Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jn qRwih qRwih srxwgqI myrI ijMduVIey gur nwnk hir rKvwly rwm ]3] (539-1)
jan taraahi taraahi sarnaagatee mayree jindurhee-ay gur naanak har rakhvaalay raam. ||3||
The Lord's humble servants beseech and implore Him, and enter His Sanctuary, O my soul; Guru Nanak becomes their Divine Protector. ||3||

hir jn hir ilv aubry myrI ijMduVIey Duir Bwg vfy hir pwieAw rwm ] (539-2)
har jan har liv ubray mayree jindurhee-ay Dhur bhaag vaday har paa-i-aa raam.
The Lord's humble servants are saved, through the Love of the Lord, O my soul; by their pre-ordained good destiny, they obtain the Lord.

hir hir nwmu poqu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur Kyvt sbid qrwieAw rwm ] (539-2)
har har naam pot hai mayree jindurhee-ay gur khayvat sabad taraa-i-aa raam.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the ship, O my soul, and the Guru is the helmsman. Through the Word of the Shabad, He ferries us across.

hir hir purKu dieAwlu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur siqgur mIT lgwieAw rwm ] (539-3)
har har purakh da-i-aal hai mayree jindurhee-ay gur satgur meeth lagaa-i-aa raam.
The Lord, Har, Har, is all-powerful and very kind, O my soul; through the Guru, the True Guru, He seems so sweet.

kir ikrpw suix bynqI hir hir jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw rwm ]4]2] (539-4)
kar kirpaa sun bayntee har har jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa raam. ||4||2||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, and hear my prayer, O Lord, Har, Har; please, let servant Nanak meditate on Your Name. ||4||2||

ibhwgVw mhlw 4 ] (539-5)
bihaagarhaa mehlaa 4.
Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehl:

jig suik®qu kIriq nwmu hY myrI ijMduVIey hir kIriq hir min Dwry rwm ] (539-5)
jag sukarit keerat naam hai mayree jindurhee-ay har keerat har man Dhaaray raam.
In this world, the best occupation is to sing the Praises of the Naam, O my soul. Singing the Praises of the Lord, the Lord is enshrined in the mind.

hir hir nwmu pivqu hY myrI ijMduVIey jip hir hir nwmu auDwry rwm ] (539-6)
har har naam pavit hai mayree jindurhee-ay jap har har naam uDhaaray raam.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is immaculate and pure, O my soul. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, one is saved.

sB iklivK pwp duK kitAw myrI ijMduVIey mlu gurmuiK nwim auqwry rwm ] (539-6)
sabh kilvikh paap dukh kati-aa mayree jindurhee-ay mal gurmukh naam utaaray raam.
All sins and errors are erased, O my soul; with the Naam, the Gurmukh washes off this filth.

vf puMnI hir iDAwieAw jn nwnk hm mUrK mugD insqwry rwm ]1] (539-7)
vad punnee har Dhi-aa-i-aa jan naanak ham moorakh mugaDh nistaaray raam. ||1||
By great good fortune, servant Nanak meditates on the Lord; even fools and idiots like me have been saved. ||1||

jo hir nwmu iDAwiedy myrI ijMduVIey iqnw pMcy vsgiq Awey rwm ] (539-8)
jo har naam Dhi-aa-iday mayree jindurhee-ay tinaa panchay vasgat aa-ay raam.
Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, O my soul, overpower the five passions.

AMqir nv iniD nwmu hY myrI ijMduVIey guru siqguru AlKu lKwey rwm ] (539-9)
antar nav niDh naam hai mayree jindurhee-ay gur satgur alakh lakhaa-ay raam.
The nine treasures of the Naam are within, O my soul; the Great Guru has made me see the unseen Lord.

guir Awsw mnsw pUrIAw myrI ijMduVIey hir imilAw BuK sB jwey rwm ] (539-9)
gur aasaa mansaa pooree-aa mayree jindurhee-ay har mili-aa bhukh sabh jaa-ay raam.
The Guru has fulfilled my hopes and desires, O my soul; meeting the Lord, all my hunger is satisfied.

