Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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726 jo gurisK guru syvdy sy puMn prwxI ] (726-1)jo gursikh gur sayvday say punn paraanee. Those Sikhs of the Guru, who serve the Guru, are the most blessed beings. jnu nwnku iqn kau vwirAw sdw sdw kurbwxI ]10] (726-1)jan naanak tin ka-o vaari-aa sadaa sadaa kurbaanee. ||10|| Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them; He is forever and ever a sacrifice. ||10|| gurmuiK sKI shylIAw sy Awip hir BweIAw ] (726-2)gurmukh sakhee sahaylee-aa say aap har bhaa-ee-aa. The Lord Himself is pleased with the Gurmukhs, the fellowship of the companions. hir drgh pYnweIAw hir Awip gil lweIAw ]11] (726-2)har dargeh painaa-ee-aa har aap gal laa-ee-aa. ||11|| In the Lord's Court, they are given robes of honor, and the Lord Himself hugs them close in His embrace. ||11|| jo gurmuiK nwmu iDAwiedy iqn drsnu dIjY ] (726-3)jo gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-iday tin darsan deejai. Please bless me with the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of those Gurmukhs, who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. hm iqn ky crx pKwldy DUiV Goil Goil pIjY ]12] (726-3)ham tin kay charan pakhaalday Dhoorh ghol ghol peejai. ||12|| I wash their feet, and drink in the dust of their feet, dissolved in the wash water. ||12|| pwn supwrI KwqIAw muiK bIVIAw lweIAw ] (726-4)paan supaaree khaatee-aa mukh beerhee-aa laa-ee-aa. Those who eat betel nuts and betel leaf and apply lipstick, hir hir kdy n cyiqE jim pkiV clweIAw ]13] (726-4)har har kaday na chayti-o jam pakarh chalaa-ee-aa. ||13|| but do not contemplate the Lord, Har, Har - the Messenger of Death will seize them and take them away. ||13|| ijn hir nwmw hir cyiqAw ihrdY auir Dwry ] iqn jmu nyiV n AwveI gurisK gur ipAwry ]14] (726-5)jin har naamaa har chayti-aa hirdai ur Dhaaray. tin jam nayrh na aavee gursikh gur pi-aaray. ||14|| The Messenger of Death does not even approach those who contemplate the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and keep Him enshrined in their hearts. The Guru's Sikhs are the Guru's Beloveds. ||14|| hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY koeI gurmuiK jwxY ] (726-6)har kaa naam niDhaan hai ko-ee gurmukh jaanai. The Name of the Lord is a treasure, known only to the few Gurmukhs. nwnk ijn siqguru ByitAw rMig rlIAw mwxY ]15] (726-6)naanak jin satgur bhayti-aa rang ralee-aa maanai. ||15|| O Nanak, those who meet with the True Guru, enjoy peace and pleasure. ||15|| siqguru dwqw AwKIAY quis kry pswE ] (726-7)satgur daataa aakhee-ai tus karay pasaa-o. The True Guru is called the Giver; in His Mercy, He grants His Grace. hau gur ivthu sd vwirAw ijin idqVw nwE ]16] (726-7)ha-o gur vitahu sad vaari-aa jin dit-rhaa naa-o. ||16|| I am forever a sacrifice to the Guru, who has blessed me with the Lord's Name. ||16|| so DMnu gurU swbwis hY hir dyie snyhw ] (726-8)so Dhan guroo saabaas hai har day-ay sanayhaa. Blessed, very blessed is the Guru, who brings the Lord's message. hau vyiK vyiK gurU ivgisAw gur siqgur dyhw ]17] (726-8)ha-o vaykh vaykh guroo vigsi-aa gur satgur dayhaa. ||17|| I gaze upon the Guru, the Guru, the True Guru embodied, and I blossom forth in bliss. ||17|| gur rsnw AMimRqu boldI hir nwim suhwvI ] (726-9)gur rasnaa amrit boldee har naam suhaavee. The Guru's tongue recites Words of Ambrosial Nectar; He is adorned with the Lord's Name. ijn suix isKw guru mMinAw iqnw BuK sB jwvI ]18] (726-9)jin sun sikhaa gur mani-aa tinaa bhukh sabh jaavee. ||18|| Those Sikhs who hear and obey the Guru - all their desires depart. ||18|| hir kw mwrgu AwKIAY khu ikqu ibiD jweIAY ] (726-10)har kaa maarag aakhee-ai kaho kit biDh jaa-ee-ai. Some speak of the Lord's Path; tell me, how can I walk on it? hir hir qyrw nwmu hY hir Krcu lY jweIAY ]19] (726-10)har har tayraa naam hai har kharach lai jaa-ee-ai. ||19|| O Lord, Har, Har, Your Name is my supplies; I will take it with me and set out. ||19|| ijn gurmuiK hir AwrwiDAw sy swh vf dwxy ] (726-11)jin gurmukh har aaraaDhi-aa say saah vad daanay. Those Gurmukhs who worship and adore the Lord, are wealthy and very wise. hau siqgur kau sd vwirAw gur bcin smwxy ]20] (726-11)ha-o satgur ka-o sad vaari-aa gur bachan samaanay. ||20|| I am forever a sacrifice to the True Guru; I am absorbed in the Words of the Guru's Teachings. ||20|| qU Twkuru qU swihbo qUhY myrw mIrw ] (726-12)too thaakur too saahibo toohai mayraa meeraa. You are the Master, my Lord and Master; You are my Ruler and King. quDu BwvY qyrI bMdgI qU guxI ghIrw ]21] (726-12)tuDh bhaavai tayree bandagee too gunee gaheeraa. ||21|| If it is pleasing to Your Will, then I worship and serve You; You are the treasure of virtue. ||21|| Awpy hir iek rMgu hY Awpy bhu rMgI ] (726-13)aapay har ik rang hai aapay baho rangee. The Lord Himself is absolute; He is The One and Only; but He Himself is also manifested in many forms. jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw sweI gl cMgI ]22]2] (726-13)jo tis bhaavai naankaa saa-ee gal changee. ||22||2|| Whatever pleases Him, O Nanak, that alone is good. ||22||2|| iqlµg mhlw 9 kwPI (726-14)tilang mehlaa 9 kaafee Tilang, Ninth Mehl, Kaafee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (726-15)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: cyqnw hY qau cyq lY inis idin mY pRwnI ] (726-15)chaytnaa hai ta-o chayt lai nis din mai paraanee. If you are conscious, then be conscious of Him night and day, O mortal. iCnu iCnu AauD ibhwqu hY PUtY Gt ijau pwnI ]1] rhwau ] (726-15)chhin chhin a-oDh bihaat hai footai ghat ji-o paanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Each and every moment, your life is passing away, like water from a cracked pitcher. ||1||Pause|| hir gun kwih n gwvhI mUrK AigAwnw ] (726-16)har gun kaahi na gaavhee moorakh agi-aanaa. Why do you not sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, you ignorant fool? JUTY lwlic lwig kY nih mrnu pCwnw ]1] (726-16)jhoothai laalach laag kai neh maran pachhaanaa. ||1|| You are attached to false greed, and you do not even consider death. ||1|| AjhU kCu ibgirE nhI jo pRB gun gwvY ] (726-17)ajhoo kachh bigri-o nahee jo parabh gun gaavai. Even now, no harm has been done, if you will only sing God's Praises. khu nwnk iqh Bjn qy inrBY pdu pwvY ]2]1] (726-17)kaho naanak tih bhajan tay nirbhai pad paavai. ||2||1|| Says Nanak, by meditating and vibrating upon Him, you shall obtain the state of fearlessness. ||2||1|| iqlµg mhlw 9 ] (726-18)tilang mehlaa 9. Tilang, Ninth Mehl: jwg lyhu ry mnw jwg lyhu khw gwPl soieAw ] (726-18)jaag layho ray manaa jaag layho kahaa gaafal so-i-aa. Wake up, O mind! Wake up! Why are you sleeping unaware? jo qnu aupijAw sMg hI so BI sMig n hoieAw ]1] rhwau ] (726-18)jo tan upji-aa sang hee so bhee sang na ho-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. That body, which you were born with, shall not go along with you in the end. ||1||Pause|| mwq ipqw suq bMD jn ihqu jw isau kInw ] (726-19)maat pitaa sut banDh jan hit jaa si-o keenaa. Mother, father, children and relatives whom you love, jIau CUitE jb dyh qy fwir Agin mY dInw ]1] (726-19)jee-o chhooti-o jab dayh tay daar agan mai deenaa. ||1|| will throw your body into the fire, when your soul departs from it. ||1|| |
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