Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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863 lwl nwm jw kY Bry BMfwr ] (863-1)laal naam jaa kai bharay bhandaar. His treasure is overflowing with the rubies of the Name. sgl Gtw dyvY AwDwr ]3] (863-1)sagal ghataa dayvai aaDhaar. ||3|| He gives Support to all hearts. ||3|| siq purKu jw ko hY nwau ] (863-1)sat purakh jaa ko hai naa-o. The Name is the True Primal Being; imtih koit AG inmK jsu gwau ] (863-1)miteh kot agh nimakh jas gaa-o. millions of sins are washed away in an instant, singing His Praises. bwl sKweI Bgqn ko mIq ] (863-2)baal sakhaa-ee bhagtan ko meet. The Lord God is your best friend, your playmate from earliest childhood. pRwn ADwr nwnk ihq cIq ]4]1]3] (863-2)paraan aDhaar naanak hit cheet. ||4||1||3|| He is the Support of the breath of life; O Nanak, He is love, He is consciousness. ||4||1||3|| goNf mhlw 5 ] (863-3)gond mehlaa 5. Gond, Fifth Mehl: nwm sMig kIno ibauhwru ] (863-3)naam sang keeno bi-uhaar. I trade in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. nwmuo hI iesu mn kw ADwru ] (863-3)naamo hee is man kaa aDhaar. The Naam is the Support of the mind. nwmo hI iciq kInI Et ] (863-3)naamo hee chit keenee ot. My consciousness takes to the Shelter of the Naam. nwmu jpq imtih pwp koit ]1] (863-4)naam japat miteh paap kot. ||1|| Chanting the Naam, millions of sins are erased. ||1|| rwis dIeI hir eyko nwmu ] (863-4)raas dee-ee har ayko naam. The Lord has blessed me with the wealth of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord. mn kw iestu gur sMig iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (863-4)man kaa isat gur sang Dhi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o. The wish of my mind is to meditate on the Naam, in association with the Guru. ||1||Pause|| nwmu hmwry jIA kI rwis ] (863-5)naam hamaaray jee-a kee raas. The Naam is the wealth of my soul. nwmo sMgI jq kq jwq ] (863-5)naamo sangee jat kat jaat. Wherever I go, the Naam is with me. nwmo hI min lwgw mITw ] (863-5)naamo hee man laagaa meethaa. The Naam is sweet to my mind. jil Qil sB mih nwmo fITw ]2] (863-6)jal thal sabh meh naamo deethaa. ||2|| In the water, on the land, and everywhere, I see the Naam. ||2|| nwmy drgh muK aujly ] (863-6)naamay dargeh mukh ujlay. Through the Naam, one's face becomes radiant in the Court of the Lord. nwmy sgly kul auDry ] (863-6)naamay saglay kul uDhray. Through the Naam, all one's generations are saved. nwim hmwry kwrj sID ] (863-6)naam hamaaray kaaraj seeDh. Through the Naam, my affairs are resolved. nwm sMig iehu mnUAw gID ]3] (863-7)naam sang ih manoo-aa geeDh. ||3|| My mind is accustomed to the Naam. ||3|| nwmy hI hm inrBau Bey ] (863-7)naamay hee ham nirbha-o bha-ay. Through the Naam, I have become fearless. nwmy Awvn jwvn rhy ] (863-7)naamay aavan jaavan rahay. Through the Naam, my comings and goings have ceased. guir pUrY myly guxqws ] (863-8)gur poorai maylay guntaas. The Perfect Guru has united me with the Lord, the treasure of virtue. khu nwnk suiK shij invwsu ]4]2]4] (863-8)kaho naanak sukh sahj nivaas. ||4||2||4|| Says Nanak, I dwell in celestial peace. ||4||2||4|| goNf mhlw 5 ] (863-8)gond mehlaa 5. Gond, Fifth Mehl: inmwny kau jo dyqo mwnu ] (863-9)nimaanay ka-o jo dayto maan. He grants honor to the dishonored, sgl BUKy kau krqw dwnu ] (863-9)sagal bhookhay ka-o kartaa daan. and gives gifts to all the hungry; grB Gor mih rwKnhwru ] (863-9)garabh ghor meh raakhanhaar. he protects those in the terrible womb. iqsu Twkur kau sdw nmskwru ]1] (863-9)tis thaakur ka-o sadaa namaskaar. ||1|| So humbly bow forever to that Lord and Master. ||1|| AYso pRBu mn mwih iDAwie ] (863-10)aiso parabh man maahi Dhi-aa-ay. Meditate on such a God in your mind. Git AvGit jq kqih shwie ]1] rhwau ] (863-10)ghat avghat jat kateh sahaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. He shall be your help and support everywhere, in good times and bad. ||1||Pause|| rMku rwau jw kY eyk smwin ] (863-11)rank raa-o jaa kai ayk samaan. The beggar and the king are all the same to Him. kIt hsiq sgl pUrwn ] (863-11)keet hasat sagal pooraan. He sustains and fulfills both the ant and the elephant. bIE pUiC n msliq DrY ] (863-11)bee-o poochh na maslat Dharai. He does not consult or seek anyone's advice. jo ikCu krY su Awpih krY ]2] (863-11)jo kichh karai so aapeh karai. ||2|| Whatever He does, He does Himself. ||2|| jw kw AMqu n jwnis koie ] (863-12)jaa kaa ant na jaanas ko-ay. No one knows His limit. Awpy Awip inrMjnu soie ] (863-12)aapay aap niranjan so-ay. He Himself is the Immaculate Lord. Awip Akwru Awip inrMkwru ] (863-12)aap akaar aap nirankaar. He Himself is formed, and He Himself is formless. Gt Gt Git sB Gt AwDwru ]3] (863-13)ghat ghat ghat sabh ghat aaDhaar. ||3|| In the heart, in each and every heart, He is the Support of all hearts. ||3|| nwm rMig Bgq Bey lwl ] (863-13)naam rang bhagat bha-ay laal. Through the Love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the devotees become His Beloveds. jsu krqy sMq sdw inhwl ] (863-13)jas kartay sant sadaa nihaal. Singing the Praises of the Creator, the Saints are forever in bliss. nwm rMig jn rhy AGwie ] (863-14)naam rang jan rahay aghaa-ay. Through the Love of the Naam, the Lord's humble servants remain satisfied. nwnk iqn jn lwgY pwie ]4]3]5] (863-14)naanak tin jan laagai paa-ay. ||4||3||5|| Nanak falls at the feet of those humble servants of the Lord. ||4||3||5|| goNf mhlw 5 ] (863-14)gond mehlaa 5. Gond, Fifth Mehl: jw kY sMig iehu mnu inrmlu ] (863-15)jaa kai sang ih man nirmal. Associating with them, this mind becomes immaculate and pure. jw kY sMig hir hir ismrnu ] (863-15)jaa kai sang har har simran. Associating with them, one meditates in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har. jw kY sMig iklibK hoih nws ] (863-15)jaa kai sang kilbikh hohi naas. Associating with them, all the sins are erased. jw kY sMig irdY prgws ]1] (863-15)jaa kai sang ridai pargaas. ||1|| Associating with them, the heart is illumined. ||1|| sy sMqn hir ky myry mIq ] (863-16)say santan har kay mayray meet. Those Saints of the Lord are my friends. kyvl nwmu gweIAY jw kY nIq ]1] rhwau ] (863-16)kayval naam gaa-ee-ai jaa kai neet. ||1|| rahaa-o. It is their custom to sing only the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| jw kY mMiqR hir hir min vsY ] (863-17)jaa kai mantar har har man vasai. By their mantra, the Lord, Har, Har, dwells in the mind. jw kY aupdyis Brmu Bau nsY ] (863-17)jaa kai updays bharam bha-o nasai. By their teachings, doubt and fear are dispelled. jw kY kIriq inrml swr ] (863-17)jaa kai keerat nirmal saar. By their kirtan, they become immaculate and sublime. jw kI rynu bWCY sMswr ]2] (863-18)jaa kee rayn baaNchhai sansaar. ||2|| The world longs for the dust of their feet. ||2|| koit piqq jw kY sMig auDwr ] (863-18)kot patit jaa kai sang uDhaar. Millions of sinners are saved by associating with them. eyku inrMkwru jw kY nwm ADwr ] (863-18)ayk nirankaar jaa kai naam aDhaar. They have the Support of the Name of the One Formless Lord. srb jIAW kw jwnY Byau ] (863-19)sarab jee-aaN kaa jaanai bhay-o. He knows the secrets of all beings; ik®pw inDwn inrMjn dyau ]3] (863-19)kirpaa niDhaan niranjan day-o. ||3|| He is the treasure of mercy, the divine immaculate Lord. ||3|| pwrbRhm jb Bey ik®pwl ] (863-19)paarbarahm jab bha-ay kirpaal. When the Supreme Lord God becomes merciful, qb Byty gur swD dieAwl ] (863-19)tab bhaytay gur saaDh da-i-aal. then one meets the Merciful Holy Guru. |
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