Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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858 duK ibswir suK AMqir lInw ]1] (858-1)dukh bisaar sukh antar leenaa. ||1|| My pain is forgotten, and I have found peace deep within myself. ||1|| igAwn AMjnu mo kau guir dInw ] (858-1)gi-aan anjan mo ka-o gur deenaa. The Guru has blessed me with the ointment of spiritual wisdom. rwm nwm ibnu jIvnu mn hInw ]1] rhwau ] (858-1)raam naam bin jeevan man heenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the Lord's Name, life is mindless. ||1||Pause|| nwmdyie ismrnu kir jwnW ] (858-2)naamday-ay simran kar jaanaaN. Meditating in remembrance, Naam Dayv has come to know the Lord. jgjIvn isau jIau smwnW ]2]1] (858-2)jagjeevan si-o jee-o samaanaaN. ||2||1|| His soul is blended with the Lord, the Life of the World. ||2||1|| iblwvlu bwxI rivdws Bgq kI (858-3)bilaaval banee ravidaas bhagat kee Bilaaval, The Word Of Devotee Ravi Daas: <> siqgur pRswid ] (858-3)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: dwirdu dyiK sB ko hsY AYsI dsw hmwrI ] (858-4)daarid daykh sabh ko hasai aisee dasaa hamaaree. Seeing my poverty, everyone laughed. Such was my condition. Ast dsw isiD kr qlY sB ik®pw qumwrI ]1] (858-4)asat dasaa siDh kar talai sabh kirpaa tumaaree. ||1|| Now, I hold the eighteen miraculous spiritual powers in the palm of my hand; everything is by Your Grace. ||1|| qU jwnq mY ikCu nhI Bv KMfn rwm ] (858-4)too jaanat mai kichh nahee bhav khandan raam. You know, and I am nothing, O Lord, Destroyer of fear. sgl jIA srnwgqI pRB pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] (858-5)sagal jee-a sarnaagatee parabh pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. All beings seek Your Sanctuary, O God, Fulfiller, Resolver of our affairs. ||1||Pause|| jo qyrI srnwgqw iqn nwhI Bwru ] (858-5)jo tayree sarnaagataa tin naahee bhaar. Whoever enters Your Sanctuary, is relieved of his burden of sin. aUc nIc qum qy qry Awlju sMswru ]2] (858-6)ooch neech tum tay taray aalaj sansaar. ||2|| You have saved the high and the low from the shameless world. ||2|| kih rivdws AkQ kQw bhu kwie krIjY ] (858-6)kahi ravidaas akath kathaa baho kaa-ay kareejai. Says Ravi Daas, what more can be said about the Unspoken Speech? jYsw qU qYsw quhI ikAw aupmw dIjY ]3]1] (858-7)jaisaa too taisaa tuhee ki-aa upmaa deejai. ||3||1|| Whatever You are, You are, O Lord; how can anything compare with Your Praises? ||3||1|| iblwvlu ] (858-7)bilaaval. Bilaaval: ijh kul swDu bYsnO hoie ] (858-7)jih kul saaDh baisnou ho-ay. That family, into which a holy person is born, brn Abrn rMku nhI eIsuru ibml bwsu jwnIAY jig soie ]1] rhwau ] (858-8)baran abran rank nahee eesur bimal baas jaanee-ai jag so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. whether of high or low social class, whether rich or poor, shall have its pure fragrance spread all over the world. ||1||Pause|| bRhmn bYs sUd Aru K´qRI fom cMfwr mlyC mn soie ] (858-8)barahman bais sood ar kha-ytaree dom chandaar malaychh man so-ay. Whether he is a Brahmin, a Vaishya, a Soodra, or a Kh'shaatriya; whether he is a poet, an outcaste, or a filthy-minded person, hoie punIq BgvMq Bjn qy Awpu qwir qwry