Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Awvxu q jwxw iqnih kIAw ijin mydin isrjIAw ] (542-1)
aavan ta jaanaa tineh kee-aa jin maydan sirjee-aa.
The One who fashioned the world causes them to come and go.

ieknw myil siqguru mhil bulwey ieik Brim BUly iPridAw ] (542-2)
iknaa mayl satgur mahal bulaa-ay ik bharam bhoolay firdi-aa.
Some meet the True Guru - the Lord invites them into the Mansion of His Presence; others wander around, deluded by doubt.

AMqu qyrw qUMhY jwxih qUM sB mih rihAw smwey ] (542-2)
ant tayraa tooNhai jaaneh tooN sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ay.
You alone know Your limits; You are contained in all.

scu khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu hir vrqY Drm inAwey ]1] (542-3)
sach kahai naanak sunhu santahu har vartai Dharam ni-aa-ay. ||1||
Nanak speaks the Truth: listen, Saints - the Lord dispenses even-handed justice. ||1||

Awvhu imlhu shylIho myry lwl jIau hir hir nwmu ArwDy rwm ] (542-3)
aavhu milhu sahayleeho mayray laal jee-o har har naam araaDhay raam.
Come and join me, O my beautiful dear beloveds; let's worship the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

kir syvhu pUrw siqgurU myry lwl jIau jm kw mwrgu swDy rwm ] (542-4)
kar sayvhu pooraa satguroo mayray laal jee-o jam kaa maarag saaDhay raam.
Let's serve the Perfect True Guru, O my dear beloveds, and clear away the Path of Death.

mwrgu ibKVw swiD gurmuiK hir drgh soBw pweIAY ] (542-5)
maarag bikh-rhaa saaDh gurmukh har dargeh sobhaa paa-ee-ai.
Having cleared the treacherous path, as Gurmukhs, we shall obtain honor in the Court of the Lord.

ijn kau ibDwqY Durhu iliKAw iqn@w rYix idnu ilv lweIAY ] (542-5)
jin ka-o biDhaatai Dharahu likhi-aa tinHaa rain din liv laa-ee-ai.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny, lovingly focus their consciousness on the Lord, night and day.

haumY mmqw mohu Cutw jw sMig imilAw swDy ] (542-6)
ha-umai mamtaa moh chhutaa jaa sang mili-aa saaDhay.
Self-conceit, egotism and emotional attachment are eradicated when one joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jnu khY nwnku mukqu hoAw hir hir nwmu ArwDy ]2] (542-6)
jan kahai naanak mukat ho-aa har har naam araaDhay. ||2||
Says servant Nanak, one who contemplates the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is liberated. ||2||

kr joiVhu sMq iekqR hoie myry lwl jIau AibnwsI purKu pUjyhw rwm ] (542-7)
kar jorhihu sant ikatar ho-ay mayray laal jee-o abhinaasee purakh poojayhaa raam.
Let's join hands, O Saints; let's come together, O my dear beloveds, and worship the imperishable, Almighty Lord.

bhu ibiD pUjw KojIAw myry lwl jIau iehu mnu qnu sBu Arpyhw rwm ] (542-8)
baho biDh poojaa khojee-aa mayray laal jee-o ih man tan sabh arpayhaa raam.
I sought Him through uncounted forms of adoration, O my dear beloveds; now, I dedicate my entire mind and body to the Lord.

mnu qnu Dnu sBu pRBU kyrw ikAw ko pUj cVwvey ] (542-8)
man tan Dhan sabh parabhoo kayraa ki-aa ko pooj charhaava-ay.
The mind, body and all wealth belong to God; so what can anyone offer to Him in worship?

ijsu hoie ik®pwlu dieAwlu suAwmI so pRB AMik smwvey ] (542-9)
jis ho-ay kirpaal da-i-aal su-aamee so parabh ank samaav-ay.
He alone merges in the lap of God, unto whom the Merciful Lord Master becomes compassionate.

