He alone praises You, who is blessed by Your Grace. ijsu gur Byty nwnk inrml soeI suDu ]20] (966-1)jis gur bhaytay naanak nirmal so-ee suDh. ||20|| One who meets the Guru, O Nanak, is immaculate and sanctified. ||20|| slok mÚ 5 ] (966-2)salok mehlaa 5. Shalok, Fifth Mehl: PrIdw BUim rMgwvlI mMiJ ivsUlw bwgu ] (966-2)fareedaa bhoom rangaavalee manjh visoolaa baag. Fareed, this world is beautiful, but there is a thorny garden within it. jo nr pIir invwijAw iqn@w AMc n lwg ]1] (966-2)jo nar peer nivaaji-aa tinHaa anch na laag. ||1|| Those who are blessed by their spiritual teacher are not even scratched. ||1|| mÚ 5 ] (966-3)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: PrIdw aumr suhwvVI sMig suvMnVI dyh ] (966-3)fareedaa umar suhaavarhee sang suvannrhee dayh. Fareed, blessed is the life, with such a beautiful body. ivrly kyeI pweIAin@ ijn@w ipAwry nyh ]2] (966-3)virlay kay-ee paa-ee-aniH jinHaa pi-aaray nayh. ||2|| How rare are those who are found to love their Beloved Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (966-4)pa-orhee. Pauree: jpu qpu sMjmu dieAw Drmu ijsu dyih su pwey ] (966-4)jap tap sanjam da-i-aa Dharam jis deh so paa-ay. He alone obtains meditation, austerities, self-discipline, compassion and Dharmic faith, whom the Lord so blesses. ijsu buJwieih Agin Awip so nwmu iDAwey ] (966-4)jis bujhaa-ihi agan aap so naam Dhi-aa-ay. He alone meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, whose fire the Lord puts out. AMqrjwmI Agm purKu iek idRsit idKwey ] (966-5)antarjaamee agam purakh ik darisat dikhaa-ay. The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, the Inaccessible Primal Lord, inspires us to look upon all with an impartial eye. swDsMgiq kY AwsrY pRB isau rMgu lwey ] (966-5)saaDhsangat kai aasrai parabh si-o rang laa-ay. With the support of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one falls in love with God. Aaugx kit muKu aujlw hir nwim qrwey ] (966-6)a-ugan kat mukh ujlaa har naam taraa-ay. One's faults are eradicated, and one's face becomes radiant and bright; through the Lord's Name, one crosses over. jnm mrx Bau kitEnu iPir join n pwey ] (966-6)janam maran bha-o kati-on fir jon na paa-ay. The fear of birth and death is removed, and he is not reincarnated again. AMD kUp qy kwiFAnu lVu Awip PVwey ] (966-7)anDh koop tay kaadhi-an larh aap farhaa-ay. God lifts him up and pulls him out of the deep, dark pit, and attaches him to the hem of His robe. nwnk bKis imlwieAnu rKy gil lwey ]21] (966-7)naanak bakhas milaa-i-an rakhay gal laa-ay. ||21|| O Nanak, God forgives him, and holds him close in His embrace. ||21|| slok mÚ 5 ] (966-8)salok mehlaa 5. Shalok, Fifth Mehl: muhbiq ijsu Kudwie dI rqw rMig clUil ] (966-8)muhabat jis khudaa-ay dee rataa rang chalool. One who loves God is imbued with the deep crimson color of His love. nwnk ivrly pweIAih iqsu jn kIm n mUil ]1] (966-8)naanak virlay paa-ee-ah tis jan keem na mool. ||1|| O Nanak, such a person is rarely found; the value of such a humble person can never be estimated. ||1|| mÚ 5 ] (966-9)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: AMdru ivDw sic nwie bwhir BI scu ifToim ] (966-9)andar viDhaa sach naa-ay baahar bhee sach dithom. The True Name has pierced the nucleus of my self deep within. Outside, I see the True Lord as well. nwnk rivAw hB Qwie vix iqRix iqRBvix roim ]2] (966-9)naanak ravi-aa habh thaa-ay van tarin taribhavan rom. ||2|| O Nanak, He is pervading and permeating all places, the forests and the meadows, the three worlds, and every hair. ||2|| pauVI ] (966-10)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awpy kIqo rcnu Awpy hI riqAw ] (966-10)aapay keeto rachan aapay hee rati-aa. He Himself created the Universe; He Himself imbues it. Awpy hoieE ieku Awpy bhu BiqAw ] (966-10)aapay ho-i-o ik aapay baho bhati-aa. He Himself is One, and He Himself has numerous forms. Awpy sBnw mMiJ Awpy bwhrw ] (966-11)aapay sabhnaa manjh aapay baahraa. He Himself is within all, and He Himself is beyond them. Awpy jwxih dUir Awpy hI jwhrw ] (966-11)aapay jaaneh door aapay hee jaahraa. He Himself is known to be far away, and He Himself is right here. Awpy hovih gupqu Awpy prgtIAY ] (966-11)aapay hoveh gupat aapay pargatee-ai. He Himself is hidden, and He Himself is revealed. kImiq iksY n pwie qyrI QtIAY ] (966-12)keemat kisai na paa-ay tayree thatee-ai. No one can estimate the value of Your Creation, Lord. gihr gMBIru AQwhu Apwru Agxqu qUM ] (966-12)gahir gambheer athaahu apaar agnat tooN. You are deep and profound, unfathomable, infinite and invaluable. nwnk vrqY ieku ieko ieku qUM ]22]1]2] suDu ] (966-13)naanak vartai ik iko ik tooN. ||22||1||2|| suDh. O Nanak, the One Lord is all-pervading. You are the One and only. ||22||1||2|| Sudh|| rwmklI kI vwr rwie blvMif qQw sqY fUim AwKI (966-14)raamkalee kee vaar raa-ay balvand tathaa satai doom aakhee Vaar Of Raamkalee, Uttered By Satta And Balwand The Drummer: <> siqgur pRswid ] (966-14)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: nwau krqw kwdru kry ikau bolu hovY joKIvdY ] (966-15)naa-o kartaa kaadar karay ki-o bol hovai jokheevadai. One who chants the Name of the Almighty Creator - how can his words be judged? dy gunw siq BYx Brwv hY pwrMgiq dwnu pVIvdY ] (966-15)day gunaa sat bhain bharaav hai paarangat daan parheevadai. His divine virtues are the true sisters and brothers; through them, the gift of supreme status is obtained. nwnik rwju clwieAw scu kotu sqwxI nIv dY ] (966-16)naanak raaj chalaa-i-aa sach kot sataanee neev dai. Nanak established the kingdom; He built the true fortress on the strongest foundations. lhxy DirEnu Cqu isir kir isPqI AMimRqu pIvdY ] (966-16)lahnay Dhari-on chhat sir kar siftee amrit peevdai. He installed the royal canopy over Lehna's head; chanting the Lord's Praises, He drank in the Ambrosial Nectar. miq gur Awqm dyv dI KVig joir prwkuie jIA dY ] (966-17)mat gur aatam dayv dee kharhag jor puraaku-ay jee-a dai. The Guru implanted the almighty sword of the Teachings to illuminate his soul. guir cyly rhrwis kIeI nwnik slwmiq QIvdY ] (966-17)gur chaylay rahraas kee-ee naanak salaamat theevdai. The Guru bowed down to His disciple, while Nanak was still alive. sih itkw idqosu jIvdY ]1] (966-18)seh tikaa ditos jeevdai. ||1|| The King, while still alive, applied the ceremonial mark to his forehead. ||1|| lhxy dI PyrweIAY nwnkw dohI KtIAY ] (966-18)lahnay dee fayraa-ee-ai naankaa dohee khatee-ai. Nanak proclaimed Lehna's succession - he earned it. joiq Ehw jugiq swie sih kwieAw Pyir pltIAY ] (966-18)jot ohaa jugat saa-ay seh kaa-i-aa fayr paltee-ai. They shared the One Light and the same way; the King just changed His body. JulY su Cqu inrMjnI mil qKqu bYTw gur htIAY ] (966-19)jhulai so chhat niranjanee mal takhat baithaa gur hatee-ai. The immaculate canopy waves over Him, and He sits on the throne in the Guru's shop. krih ij gur PurmwieAw isl jogu AlUxI ctIAY ] (966-19)karahi je gur furmaa-i-aa sil jog aloonee chatee-ai. He does as the Guru commands; He tasted the tasteless stone of Yoga. |
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