Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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724 hY qUhY qU hovnhwr ] Agm AgwiD aUc Awpwr ] (724-1)hai toohai too hovanhaar. agam agaaDh ooch aapaar. You are, You are, and You shall ever be, O inaccessible, unfathomable, lofty and infinite Lord. jo quDu syvih iqn Bau duKu nwih ] (724-1)jo tuDh sayveh tin bha-o dukh naahi. Those who serve You, are not touched by fear or suffering. gur prswid nwnk gux gwih ]2] (724-2)gur parsaad naanak gun gaahi. ||2|| By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2|| jo dIsY so qyrw rUpu ] gux inDwn goivMd AnUp ] (724-2)jo deesai so tayraa roop. gun niDhaan govind anoop. Whatever is seen, is Your form, O treasure of virtue, O Lord of the Universe, O Lord of incomparable beauty. ismir ismir ismir jn soie ] (724-3)simar simar simar jan so-ay. Remembering, remembering, remembering the Lord in meditation, His humble servant becomes like Him. nwnk krim prwpiq hoie ]3] (724-3)naanak karam paraapat ho-ay. ||3|| O Nanak, by His Grace, we obtain Him. ||3|| ijin jipAw iqs kau bilhwr ] (724-3)jin japi-aa tis ka-o balihaar. I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on the Lord. iqs kY sMig qrY sMswr ] (724-4)tis kai sang tarai sansaar. Associating with them, the whole world is saved. khu nwnk pRB locw pUir ] (724-4)kaho naanak parabh lochaa poor. Says Nanak, God fulfills our hopes and aspirations. sMq jnw kI bwCau DUir ]4]2] (724-4)sant janaa kee baachha-o Dhoor. ||4||2|| I long for the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||4||2|| iqlµg mhlw 5 Gru 3 ] (724-4)tilang mehlaa 5 ghar 3. Tilang, Fifth Mehl, Third House: imhrvwnu swihbu imhrvwnu ] (724-5)miharvaan saahib miharvaan. Merciful, the Lord Master is Merciful. swihbu myrw imhrvwnu ] (724-5)saahib mayraa miharvaan. My Lord Master is Merciful. jIA sgl kau dyie dwnu ] rhwau ] (724-5)jee-a sagal ka-o day-ay daan. rahaa-o. He gives His gifts to all beings. ||Pause|| qU kwhy folih pRwxIAw quDu rwKYgw isrjxhwru ] (724-6)too kaahay doleh paraanee-aa tuDh raakhaigaa sirjanhaar. Why do you waver, O mortal being? The Creator Lord Himself shall protect you. ijin pYdwieis qU kIAw soeI dyie AwDwru ]1] (724-6)jin paidaa-is too kee-aa so-ee day-ay aaDhaar. ||1|| He who created you, will also give you nourishment. ||1|| ijin aupweI mydnI soeI krdw swr ] (724-7)jin upaa-ee maydnee so-ee kardaa saar. The One who created the world, takes care of it. Git Git mwlku idlw kw scw prvdgwru ]2] (724-7)ghat ghat maalak dilaa kaa sachaa parvardagaar. ||2|| In each and every heart and mind, the Lord is the True Cherisher. ||2|| kudriq kIm n jwxIAY vfw vyprvwhu ] (724-8)kudrat keem na jaanee-ai vadaa vayparvaahu. His creative potency and His value cannot be known; He is the Great and carefree Lord. kir bMdy qU bMdgI ijcru Gt mih swhu ]3] (724-8)kar banday too bandagee jichar ghat meh saahu. ||3|| O human being, meditate on the Lord, as long as there is breath in your body. ||3|| qU smrQu AkQu Agocru jIau ipMfu qyrI rwis ] (724-8)too samrath akath agochar jee-o pind tayree raas. O God, You are all-powerful, inexpressible and imperceptible; my soul and body are Your capital. rhm qyrI suKu pwieAw sdw nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]3] (724-9)raham tayree sukh paa-i-aa sadaa naanak kee ardaas. ||4||3|| By Your Mercy, may I find peace; this is Nanak's lasting prayer. ||4||3|| iqlµg mhlw 5 Gru 3 ] (724-10)tilang mehlaa 5 ghar 3. Tilang, Fifth Mehl, Third House: krqy kudrqI musqwku ] (724-10)kartay kudratee mustaak. O Creator, through Your creative potency, I am in love with You. dIn dunIAw eyk qUhI sB Klk hI qy pwku ] rhwau ] (724-10)deen dunee-aa ayk toohee sabh khalak hee tay paak. rahaa-o. You alone are my spiritual and temporal Lord; and yet, You are detached from all Your creation. ||Pause|| iKn mwih Qwip auQwpdw Awcrj qyry rUp ] (724-11)khin maahi thaap uthaapadaa aacharaj tayray roop. In an instant, You establish and disestablish. Wondrous is Your form! kauxu jwxY clq qyry AMiDAwry mih dIp ]1] (724-11)ka-un jaanai chalat tayray anDhi-aaray meh deep. ||1|| Who can know Your play? You are the Light in the darkness. ||1|| Kuid Ksm Klk jhwn Alh imhrvwn Kudwie ] (724-12)khud khasam khalak jahaan alah miharvaan khudaa-ay. You are the Master of Your creation, the Lord of all the world, O Merciful Lord God. idnsu rYix ij quDu ArwDy so ikau dojik jwie ]2] (724-12)dinas rain je tuDh araaDhay so ki-o dojak jaa-ay. ||2|| One who worships You day and night - why should he have to go to hell? ||2|| AjrweIlu Xwru bMdy ijsu qyrw AwDwru ] (724-13)ajraa-eel yaar banday jis tayraa aaDhaar. Azraa-eel, the Messenger of Death, is the friend of the human being who has Your support, Lord. gunh aus ky sgl AwPU qyry jn dyKih dIdwru ]3] (724-13)gunah us kay sagal aafoo tayray jan daykheh deedaar. ||3|| His sins are all forgiven; Your humble servant gazes upon Your Vision. ||3|| dunIAw cIj iPlhwl sgly scu suKu qyrw nwau ] (724-14)dunee-aa cheej filhaal saglay sach sukh tayraa naa-o. All worldly considerations are for the present only. True peace comes only from Your Name. gur imil nwnk bUiJAw sdw eyksu gwau ]4]4] (724-14)gur mil naanak boojhi-aa sadaa aykas gaa-o. ||4||4|| Meeting the Guru, Nanak understands; He sings only Your Praises forever, O Lord. ||4||4|| iqlµg mhlw 5 ] (724-15)tilang mehlaa 5. Tilang, Fifth Mehl: mIrW dwnW idl soc ] (724-15)meeraaN daanaaN dil soch. Think of the Lord in your mind, O wise one. muhbqy min qin bsY scu swh bMdI moc ]1] rhwau ] (724-15)muhabtay man tan basai sach saah bandee moch. ||1|| rahaa-o. Enshrine love for the True Lord in your mind and body; He is the Liberator from bondage. ||1||Pause|| dIdny dIdwr swihb kCu nhI ies kw molu ] (724-16)deednay deedaar saahib kachh nahee is kaa mol. The value of seeing the Vision of the Lord Master cannot be estimated. pwk prvdgwr qU Kuid Ksmu vfw Aqolu ]1] (724-16)paak parvardagaar too khud khasam vadaa atol. ||1|| You are the Pure Cherisher; You Yourself are the great and immeasurable Lord and Master. ||1|| dsœgIrI dyih idlwvr qUhI qUhI eyk ] (724-17)dastgeeree deh dilaavar toohee toohee ayk. Give me Your help, O brave and generous Lord; You are the One, You are the Only Lord. krqwr kudriq krx Kwlk nwnk qyrI tyk ]2]5] (724-17)kartaar kudrat karan khaalak naanak tayree tayk. ||2||5|| O Creator Lord, by Your creative potency, You created the world; Nanak holds tight to Your support. ||2||5|| iqlµg mhlw 1 Gru 2 (724-19)tilang mehlaa 1 ghar 2 Tilang, First Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (724-19)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw ikAw khIAY ry BweI ] (724-19)jin kee-aa tin daykhi-aa ki-aa kahee-ai ray bhaa-ee. The One who created the world watches over it; what more can we say, O Siblings of Destiny? |
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