Bwgu msqik hoie ijs kY iqsu gur nwil snyhw ] (542-10)
bhaag mastak ho-ay jis kai tis gur naal sanayhaa.
One who has such pre-ordained destiny written on his forehead, comes to bear love for the Guru.

jnu khY nwnku imil swDsMgiq hir hir nwmu pUjyhw ]3] (542-10)
jan kahai naanak mil saaDhsangat har har naam poojayhaa. ||3||
Says servant Nanak, joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, let's worship the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

dh ids Kojq hm iPry myry lwl jIau hir pwieAVw Gir Awey rwm ] (542-11)
dah dis khojat ham firay mayray laal jee-o har paa-i-arhaa ghar aa-ay raam.
I wandered around, searching in the ten directions, O my dear beloveds, but I came to find the Lord in the home of my own being.

hir mMdru hir jIau swijAw myry lwl jIau hir iqsu mih rihAw smwey rwm ] (542-11)
har mandar har jee-o saaji-aa mayray laal jee-o har tis meh rahi-aa samaa-ay raam.
The Dear Lord has fashioned the body as the temple of the Lord, O my dear beloveds; the Lord continues to dwell there.

srby smwxw Awip suAwmI gurmuiK prgtu hoieAw ] (542-12)
sarbay samaanaa aap su-aamee gurmukh pargat ho-i-aa.
The Lord and Master Himself is pervading everywhere; through the Guru, He is revealed.

imitAw ADyrw dUKu nwTw Aimau hir rsu coieAw ] (542-13)
miti-aa aDhayraa dookh naathaa ami-o har ras cho-i-aa.
Darkness is dispelled, and pains are removed, when the sublime essence of the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.

jhw dyKw qhw suAwmI pwrbRhmu sB Twey ] (542-13)
jahaa daykhaa tahaa su-aamee paarbarahm sabh thaa-ay.
Wherever I look, the Lord and Master is there. The Supreme Lord God is everywhere.

jnu khY nwnku siqguir imlwieAw hir pwieAVw Gir Awey ]4]1] (542-14)
jan kahai naanak satgur milaa-i-aa har paa-i-arhaa ghar aa-ay. ||4||1||
Says servant Nanak, meeting the True Guru, I have found the Lord, within the home of my own being. ||4||1||

rwgu ibhwgVw mhlw 5 ] (542-15)
raag bihaagarhaa mehlaa 5.
Raag Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehl:

Aiq pRIqm mn mohnw Gt sohnw pRwn ADwrw rwm ] (542-15)
at pareetam man mohnaa ghat sohnaa paraan aDhaaraa raam.
He is dear to me; He fascinates my mind; He is the ornament of my heart, the support of the breath of life.

suMdr soBw lwl gopwl dieAwl kI Apr Apwrw rwm ] (542-15)
sundar sobhaa laal gopaal da-i-aal kee apar apaaraa raam.
The Glory of the Beloved, Merciful Lord of the Universe is beautiful; He is infinite and without limit.

gopwl dieAwl goibMd lwln imlhu kMq inmwxIAw ] (542-16)
gopaal da-i-aal gobind laalan milhu kant nimaanee-aa.
O Compassionate Sustainer of the World, Beloved Lord of the Universe, please, join with Your humble soul-bride.

nYn qrsn drs prsn nh nId rYix ivhwxIAw ] (542-17)
nain tarsan daras parsan nah need rain vihaanee-aa.
My eyes long for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; the night passes, but I cannot sleep.

igAwn AMjn nwm ibMjn Bey sgl sIgwrw ] (542-17)
gi-aan anjan naam binjan bha-ay sagal seegaaraa.
I have applied the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom to my eyes; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my food. These are all my decorations.

nwnku pieAMpY sMq jMpY myil kMqu hmwrw ]1] (542-18)
naanak pa-i-ampai sant jampai mayl kant hamaaraa. ||1||
Prays Nanak, let's meditate on the Saint, that he may unite us with our Husband Lord. ||1||

lwK aulwhny moih hir jb lgu nh imlY rwm ] (542-18)
laakh ulaahanay mohi har jab lag nah milai raam.
I endure thousands of reprimands, and still, my Lord has not met with me.

imln kau krau aupwv ikCu hmwrw nh clY rwm ] (542-19)
milan ka-o kara-o upaav kichh hamaaraa nah chalai raam.
I make the effort to meet with my Lord, but none of my efforts work.

cl icq ibq Ainq ipRA ibnu kvn ibDI n DIjIAY ] (542-19)
chal chit bit anit pari-a bin kavan biDhee na Dheejee-ai.
Unsteady is my consciousness, and unstable is my wealth; without my Lord, I cannot be consoled.