Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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861 ijs qy suK pwvih mn myry so sdw iDAwie inq kr jurnw ] (861-1)jis tay sukh paavahi man mayray so sadaa Dhi-aa-ay nit kar jurnaa. He shall give you peace, O my mind; meditate forever, every day on Him, with your palms pressed together. jn nwnk kau hir dwnu ieku dIjY inq bsih irdY hrI moih crnw ]4]3] (861-2)jan naanak ka-o har daan ik deejai nit baseh ridai haree mohi charnaa. ||4||3|| Please bless servant Nanak with this one gift, O Lord, that Your feet may dwell within my heart forever. ||4||3|| goNf mhlw 4 ] (861-3)gond mehlaa 4. Gond, Fourth Mehl: ijqny swh pwiqswh aumrwv iskdwr cauDrI siB imiQAw JUTu Bwau dUjw jwxu ] (861-3)jitnay saah paatisaah umraav sikdaar cha-uDhree sabh mithi-aa jhooth bhaa-o doojaa jaan. All the kings, emperors, nobles, lords and chiefs are false and transitory, engrossed in duality - know this well. hir AibnwsI sdw iQru inhclu iqsu myry mn Bju prvwxu ]1] (861-4)har abhinaasee sadaa thir nihchal tis mayray man bhaj parvaan. ||1|| The eternal Lord is permanent and unchanging; meditate on Him, O my mind, and you shall be approved. ||1|| myry mn nwmu hrI Bju sdw dIbwxu ] (861-4)mayray man naam haree bhaj sadaa deebaan. O my mind, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord's Name, which shall be your defender forever. jo hir mhlu pwvY gur bcnI iqsu jyvfu Avru nwhI iksY dw qwxu ]1] rhwau ] (861-5)jo har mahal paavai gur bachnee tis jayvad avar naahee kisai daa taan. ||1|| rahaa-o. One who obtains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, through the Word of the Guru's Teachings - no one else's power is as great as his. ||1||Pause|| ijqny DnvMq kulvMq imlKvMq dIsih mn myry siB ibnis jwih ijau rMgu ksuMB kcwxu ] (861-6)jitnay Dhanvant kulvant milakhvant deeseh man mayray sabh binas jaahi ji-o rang kasumbh kachaan. All the wealthy, high class property owners which you see, O my mind, shall vanish, like the fading color of the safflower. hir siq inrMjnu sdw syiv mn myry ijqu hir drgh pwvih qU mwxu ]2] (861-7)har sat niranjan sadaa sayv man mayray jit har dargeh paavahi too maan. ||2|| Serve the True, Immaculate Lord forever, O my mind, and you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord. ||2|| bRwhmxu KqRI sUd vYs cwir vrn cwir AwsRm hih jo hir iDAwvY so prDwnu ] (861-7)baraahman khatree sood vais chaar varan chaar aasram heh jo har Dhi-aavai so parDhaan. There are four castes: Brahmin, Kh'shaatriya, Soodra and Vaishya, and there are four stages of life. One who meditates on the Lord, is the most distinguished and renowned. ijau cMdn inkit vsY ihrfu bpuVw iqau sqsMgiq imil piqq prvwxu ]3] (861-8)ji-o chandan nikat vasai hirad bapurhaa ti-o satsangat mil patit parvaan. ||3|| The poor castor oil plant, growing near the sandalwood tree, becomes fragrant; in the same way, the sinner, associating with the Saints, becomes acceptable and approved. ||3|| Ehu sB qy aUcw sB qy sUcw jw kY ihrdY visAw Bgvwnu ] (861-9)oh sabh tay oochaa sabh tay soochaa jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa bhagvaan. He, within whose heart the Lord abides, is the highest of all, and the purest of all. jn nwnku iqs ky crn pKwlY jo hir jnu nIcu jwiq syvkwxu ]4]4] (861-10)jan naanak tis kay charan pakhaalai jo har jan neech jaat sayvkaan. ||4||4|| Servant Nanak washes the feet of thM at humble servant of the Lord; he may be from a low class