Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ijin mnu rwiKAw AgnI pwie ] (662-1)
jin man raakhi-aa agnee paa-ay.
He preserved the mind in the fire of the womb;

vwjY pvxu AwKY sB jwie ]2] (662-1)
vaajai pavan aakhai sabh jaa-ay. ||2||
at His Command, the wind blows everywhere. ||2||

jyqw mohu prIiq suAwd ] (662-1)
jaytaa moh pareet su-aad.
These worldly attachments, loves and pleasurable tastes,

sBw kwlK dwgw dwg ] (662-2)
sabhaa kaalakh daagaa daag.
all are just black stains.

dwg dos muih cilAw lwie ] (662-2)
daag dos muhi chali-aa laa-ay.
One who departs, with these black stains of sin on his face

drgh bYsx nwhI jwie ]3] (662-2)
dargeh baisan naahee jaa-ay. ||3||
shall find no place to sit in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

krim imlY AwKxu qyrw nwau ] (662-3)
karam milai aakhan tayraa naa-o.
By Your Grace, we chant Your Name.

ijqu lig qrxw horu nhI Qwau ] (662-3)
jit lag tarnaa hor nahee thaa-o.
Becoming attached to it, one is saved; there is no other way.

jy ko fUbY iPir hovY swr ] (662-3)
jay ko doobai fir hovai saar.
Even if one is drowning, still, he may be saved.

nwnk swcw srb dwqwr ]4]3]5] (662-3)
naanak saachaa sarab daataar. ||4||3||5||
O Nanak, the True Lord is the Giver of all. ||4||3||5||

DnwsrI mhlw 1 ] (662-4)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 1.
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:

coru slwhy cIqu n BIjY ] (662-4)
chor salaahay cheet na bheejai.
If a thief praises someone, his mind is not pleased.

jy bdI kry qw qsU n CIjY ] (662-4)
jay badee karay taa tasoo na chheejai.
If a thief curses him, no damage is done.

cor kI hwmw Bry n koie ] (662-5)
chor kee haamaa bharay na ko-ay.
No one will take responsibility for a thief.

coru kIAw cMgw ikau hoie ]1] (662-5)
chor kee-aa changa ki-o ho-ay. ||1||
How can a thief's actions be good? ||1||

suix mn AMDy kuqy kUiVAwr ] (662-5)
sun man anDhay kutay koorhi-aar.
Listen, O mind, you blind, false dog!

ibnu boly bUJIAY sicAwr ]1] rhwau ] (662-6)
bin bolay boojhee-ai sachiaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Even without your speaking, the Lord knows and understands. ||1||Pause||

coru suAwilau coru isAwxw ] (662-6)
chor su-aali-o chor si-aanaa.
A thief may be handsome, and a thief may be wise,

Koty kw mulu eyku dugwxw ] (662-6)
khotay kaa mul ayk dugaanaa.
but he is still just a counterfeit coin, worth only a shell.

jy swiQ rKIAY dIjY rlwie ] (662-7)
jay saath rakhee-ai deejai ralaa-ay.
If it is kept and mixed with other coins,

jw prKIAY Kotw hoie jwie ]2] (662-7)
jaa parkhee-ai khotaa ho-ay jaa-ay. ||2||
it will be found to be false, when the coins are inspected. ||2||

jYsw kry su qYsw pwvY ] (662-7)
jaisaa karay so taisaa paavai.
As one acts, so does he receive.

Awip bIij Awpy hI KwvY ] (662-7)
aap beej aapay hee khaavai.
As he plants, so does he eat.

jy vifAweIAw Awpy Kwie ] (662-8)
jay vadi-aa-ee-aa aapay khaa-ay.
He may praise himself gloriously,

jyhI suriq qyhY rwih jwie ]3] (662-8)
jayhee surat tayhai raahi jaa-ay. ||3||
but still, according to his understanding, so is the path he must follow. ||3||

jy sau kUVIAw kUVu kbwVu ] (662-8)
jay sa-o koorhee-aa koorh kabaarh.
He may tell hundreds of lies to conceal his falsehood,

BwvY sBu AwKau sMswru ] (662-9)
bhaavai sabh aakha-o sansaar.
and all the world may call him good.

quDu BwvY ADI prvwxu ] (662-9)
tuDh bhaavai aDhee parvaan.
If it pleases You, Lord, even the foolish are approved.

nwnk jwxY jwxu sujwxu ]4]4]6] (662-9)
naanak jaanai jaan sujaan. ||4||4||6||
O Nanak, the Lord is wise, knowing, all-knowing. ||4||4||6||

DnwsrI mhlw 1 ] (662-10)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 1.
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:

kwieAw kwgdu mnu prvwxw ] (662-10)
kaa-i-aa kaagad man parvaanaa.
The body is the paper, and the mind is the inscription written upon it.

isr ky lyK n pVY ieAwxw ] (662-10)
sir kay laykh na parhai i-aanaa.
The ignorant fool does not read what is written on his forehead.

drgh GVIAih qIny lyK ] (662-11)
dargeh gharhee-ahi teenay laykh.
In the Court of the Lord, three inscriptions are recorded.

