Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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533 <> siqgur pRswid ] (533-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (533-2)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: Apuny siqgur pih ibnau kihAw ] (533-2)apunay satgur peh bin-o kahi-aa. I offer my prayer to my True Guru. Bey ik®pwl dieAwl duK BMjn myrw sgl AMdysrw gieAw ] rhwau ] (533-2)bha-ay kirpaal da-i-aal dukh bhanjan mayraa sagal andaysraa ga-i-aa. rahaa-o. The Destroyer of distress has become kind and merciful, and all my anxiety is over. ||Pause|| hm pwpI pwKMfI loBI hmrw gunu Avgunu sBu sihAw ] (533-3)ham paapee paakhandee lobhee hamraa gun avgun sabh sahi-aa. I am a sinner, hypocritical and greedy, but still, He puts up with all of my merits and demerits. kru msqik Dwir swij invwjy muey dust jo KieAw ]1] (533-3)kar mastak Dhaar saaj nivaajay mu-ay dusat jo kha-i-aa. ||1|| Placing His hand on my forehead, He has exalted me. The wicked ones who wanted to destroy me have been killed. ||1|| praupkwrI srb sDwrI sPl drsn shjieAw ] (533-4)par-upkaaree sarab saDhaaree safal darsan sehaj-i-aa. He is generous and benevolent, the beautifier of all, the embodiment of peace; the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is so fruitful! khu nwnk inrgux kau dwqw crx kml aur DirAw ]2]24] (533-5)kaho naanak nirgun ka-o daataa charan kamal ur Dhari-aa. ||2||24|| Says Nanak, He is the Giver to the unworthy; I enshrine His Lotus Feet within my heart. ||2||24|| dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (533-5)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: AnwQ nwQ pRB hmwry ] (533-6)anaath naath parabh hamaaray. My God is the Master of the masterless. srin AwieE rwKnhwry ] rhwau ] (533-6)saran aa-i-o raakhanhaaray. rahaa-o. I have come to the Sanctuary of the Savior Lord. ||Pause|| srb pwK rwKu murwry ] (533-6)sarab paakh raakh muraaray. Protect me on all sides, O Lord; AwgY pwCY AMqI vwry ]1] (533-6)aagai paachhai antee vaaray. ||1|| protect me in the future, in the past, and at the very last moment. ||1|| jb icqvau qb quhwry ] (533-7)jab chitva-o tab tuhaaray. Whenever something comes to mind, it is You. aun sm@wir myrw mnu sDwry ]2] (533-7)un samHaar mayraa man saDhaaray. ||2|| Contemplating Your virtues, my mind is sanctified. ||2|| suin gwvau gur bcnwry ] (533-7)sun gaava-o gur bachnaaray. I hear and sing the Hymns of the Guru's Word. bil bil jwau swD drswry ]3] (533-8)bal bal jaa-o saaDh darsaaray. ||3|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the Holy. ||3|| mn mih rwKau eyk Aswry ] (533-8)man meh raakha-o ayk asaaray. Within my mind, I have the Support of the One Lord alone. nwnk pRB myry krnYhwry ]4]25] (533-8)naanak parabh mayray karnaihaaray. ||4||25|| O Nanak, my God is the Creator of all. ||4||25|| dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (533-9)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: pRB iehY mnorQu myrw ] (533-9)parabh ihai manorath mayraa. God, this is my heart's desire: ik®pw inDwn dieAwl moih dIjY kir sMqn kw cyrw ] rhwau ] (533-9)kirpaa niDhaan da-i-aal mohi deejai kar santan kaa chayraa. rahaa-o. O treasure of kindness, O Merciful Lord, please make me the slave of your Saints. ||Pause|| pRwqhkwl lwgau jn crnI ins bwsur drsu pwvau ] (533-10)paraatehkaal laaga-o jan charnee nis baasur daras paava-o. In the early hours of the morning, I fall at the feet of Your humble servants; night and day, I obtain the Blessed Vision of their Darshan. qnu mnu Arip krau jn syvw rsnw hir gun gwvau ]1] (533-10)tan man arap kara-o jan sayvaa rasnaa har gun gaava-o. ||1|| Dedicating my body and mind, I serve the humble servant of the Lord; with my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1|| swis swis ismrau pRBu Apunw sMqsMig inq rhIAY ] (533-11)saas saas simra-o parabh apunaa satsang nit rahee-ai. With each and every breath, I meditate in remembrance on my God; I live continually in the Society of the Saints. eyku ADwru nwmu Dnu morw Andu nwnk iehu lhIAY ]2]26] (533-12)ayk aDhaar naam Dhan moraa anad naanak ih lahee-ai. ||2||26|| The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my only support and wealth; O Nanak, from this, I obtain bliss. ||2||26|| rwgu dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 Gru 3 (533-13)raag dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (533-13)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: mIqw AYsy hir jIau pwey ] (533-14)meetaa aisay har jee-o paa-ay. O friend, such is the Dear Lord whom I have obtained. Coif n jweI sd hI sMgy Anidnu gur imil gwey ]1] rhwau ] (533-14)chhod na jaa-ee sad hee sangay an-din gur mil gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. He does not leave me, and He always keeps me company. Meeting the Guru, night and day, I sing His Praises. ||1||Pause|| imilE mnohru srb suKYnw iqAwig n kqhU jwey ] (533-15)mili-o manohar sarab sukhainaa ti-aag na kathoo jaa-ay. I met the Fascinating Lord, who has blessed me with all comforts; He does not leave me to go anywhere else. Aink Aink Bwiq bhu pyKy ipRA rom n smsir lwey ]1] (533-15)anik anik bhaat baho paykhay pari-a rom na samsar laa-ay. ||1|| I have seen the mortals of many and various types, but they are not equal to even a hair of my Beloved. ||1|| mMdir Bwgu soB duAwrY Anhq ruxu Juxu lwey ] (533-16)mandar bhaag sobh du-aarai anhat run jhun laa-ay. His palace is so beautiful! His gate is so wonderful! The celestial melody of the sound current resounds there. khu nwnk sdw rMgu mwxy igRh ipRA QIqy sd Qwey ]2]1]27] (533-16)kaho naanak sadaa rang maanay garih pari-a theetay sad thaa-ay. ||2||1||27|| Says Nanak, I enjoy eternal bliss; I have obtained a permanent place in the home of my Beloved. ||2||1||27|| dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (533-17)dayvganDhaaree 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: drsn nwm kau mnu AwCY ] (533-17)darsan naam ka-o man aachhai. My mind longs for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, and His Name. BRim AwieE hY sgl Qwn ry Awih pirE sMq pwCY ]1] rhwau ] (533-17)bharam aa-i-o hai sagal thaan ray aahi pari-o sant paachhai. ||1|| rahaa-o. I have wandered everywhere, and now I have come to follow the Saint. ||1||Pause|| iksu hau syvI iksu AwrwDI jo idstY so gwCY ] (533-18)kis ha-o sayvee kis aaraaDhee jo distai so gaachhai. Whom should I serve? Whom should I worship in adoration? Whoever I see shall pass away. |
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