family, but he is now the Lord's servant. ||4||4|| goNf mhlw 4 ] (861-11)gond mehlaa 4. Gond, Fourth Mehl: hir AMqrjwmI sBqY vrqY jyhw hir krwey qyhw ko kreIAY ] (861-11)har antarjaamee sabh-tai vartai jayhaa har karaa-ay tayhaa ko kara-ee-ai. The Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is all-pervading. As the Lord causes them to act, so do they act. so AYsw hir syiv sdw mn myry jo quDno sB dU riK leIAY ]1] (861-11)so aisaa har sayv sadaa man mayray jo tuDhno sabh doo rakh la-ee-ai. ||1|| So serve forever such a Lord, O my mind, who will protect you from everything. ||1|| myry mn hir jip hir inq pVeIAY ] (861-12)mayray man har jap har nit parha-ee-ai. O my mind, meditate on the Lord, and read about the Lord every day. hir ibnu ko mwir jIvwil n swkY qw myry mn kwiequ kVeIAY ]1] rhwau ] (861-12)har bin ko maar jeevaal na saakai taa mayray man kaa-it karha-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. Other than the Lord, no one can kill you or save you; so why do you worry, O my mind? ||1||Pause|| hir prpMcu kIAw sBu krqY ivic Awpy AwpxI joiq DreIAY ] (861-13)har parpanch kee-aa sabh kartai vich aapay aapnee jot Dhara-ee-ai. The Creator created the entire universe, and infused His Light into it. hir eyko bolY hir eyku bulwey guir pUrY hir eyku idKeIAY ]2] (861-14)har ayko bolai har ayk bulaa-ay gur poorai har ayk dikha-ee-ai. ||2|| The One Lord speaks, and the One Lord causes all to speak.The Perfect Guru has revealed the One Lord. ||2|| hir AMqir nwly bwhir nwly khu iqsu pwshu mn ikAw coreIAY ] (861-15)har antar naalay baahar naalay kaho tis paashu man ki-aa chora-ee-ai. The Lord is with you, inside and out; tell me, O mind, how can You hide anything from Him? inhkpt syvw kIjY hir kyrI qW myry mn srb suK peIAY ]3] (861-15)nihakpat sayvaa keejai har kayree taaN mayray man sarab sukh pa-ee-ai. ||3|| Serve the Lord open-heartedly, and then, O my mind, you shall find total peace. ||3|| ijs dY vis sBu ikCu so sB dU vfw so myry mn sdw iDAeIAY ] (861-16)jis dai vas sabh kichh so sabh doo vadaa so mayray man sadaa Dhi-a-ee-ai. Everything is under His control; He is the greatest of all. O my mind, meditate forever on Him. jn nwnk so hir nwil hY qyrY hir sdw iDAwie qU quDu ley CfeIAY ]4]5] (861-17)jan naanak so har naal hai tayrai har sadaa Dhi-aa-ay too tuDh la-ay chhada-ee-ai. ||4||5|| O Servant Nanak, that Lord is always with you. Meditate forever on your Lord, and He shall emancipate you. ||4||5|| goNf mhlw 4 ] (861-18)gond mehlaa 4. Gond, Fourth Mehl: hir drsn kau myrw mnu bhu qpqY ijau iqRKwvMqu ibnu nIr ]1] (861-18)har darsan ka-o mayraa man baho taptai ji-o tarikhaavaNt bin neer. ||1|| My mind yearns so deeply for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, like the thirsty man without water. ||1|| myrY min pRymu lgo hir qIr ] (861-18)mayrai man paraym lago har teer. My mind is pierced through by the arrow of the Lord's Love. hmrI bydn hir pRBu jwnY myry mn AMqr kI pIr ]1] rhwau ] (861-19)hamree baydan har parabh jaanai mayray man antar kee peer. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord God knows my anguish, and the pain deep within my mind. ||1||Pause|| myry hir pRIqm kI koeI bwq sunwvY so BweI so myrw bIr ]2] (861-19)mayray har pareetam kee ko-ee baat sunaavai so bhaa-ee so mayraa beer. ||2|| Whoever tells me the Stories of my Beloved Lord is my Sibling of Destiny, and my friend. ||2|| |
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