kul doie ]1] (858-9)ho-ay puneet bhagvant bhajan tay aap taar taaray kul do-ay. ||1|| he becomes pure, by meditating on the Lord God. He saves himself, and the families of both his parents. ||1|| DMin su gwau DMin so Twau DMin punIq kutMb sB loie ] (858-9)Dhan so gaa-o Dhan so thaa-o Dhan puneet kutamb sabh lo-ay. Blessed is that village, and blessed is the place of his birth; blessed is his pure family, throughout all the worlds. ijin pIAw swr rsu qjy Awn rs hoie rs mgn fwry ibKu Koie ]2] (858-10)jin pee-aa saar ras tajay aan ras ho-ay ras magan daaray bikh kho-ay. ||2|| One who drinks in the sublime essence abandons other tastes; intoxicated with this divine essence, he discards sin and corruption. ||2|| pMifq sUr CqRpiq rwjw Bgq brwbir Aauru n koie ] (858-11)pandit soor chhatarpat raajaa bhagat baraabar a-or na ko-ay. Among the religious scholars, warriors and kings, there is no other equal to the Lord's devotee. jYsy purYn pwq rhY jl smIp Bin rivdws jnmy jig Eie ]3]2] (858-11)jaisay purain paat rahai jal sameep bhan ravidaas janmay jag o-ay. ||3||2|| As the leaves of the water lily float free in the water, says Ravi Daas, so is their life in the world. ||3||2|| bwxI sDny kI rwgu iblwvlu (858-13)banee saDhnay kee raag bilaaval The Word Of Sadhana, Raag Bilaaval: <> siqgur pRswid ] (858-13)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: inRp kMinAw ky kwrnY ieku BieAw ByKDwrI ] (858-14)nrip kanniaa kay kaarnai ik bha-i-aa bhaykh-Dhaaree. For a king's daughter, a man disguised himself as Vishnu. kwmwrQI suAwrQI vw kI pYj svwrI ]1] (858-14)kaamaarathee su-aarthee vaa kee paij savaaree. ||1|| He did it for sexual exploitation, and for selfish motives, but the Lord protected his honor. ||1|| qv gun khw jgq gurw jau krmu n nwsY ] (858-14)tav gun kahaa jagat guraa ja-o karam na naasai. What is Your value, O Guru of the world, if You will not erase the karma of my past actions? isMG srn kq jweIAY jau jMbuku gRwsY ]1] rhwau ] (858-15)singh saran kat jaa-ee-ai ja-o jaNbuk garaasai. ||1|| rahaa-o. Why seek safety from a lion, if one is to be eaten by a jackal? ||1||Pause|| eyk bUMd jl kwrny cwiqRku duKu pwvY ] (858-15)ayk boond jal kaarnay chaatrik dukh paavai. For the sake of a single rain-drop, the rainbird suffers in pain. pRwn gey swgru imlY Puin kwim n AwvY ]2] (858-16)paraan ga-ay saagar milai fun kaam na aavai. ||2|| When its breath of life is gone, even an ocean is of no use to it. ||2|| pRwn ju Qwky iQru nhI kYsy ibrmwvau ] (858-16)paraan jo thaakay thir nahee kaisay birmaava-o. Now, my life has grown weary, and I shall not last much longer; how can I be patient? bUif mUey naukw imlY khu kwih cFwvau ]3] (858-17)bood moo-ay na-ukaa milai kaho kaahi chadhaava-o. ||3|| If I drown and die, and then a boat comes along, tell me, how shall I climb aboard? ||3|| mY nwhI kCu hau nhI ikCu Awih n morw ] (858-17)mai naahee kachh ha-o nahee kichh aahi na moraa. I am nothing, I have nothing, and nothing belongs to me. Aausr ljw rwiK lyhu sDnw jnu qorw ]4]1] (858-18)a-osar lajaa raakh layho saDhnaa jan toraa. ||4||1|| Now, protect my honor; Sadhana is Your humble servant. ||4||1|| |
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