Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nwnk ij gurmuiK krih so prvwxu hY jo nwim rhy ilv lwie ]2] (650-1)
naanak je gurmukh karahi so parvaan hai jo naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, whatever the Gurmukhs do is acceptable; they remain lovingly absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (650-1)

hau bilhwrI iqMn kMau jo gurmuiK isKw ] (650-1)
ha-o balihaaree tinn kaN-u jo gurmukh sikhaa.
I am a sacrifice to those Sikhs who are Gurmukhs.

jo hir nwmu iDAwiedy iqn drsnu ipKw ] (650-2)
jo har naam Dhi-aa-iday tin darsan pikhaa.
I behold the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of those who meditate on the Lord's Name.

suix kIrqnu hir gux rvw hir jsu min ilKw ] (650-2)
sun keertan har gun ravaa har jas man likhaa.
Listening to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, I contemplate His virtues; I write His Praises on the fabric of my mind.

hir nwmu slwhI rMg isau siB iklivK ik®Kw ] (650-3)
har naam salaahee rang si-o sabh kilvikh krikhaa.
I praise the Lord's Name with love, and eradicate all my sins.

Dnu DMnu suhwvw so srIru Qwnu hY ijQY myrw guru Dry ivKw ]19] (650-3)
Dhan Dhan suhaavaa so sareer thaan hai jithai mayraa gur Dharay vikhaa. ||19||
Blessed, blessed and beauteous is that body and place, where my Guru places His feet. ||19||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (650-4)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gur ibnu igAwnu n hoveI nw suKu vsY min Awie ] (650-4)
gur bin gi-aan na hova-ee naa sukh vasai man aa-ay.
Without the Guru, spiritual wisdom is not obtained, and peace does not come to abide in the mind.

nwnk nwm ivhUxy mnmuKI jwsin jnmu gvwie ]1] (650-5)
naanak naam vihoonay manmukhee jaasan janam gavaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the self-willed manmukhs depart, after having wasted their lives. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (650-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

isD swiDk nwvY no siB Kojdy Qik rhy ilv lwie ] (650-5)
siDh saaDhik naavai no sabh khojday thak rahay liv laa-ay.
All the Siddhas, spiritual masters and seekers search for the Name; they have grown weary of concentrating and focusing their attention.

ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieE gurmuiK imlY imlwie ] (650-6)
bin satgur kinai na paa-i-o gurmukh milai milaa-ay.
Without the True Guru, no one finds the Name; the Gurmukhs unite in Union with the Lord.

ibnu nwvY pYnxu Kwxu sBu bwid hY iDgu isDI iDgu krmwiq ] (650-6)
bin naavai painan khaan sabh baad hai Dhig siDhee Dhig karmaat.
Without the Name, all food and clothes are worthless; cursed is such spirituality, and cursed are such miraculous powers.

sw isiD sw krmwiq hY AicMqu kry ijsu dwiq ] (650-7)
saa siDh saa karmaat hai achint karay jis daat.
That alone is spirituality, and that alone is miraculous power, which the Carefree Lord spontaneously bestows.

nwnk gurmuiK hir nwmu min vsY eyhw isiD eyhw krmwiq ]2] (650-7)
naanak gurmukh har naam man vasai ayhaa siDh ayhaa karmaat. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord's Name abides in the mind of the Gurmukh; this is spirituality, and this is miraculous power. ||2||

pauVI ] (650-8)

hm FwFI hir pRB Ksm ky inq gwvh hir gux CMqw ] (650-8)
ham dhaadhee har parabh khasam kay nit gaavah har gun chhantaa.
I am a minstrel of God, my Lord and Master; every day, I sing the songs of the Lord's Glorious Praises.

hir kIrqnu krh hir jsu suxh iqsu kvlw kMqw ] (650-9)
har keertan karah har jas sunah tis kavlaa kantaa.
I sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and I listen to the Praises of the Lord, the Master of wealth and Maya.

hir dwqw sBu jgqu iBKwrIAw mMgq jn jMqw ] (650-9)
har daataa sabh jagat bhikhaaree-aa mangat jan jantaa.
The Lord is the Great Giver; all the world is begging; all beings and creatures are beggars.

hir dyvhu dwnu dieAwl hoie ivic pwQr ik®m jMqw ] (650-10)
har dayvhu daan da-i-aal ho-ay vich paathar kiram jantaa.
O Lord, You are kind and compassionate; You give Your gifts to even worms and insects among the rocks.

jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw gurmuiK DnvMqw ]20] (650-10)
jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa gurmukh Dhanvantaa. ||20||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; as Gurmukh, he has become truly wealthy. ||20||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (650-11)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

pVxw guVxw sMswr kI kwr hY AMdir iqRsnw ivkwru ] (650-11)
parh-naa gurh-naa sansaar kee kaar hai andar tarisnaa vikaar.
Reading and studying are just worldly pursuits, if there is thirst and corruption within.

haumY ivic siB piV Qky dUjY Bwie KuAwru ] (650-12)
ha-umai vich sabh parh thakay doojai bhaa-ay khu-aar.
Reading in egotism, all have grown weary; through the love of duality, they are ruined.

so piVAw so pMifqu bInw gur sbid kry vIcwru ] (650-12)
so parhi-aa so pandit beenaa gur sabad karay veechaar.
He alone is educated, and he alone is a wise Pandit, who contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

AMdru KojY qqu lhY pwey moK duAwru ] (650-13)
andar khojai tat lahai paa-ay mokh du-aar.
He searches within himself, and finds the true essence; he finds the Door of Salvation.

gux inDwnu hir pwieAw shij kry vIcwru ] (650-13)
gun niDhaan har paa-i-aa sahj karay veechaar.
He finds the Lord, the treasure of excellence, and peacefully contemplates Him.

DMnu vwpwrI nwnkw ijsu gurmuiK nwmu ADwru ]1] (650-14)
Dhan vaapaaree naankaa jis gurmukh naam aDhaar. ||1||
Blessed is the trader, O Nanak, who, as Gurmukh, takes the Name as his only Support. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (650-14)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ivxu mnu mwry koie n isJeI vyKhu ko ilv lwie ] (650-14)
vin man maaray ko-ay na sijh-ee vaykhhu ko liv laa-ay.
Without conquering his mind, no one can be successful. See this, and concentrate on it.

ByKDwrI qIrQI Biv Qky nw eyhu mnu mwirAw jwie ] (650-15)
bhaykh-Dhaaree teerthee bhav thakay naa ayhu man maari-aa jaa-ay.
The wandering holy men are tired of of making pilgrimages to sacred shrines; they have not been able to conquer their minds.

gurmuiK eyhu mnu jIvqu mrY sic rhY ilv lwie ] (650-15)
gurmukh ayhu man jeevat marai sach rahai liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukh has conquered his mind, and he remains lovingly absorbed in the True Lord.

nwnk iesu mn kI mlu ieau auqrY haumY sbid jlwie ]2] (650-16)
naanak is man kee mal i-o utrai ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, this is how the filth of the mind is removed; the Word of the Shabad burns away the ego. ||2||

pauVI ] (650-16)

hir hir sMq imlhu myry BweI hir nwmu idRVwvhu iek iknkw ] (650-17)
har har sant milhu mayray bhaa-ee har naam darirhaavahu ik kinkaa.
O Saints of the Lord, O my Siblings of Destiny, please meet with me, and implant the Name of the One Lord within me.

hir hir sIgwru bnwvhu hir jn hir kwpVu pihrhu iKm kw ] (650-17)
har har seegaar banaavahu har jan har kaaparh pahirahu khim kaa.
O humble servants of the Lord, adorn me with the decorations of the Lord, Har, Har; let me wear the robes of the Lord's forgiveness.

AYsw sIgwru myry pRB BwvY hir lwgY ipAwrw ipRm kw ] (650-18)
aisaa seegaar mayray parabh bhaavai har laagai pi-aaraa parim kaa.
Such decorations are pleasing to my God; such love is dear to the Lord.

hir hir nwmu bolhu idnu rwqI siB iklibK kwtY iek plkw ] (650-18)
har har naam bolhu din raatee sabh kilbikh kaatai ik palkaa.
I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, day and night; in an instant, all sins are eradicated.

hir hir dieAwlu hovY ijsu aupir so gurmuiK hir jip ijxkw ]21] (650-19)
har har da-i-aal hovai jis upar so gurmukh har jap jinkaa. ||21||
That Gurmukh, unto whom the Lord becomes merciful, chants the Lord's Name, and wins the game of life. ||21||