Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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487 qw mih mgn hoq n qyro jnu ]2] (487-1)taa meh magan hot na tayro jan. ||2|| Your humble servant is not engrossed in them. ||2|| pRym kI jyvrI bwiDE qyro jn ] (487-1)paraym kee jayvree baaDhi-o tayro jan. Your humble servant is tied by the rope of Your Love. kih rivdws CUitbo kvn gun ]3]4] (487-1)kahi ravidaas chootibo kavan gun. ||3||4|| Says Ravi Daas, what benefit would I get by escaping from it? ||3||4|| Awsw ] (487-2)aasaa. Aasaa: hir hir hir hir hir hir hry ] (487-2)har har har har har har haray. The Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Haray. hir ismrq jn gey insqir qry ]1] rhwau ] (487-2)har simrat jan ga-ay nistar taray. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meditating on the Lord, the humble are carried across to salvation. ||1||Pause|| hir ky nwm kbIr aujwgr ] (487-3)har kay naam kabeer ujaagar. Through the Lord's Name, Kabeer became famous and respected. jnm jnm ky kwty kwgr ]1] (487-3)janam janam kay kaatay kaagar. ||1|| The accounts of his past incarnations were torn up. ||1|| inmq nwmdyau dUDu pIAwieAw ] (487-3)nimat naamday-o dooDh pee-aa-i-aa. Because of Naam Dayv's devotion, the Lord drank the milk he offered. qau jg jnm sMkt nhI AwieAw ]2] (487-4)ta-o jag janam sankat nahee aa-i-aa. ||2|| He shall not have to suffer the pains of reincarnation into the world again. ||2|| jn rivdws rwm rMig rwqw ] (487-4)jan ravidaas raam rang raataa. Servant Ravi Daas is imbued with the Lord's Love. ieau gur prswid nrk nhI jwqw ]3]5] (487-5)i-o gur parsaad narak nahee jaataa. ||3||5|| By Guru's Grace, he shall not have to go to hell. ||3||5|| mwtI ko puqrw kYsy ncqu hY ] (487-5)maatee ko putraa kaisay nachat hai. How does the puppet of clay dance? dyKY dyKY sunY bolY dauirE iPrqu hY ]1] rhwau ] (487-5)daykhai daykhai sunai bolai da-ori-o firat hai. ||1|| rahaa-o. He looks and listens, hears and speaks, and runs around. ||1||Pause|| jb kCu pwvY qb grbu krqu hY ] (487-6)jab kachh paavai tab garab karat hai. When he acquires something, he is inflated with ego. mwieAw geI qb rovnu lgqu hY ]1] (487-6)maa-i-aa ga-ee tab rovan lagat hai. ||1|| But when his wealth is gone, then he cries and bewails. ||1|| mn bc k®m rs ksih luBwnw ] (487-7)man bach karam ras kaseh lubhaanaa. In thought, word and deed, he is attached to the sweet and tangy flavors. ibnis gieAw jwie khUM smwnw ]2] (487-7)binas ga-i-aa jaa-ay kahoo-aN samaanaa. ||2|| When he dies, no one knows where he has gone. ||2|| kih rivdws bwjI jgu BweI ] (487-7)kahi ravidaas baajee jag bhaa-ee. Says Ravi Daas, the world is just a dramatic play, O Siblings of Destiny. bwjIgr sau muoih pRIiq bin AweI ]3]6] (487-8)baajeegar sa-o mohi pareet ban aa-ee. ||3||6|| I have enshrined love for the Lord, the star of the show. ||3||6|| Awsw bwxI Bgq DMny jI kI (487-9)aasaa banee bhagat Dhannay jee kee Aasaa, The Word Of Devotee Dhanna Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (487-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: BRmq iPrq bhu jnm iblwny qnu mnu Dnu nhI DIry ] (487-10)bharmat firat baho janam bilaanay tan man Dhan nahee Dheeray. I wandered through countless incarnations, but mind, body and wealth never remain stable. lwlc ibKu kwm lubD rwqw min ibsry pRB hIry ]1] rhwau ] (487-10)laalach bikh kaam lubaDh raataa man bisray parabh heeray. ||1|| rahaa-o. Attached to, and stained by the poisons of sexual desire and greed, the mind has forgotten the jewel of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| ibKu