Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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698 ijn kau ik®pw krI jgjIvin hir auir DwirE mn mwJw ] (698-1)jin ka-o kirpaa karee jagjeevan har ur Dhaari-o man maajhaa. Those, unto whom the Lord, the Life of the world, has shown Mercy, enshrine Him within their hearts, and cherish Him in their minds. Drm rwie dir kwgd Pwry jn nwnk lyKw smJw ]4]5] (698-1)Dharam raa-ay dar kaagad faaray jan naanak laykhaa samjhaa. ||4||5|| The Righteous Judge of Dharma, in the Court of the Lord, has torn up my papers; servant Nanak's account has been settled. ||4||5|| jYqsrI mhlw 4 ] (698-2)jaitsaree mehlaa 4. Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl: sqsMgiq swD pweI vfBwgI mnu clqO BieE ArUVw ] (698-2)satsangat saaDh paa-ee vadbhaagee man chaltou bha-i-o aroorhaa. In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I found the Holy, by great good fortune; my restless mind has been quieted. Anhq Duin vwjih inq vwjy hir AMimRq Dwr ris lIVw ]1] (698-3)anhat Dhun vaajeh nit vaajay har amrit Dhaar ras leerhaa. ||1|| The unstruck melody ever vibrates and resounds; I have taken in the sublime essence of the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, showering down. ||1|| myry mn jip rwm nwmu hir rUVw ] (698-4)mayray man jap raam naam har roorhaa. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, the beauteous Lord. myrY min qin pRIiq lgweI siqguir hir imilE lwie JpIVw ] rhwau ] (698-4)mayrai man tan pareet lagaa-ee satgur har mili-o laa-ay jhapeerhaa. rahaa-o. The True Guru has drenched my mind and body with the Love of the Lord, who has met me and lovingly embraced me. ||Pause|| swkq bMD Bey hY mwieAw ibKu sMcih lwie jkIVw ] (698-5)saakat banDh bha-ay hai maa-i-aa bikh saNcheh laa-ay jakeerhaa. The faithless cynics are bound and gagged in the chains of Maya; they are actively engaged, gathering in the poisonous wealth. hir kY AriQ Kric nh swkih jmkwlu shih isir pIVw ]2] (698-5)har kai arath kharach nah saakeh jamkaal saheh sir peerhaa. ||2|| They cannot spend this in harmony with the Lord, and so they must endure the pain which the Messenger of Death inflicts upon their heads. ||2|| ijn hir AriQ srIru lgwieAw gur swDU bhu srDw lwie muiK DUVw ] (698-6)jin har arath sareer lagaa-i-aa gur saaDhoo baho sarDhaa laa-ay mukh Dhoorhaa. The Holy Guru has dedicated His Being to the Lord's service; with great devotion, apply the dust of His feet to your face. hliq pliq hir soBw pwvih hir rMgu lgw min gUVw ]3] (698-7)halat palat har sobhaa paavahi har rang lagaa man goorhaa. ||3|| In this world and the next, you shall receive the Lord's honor, and your mind shall be imbued with the permanent color of the Lord's Love. ||3|| hir hir myil myil jn swDU hm swD jnw kw kIVw ] (698-7)har har mayl mayl jan saaDhoo ham saaDh janaa kaa keerhaa. O Lord, Har, Har, please unite me with the Holy; compared to these Holy people, I am just a worm. jn nwnk pRIiq lgI pg swD gur imil swDU pwKwxu hirE mnu mUVw ]4]6] (698-8)jan naanak pareet lagee pag saaDh gur mil saaDhoo paakhaan hari-o man moorhaa. ||4||6|| Servant Nanak has enshrined love for the feet of the Holy Guru; meeting with this Holy One, my foolish, stone-like mind has blossomed forth in lush profusion. ||4||6|| jYqsrI mhlw 4 Gru 2 (698-10)jaitsaree mehlaa 4 ghar 2 Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (698-10)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir hir ismrhu Agm Apwrw ] (698-11)har har simrahu agam apaaraa. Remember in meditation the Lord, Har, Har, the unfathomable, infinite Lord. ijsu ismrq duKu imtY hmwrw ] (698-11)jis simrat dukh mitai hamaaraa. Remembering Him in meditation, pains are dispelled. hir hir siqguru purKu imlwvhu guir imilAY suKu hoeI rwm ]1] (698-11)har har satgur purakh milaavhu gur mili-ai sukh ho-ee raam. ||1|| O Lord, Har, Har, lead me to meet the True Guru; meeting the Guru, I am at peace. ||1|| hir gux gwvhu mIq hmwry ] (698-12)har gun gaavhu meet hamaaray. Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O my friend. hir hir nwmu rKhu aur Dwry ] (698-12)har har naam rakhahu ur Dhaaray. Cherish the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in your heart. hir hir AMimRq bcn suxwvhu gur imilAY prgtu hoeI rwm ]2] (698-13)har har amrit bachan sunavhu gur mili-ai pargat ho-ee raam. ||2|| Read the Ambrosial Words of the Lord, Har, Har; meeting with the Guru, the Lord is revealed. ||2|| mDusUdn hir mwDo pRwnw ] (698-13)maDhusoodan har maaDho paraanaa. The Lord, the Slayer of demons, is my breath of life. myrY min qin AMimRq mIT lgwnw ] (698-14)mayrai man tan amrit meeth lagaanaa. His Ambrosial Amrit is so sweet to my mind and body. hir hir dieAw krhu guru mylhu purKu inrMjnu soeI rwm ]3] (698-14)har har da-i-aa karahu gur maylhu purakh niranjan so-ee raam. ||3|| O Lord, Har, Har, have mercy upon me, and lead me to meet the Guru, the immaculate Primal Being. ||3|| hir hir nwmu sdw suKdwqw ] (698-15)har har naam sadaa sukh-daata. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is forever the Giver of peace. hir kY rMig myrw mnu rwqw ] (698-15)har kai rang mayraa man raataa. My mind is imbued with the Lord's Love. hir hir mhw purKu guru mylhu gur nwnk nwim suKu hoeI rwm ]4]1]7] (698-15)har har mahaa purakh gur maylhu gur naanak naam sukh ho-ee raam. ||4||1||7|| O Lord Har, Har, lead me to meet the Guru, the Greatest Being; through the Name of Guru Nanak, I have found peace. ||4||1||7|| jYqsrI mÚ 4 ] (698-16)jaitsaree mehlaa 4. Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl: hir hir hir hir nwmu jpwhw ] (698-16)har har har har naam japaahaa. Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. gurmuiK nwmu sdw lY lwhw ] (698-17)gurmukh naam sadaa lai laahaa. As Gurmukh, ever earn the profit of the Naam. hir hir hir hir Bgiq idRVwvhu hir hir nwmu Eumwhw rwm ]1] (698-17)har har har har bhagat darirhaavahu har har naam omaahaa raam. ||1|| Implant within yourself devotion to the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har; sincerely dedicate yourself to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1|| hir hir nwmu dieAwlu iDAwhw ] (698-18)har har naam da-i-aal Dhi-aahaa. Meditate on the Name of the Merciful Lord, Har, Har. hir kY rMig sdw gux gwhw ] (698-18)har kai rang sadaa gun gaahaa. WIth love, forever sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. hir hir hir jsu GUmir pwvhu imil sqsMig Eumwhw rwm ]2] (698-18)har har har jas ghoomar paavhu mil satsang omaahaa raam. ||2|| Dance to the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har; meet with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, with sincerity. ||2|| Awau sKI hir myil imlwhw ] (698-19)aa-o sakhee har mayl milaahaa. Come, O companions - let us unite in the Lord's Union. suix hir kQw nwmu lY lwhw ] (698-19)sun har kathaa naam lai laahaa. Listening to the sermon of the Lord, earn the profit of the Naam. |
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