Kotw kwim n AwvY vyKu ]1] (662-11)
khotaa kaam na aavai vaykh. ||1||
Behold, the counterfeit coin is worthless there. ||1||

nwnk jy ivic rupw hoie ] (662-11)
naanak jay vich rupaa ho-ay.
O Nanak, if there is silver in it,

Krw Krw AwKY sBu koie ]1] rhwau ] (662-11)
kharaa kharaa aakhai sabh ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
then everyone proclaims, "It is genuine, it is genuine."||1||Pause||

kwdI kUVu boil mlu Kwie ] (662-12)
kaadee koorh bol mal khaa-ay.
The Qazi tells lies and eats filth;

bRwhmxu nwvY jIAw Gwie ] (662-12)
baraahman naavai jee-aa ghaa-ay.
the Brahmin kills and then takes cleansing baths.

jogI jugiq n jwxY AMDu ] (662-12)
jogee jugat na jaanai anDh.
The Yogi is blind, and does not know the Way.

qIny EjwVy kw bMDu ]2] (662-13)
teenay ojaarhay kaa banDh. ||2||
The three of them devise their own destruction. ||2||

so jogI jo jugiq pCwxY ] (662-13)
so jogee jo jugat pachhaanai.
He alone is a Yogi, who understands the Way.

gur prswdI eyko jwxY ] (662-13)
gur parsaadee ayko jaanai.
By Guru's Grace, he knows the One Lord.

kwjI so jo aultI krY ] (662-13)
kaajee so jo ultee karai.
He alone is a Qazi, who turns away from the world,

gur prswdI jIvqu mrY ] (662-14)
gur parsaadee jeevat marai.
and who, by Guru's Grace, remains dead while yet alive.

so bRwhmxu jo bRhmu bIcwrY ] (662-14)
so baraahman jo barahm beechaarai.
He alone is a Brahmin, who contemplates God.

Awip qrY sgly kul qwrY ]3] (662-14)
aap tarai saglay kul taarai. ||3||
He saves himself, and saves all his generations as well. ||3||

dwnsbMdu soeI idil DovY ] (662-15)
daanasband so-ee dil Dhovai.
One who cleanses his own mind is wise.

muslmwxu soeI mlu KovY ] (662-15)
musalmaan so-ee mal khovai.
One who cleanses himself of impurity is a Muslim.

piVAw bUJY so prvwxu ] (662-15)
parhi-aa boojhai so parvaan.
One who reads and understands is acceptable.

ijsu isir drgh kw nIswxu ]4]5]7] (662-15)
jis sir dargeh kaa neesaan. ||4||5||7||
Upon his forehead is the Insignia of the Court of the Lord. ||4||5||7||

DnwsrI mhlw 1 Gru 3 (662-17)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 1 ghar 3
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (662-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kwlu nwhI jogu nwhI nwhI sq kw Fbu ] (662-18)
kaal naahee jog naahee naahee sat kaa dhab.
No, no, this is not the time, when people know the way to Yoga and Truth.

Qwnst jg Birst hoey fUbqw iev jgu ]1] (662-18)
thaansat jag bharisat ho-ay doobtaa iv jag. ||1||
The holy places of worship in the world are polluted, and so the world is drowning. ||1||

kl mih rwm nwmu swru ] (662-18)
kal meh raam naam saar.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name is the most sublime.

AKI q mItih nwk pkVih Tgx kau sMswru ]1] rhwau ] (662-19)
akhee ta meeteh naak pakrheh thagan ka-o sansaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Some people try to deceive the world by closing their eyes and holding their nostrils closed. ||1||Pause||

AWt syqI nwku pkVih sUJqy iqin loA ] (662-19)
aaNt saytee naak pakrheh soojh-tay tin lo-a.
They close off their nostrils with their fingers, and claim to see the three worlds.