Duir msqik hir pRiB iliKAw myrI ijMduVIey jn nwnk hir gux gwey rwm ]2] (539-10)
Dhur mastak har parabh likhi-aa mayree jindurhee-ay jan naanak har gun gaa-ay raam. ||2||
O servant Nanak, he alone sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O my soul, upon whose forehead God has inscribed such pre-ordained destiny. ||2||

hm pwpI blvMcIAw myrI ijMduVIey prdRohI Tg mwieAw rwm ] (539-11)
ham paapee balvanchee-aa mayree jindurhee-ay pardarohee thag maa-i-aa raam.
I am a deceitful sinner, O my soul, a cheat, and a robber of others' wealth.

vfBwgI guru pwieAw myrI ijMduVIey guir pUrY giq imiq pwieAw rwm ] (539-12)
vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay gur poorai gat mit paa-i-aa raam.
But, by great good fortune, I have found the Guru, O my soul; through the Perfect Guru, I have found the way to salvation.

guir AMimRqu hir muiK coieAw myrI ijMduVIey iPir mrdw bhuiV jIvwieAw rwm ] (539-12)
gur amrit har mukh cho-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay fir mardaa bahurh jeevaa-i-aa raam.
The Guru has poured the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name into my mouth, O my soul, and now, my dead soul has come to life again.

jn nwnk siqgur jo imly myrI ijMduVIey iqn ky sB duK gvwieAw rwm ]3] (539-13)
jan naanak satgur jo milay mayree jindurhee-ay tin kay sabh dukh gavaa-i-aa raam. ||3||
O servant Nanak: those who meet the True Guru, O my soul, have all of their pains taken away. ||3||

Aiq aUqmu hir nwmu hY myrI ijMduVIey ijqu jipAY pwp gvwqy rwm ] (539-14)
at ootam har naam hai mayree jindurhee-ay jit japi-ai paap gavaatay raam.
The Name of the Lord is sublime, O my soul; chanting it, one's sins are washed away.

piqq pivqR guir hir kIey myrI ijMduVIey chu kuMfI chu juig jwqy rwm ] (539-15)
patit pavitar gur har kee-ay mayree jindurhee-ay chahu kundee chahu jug jaatay raam.
The Guru, the Lord, has purified even the sinners, O my soul; now, they are famous and respected in the four directions and throughout the four ages.

haumY mYlu sB auqrI myrI ijMduVIey hir AMimRiq hir sir nwqy rwm ] (539-15)
ha-umai mail sabh utree mayree jindurhee-ay har amrit har sar naatay raam.
The filth of egotism is totally wiped away, O my soul, by bathing in the Ambrosial Pool of the Lord's Name.

AprwDI pwpI auDry myrI ijMduVIey jn nwnk iKnu hir rwqy rwm ]4]3] (539-16)
apraaDhee paapee uDhray mayree jindurhee-ay jan naanak khin har raatay raam. ||4||3||
Even sinners are carried across, O my soul, if they are imbued with the Lord's Name, even for an instant, O servant Nanak. ||4||3||

ibhwgVw mhlw 4 ] (539-17)
bihaagarhaa mehlaa 4.
Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehl:

hau bilhwrI iqn@ kau myrI ijMduVIey ijn@ hir hir nwmu ADwro rwm ] (539-17)
ha-o balihaaree tinH ka-o mayree jindurhee-ay jinH har har naam aDhaaro raam.
I am a sacrifice, O my soul, to those who take the Support of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

guir siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw myrI ijMduVIey ibKu Baujlu qwrxhwro rwm ] (539-18)
gur satgur naam drirh-aa-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay bikh bha-ojal taaranhaaro raam.
The Guru, the True Guru, implanted the Name within me, O my soul, and He has carried me across the terrifying world-ocean of poison.

ijn iek min hir iDAwieAw myrI ijMduVIey iqn sMq jnw jYkwro rwm ] (539-19)
jin ik man har Dhi-aa-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay tin sant janaa jaikaaro raam.
Those who have meditated one-pointedly on the Lord, O my soul - I proclaim the Victory of those saintly beings.