Pl mIT lgy mn baury cwr ibcwr n jwinAw ] (487-11)bikh fal meeth lagay man ba-uray chaar bichaar na jaani-aa. The poisonous fruit seems sweet to the demented mind, which does not know the difference between good and evil. gun qy pRIiq bFI An BWqI jnm mrn iPir qwinAw ]1] (487-11)gun tay pareet badhee an bhaaNtee janam maran fir taani-aa. ||1|| Turning away from virtue, his love for other things increases, and he weaves again the web of birth and death. ||1|| jugiq jwin nhI irdY invwsI jlq jwl jm PMD pry ] (487-12)jugat jaan nahee ridai nivaasee jalat jaal jam fanDh paray. He does not know the way to the Lord, who dwells within his heart; burning in the trap, he is caught by the noose of death. ibKu Pl sMic Bry mn AYsy prm purK pRB mn ibsry ]2] (487-13)bikh fal sanch bharay man aisay param purakh parabh man bisray. ||2|| Gathering the poisonous fruits, he fills his mind with them, and he forgets God, the Supreme Being, from his mind. ||2|| igAwn pRvysu gurih Dnu dIAw iDAwnu mwnu mn eyk mey ] (487-13)gi-aan parvays gureh Dhan dee-aa Dhi-aan maan man ayk ma-ay. The Guru has given the wealth of spiritual wisdom; practicing meditation, the mind becomes one with Him. pRym Bgiq mwnI suKu jwinAw iqRpiq AGwny mukiq Bey ]3] (487-14)paraym bhagat maanee sukh jaani-aa taripat aghaanay mukat bha-ay. ||3|| Embracing loving devotional worship for the Lord, I have come to know peace; satisfied and satiated, I have been liberated. ||3|| joiq smwie smwnI jw kY AClI pRBu pihcwinAw ] (487-14)jot samaa-ay samaanee jaa kai achhlee parabh pehchaani-aa. One who is filled with the Divine Light, recognizes the undeceivable Lord God. DMnY Dnu pwieAw DrxIDru imil jn sMq smwinAw ]4]1] (487-15)Dhannai Dhan paa-i-aa DharneeDhar mil jan sant samaani-aa. ||4||1|| Dhanna has obtained the Lord, the Sustainer of the World, as his wealth; meeting the humble Saints, he merges in the Lord. ||4||1|| mhlw 5 ] (487-16)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: goibMd goibMd goibMd sMig nwmdyau mnu lIxw ] (487-16)gobind gobind gobind sang naamday-o man leenaa. Naam Dayv's mind was absorbed into God, Gobind, Gobind, Gobind. AwF dwm ko CIpro hoieE lwKIxw ]1] rhwau ] (487-16)aadh daam ko chheepro ho-i-o laakheenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The calico-printer, worth half a shell, became worth millions. ||1||Pause|| bunnw qnnw iqAwig kY pRIiq crn kbIrw ] (487-17)bunnaa tannaa ti-aag kai pareet charan kabeeraa. Abandoning weaving and stretching thread, Kabeer enshrined love for the Lord's lotus feet. nIc kulw jolwhrw BieE gunIX ghIrw ]1] (487-17)neech kulaa jolaaharaa bha-i-o guneey gaheeraa. ||1|| A weaver from a lowly family, he became an ocean of excellence. ||1|| rivdwsu FuvMqw For nIiq iqin iqAwgI mwieAw ] (487-18)ravidaas dhuvantaa dhor neet tin ti-aagee maa-i-aa. Ravi Daas, who used to carry dead cows every day, renounced the world of Maya. prgtu hoAw swDsMig hir drsnu pwieAw ]2] (487-18)pargat ho-aa saaDhsang har darsan paa-i-aa. ||2|| He became famous in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and obtained the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||2|| sYnu nweI buqkwrIAw Ehu Gir Gir suinAw ] (487-19)sain naa-ee butkaaree-aa oh ghar ghar suni-aa. Sain, the barber, the village drudge, became famous in each and every house. ihrdy visAw pwrbRhmu Bgqw mih ginAw ]3] (487-19)hirday vasi-aa paarbarahm bhagtaa meh gani-aa. ||3|| The Supreme Lord God dwelled in his heart, and he was counted among the devotees. ||3|| |
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