Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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536 jn nwnk dws dws ko krIAhu myrw mUMfu swD pgw hyiT rulsI ry ]2]4]37] (536-1)jan naanak daas daas ko karee-ahu mayraa moond saaDh pagaa hayth rulsee ray. ||2||4||37|| Make servant Nanak the slave of Your slave; let his head roll in the dust under the feet of the Holy. ||2||4||37|| rwgu dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 Gru 7 (536-3)raag dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5 ghar 7 Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl, Seventh House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (536-3)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: sB idn ky smrQ pMQ ibTuly hau bil bil jwau ] (536-4)sabh din kay samrath panth bithulay ha-o bal bal jaa-o. You are all-powerful, at all times; You show me the Way; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. gwvn Bwvn sMqn qorY crn auvw kY pwau ]1] rhwau ] (536-4)gaavan bhaavan santan torai charan uvaa kai paa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your Saints sing to You with love; I fall at their feet. ||1||Pause|| jwsn bwsn shj kyl kruxw mY eyk Anµq AnUpY Twau ]1] (536-5)jaasan baasan sahj kayl karunaa mai ayk anant anoopai thaa-o. ||1|| O Praiseworthy Lord, Enjoyer of celestial peace, Embodiment of mercy, One Infinite Lord, Your place is so beautiful. ||1|| iriD isiD iniD kr ql jgjIvn sRb nwQ AnykY nwau ] (536-5)riDh siDh niDh kar tal jagjeevan sarab naath anaykai naa-o. Riches, supernatural spiritual powers and wealth are in the palm of Your hand. O Lord, Life of the World, Master of all, infinite is Your Name. dieAw mieAw ikrpw nwnk kau suin suin jsu jIvwau ]2]1]38]6]44] (536-6)da-i-aa ma-i-aa kirpaa naanak ka-o sun sun jas jeevaa-o. ||2||1||38||6||44|| Show Kindness, Mercy and Compassion to Nanak; hearing Your Praises, I live. ||2||1||38||6||44|| <> siqgur pRswid ] (536-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: rwgu dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ] (536-8)raag dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 9. Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehl: Xh mnu nYk n kihE krY ] (536-8)yeh man naik na kahi-o karai. This mind does not follow my advice one tiny bit. sIK isKwie rihE ApnI sI durmiq qy n trY ]1] rhwau ] (536-8)seekh sikhaa-ay rahi-o apnee see durmat tay na tarai. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am so tired of giving it instructions - it will not refrain from its evil-mindedness. ||1||Pause|| mid mwieAw kY BieE bwvro hir jsu nih aucrY ] (536-9)mad maa-i-aa kai bha-i-o baavro har jas neh uchrai. It has gone insane with the intoxication of Maya; it does not chant the Lord's Praise. kir prpMcu jgq kau fhkY Apno audru BrY ]1] (536-10)kar parpanch jagat ka-o dahkai apno udar bharai. ||1|| Practicing deception, it tries to cheat the world, and so it fills its belly. ||1|| suAwn pUC ijau hoie n sUDo kihE n kwn DrY ] (536-10)su-aan poochh ji-o ho-ay na sooDho kahi-o na kaan Dharai. Like a dog's tail, it cannot be straightened; it will not listen to what I tell it. khu nwnk Bju rwm nwm inq jw qy kwju srY ]2]1] (536-11)kaho naanak bhaj raam naam nit jaa tay kaaj sarai. ||2||1|| Says Nanak, vibrate forever the Name of the Lord, and all your affairs shall be adjusted. ||2||1|| dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ] (536-11)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 9. Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehl: sB ikCu jIvq ko ibvhwr ] (536-11)sabh kichh jeevat ko bivhaar. All things are mere diversions of life: mwq ipqw BweI suq bMDp Aru Puin igRh kI nwir ]1] rhwau ] (536-12)maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banDhap ar fun garih kee naar. ||1|| rahaa-o. mother, father, siblings, children, relatives and the wife of your home. ||1||Pause|| qn qy pRwn hoq jb inAwry tyrq pRyiq pukwir ] (536-12)tan tay paraan hot jab ni-aaray tayrat parayt pukaar. When the soul is separated from the body, then they will cry out, calling you a ghost. AwD GrI koaU nih rwKY Gr qy dyq inkwir ]1] (536-13)aaDh gharee ko-oo neh raakhai ghar tay dayt nikaar. ||1|| No one will let you stay, for even half an hour; they drive you out of the house. ||1|| imRg iqRsnw ijau jg rcnw Xh dyKhu irdY ibcwir ] (536-13)marig tarisnaa ji-o jag rachnaa yeh daykhhu ridai bichaar. The created world is like an illusion, a mirage - see this, and reflect upon it in your mind. khu nwnk Bju rwm nwm inq jw qy hoq auDwr ]2]2] (536-14)kaho naanak bhaj raam naam nit jaa tay hot uDhaar. ||2||2|| Says Nanak, vibrate forever the Name of the Lord, which shall deliver you. ||2||2|| dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ] (536-15)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 9. Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehl: jgq mY JUTI dyKI pRIiq ] (536-15)jagat mai jhoothee daykhee pareet. In this world, I have seen love to be false. Apny hI suK isau sB lwgy ikAw dwrw ikAw mIq ]1] rhwau ] (536-15)apnay hee sukh si-o sabh laagay ki-aa daaraa ki-aa meet. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whether they are spouses or friends, all are concerned only with their own happiness. ||1||Pause|| myrau myrau sBY khq hY ihq isau bwiDE cIq ] (536-16)mayra-o mayra-o sabhai kahat hai hit si-o baaDhi-o cheet. All say, "Mine, mine", and attach their consciousness to you with love. AMiq kwil sMgI nh koaU ieh Acrj hY rIiq ]1] (536-16)ant kaal sangee nah ko-oo ih achraj hai reet. ||1|| But at the very last moment, none shall go along with you. How strange are the ways of the world! ||1|| mn mUrK AjhU nh smJq isK dY hwirE nIq ] (536-17)man moorakh ajhoo nah samjhat sikh dai haari-o neet. The foolish mind has not yet reformed itself, although I have grown weary of continually instructing it. nwnk Baujlu pwir prY jau gwvY pRB ky gIq ]2]3]6]38]47] (536-17)naanak bha-ojal paar parai ja-o gaavai parabh kay geet. ||2||3||6||38||47|| O Nanak, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, singing the Songs of God. ||2||3||6||38||47|| |
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