Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jugu jugu jIvhu Amr Pl Kwhu ]10] (344-1)
jug jug jeevhu amar fal khaahu. ||10||
you shall live throughout the ages, eating the fruit of immortality. ||10||

dsmI dh ids hoie An甦 ] (344-1)
dasmee dah dis ho-ay anand.
On the tenth day of the lunar cycle, there is ecstasy in all directions.

CUtY Brmu imlY goibMd ] (344-1)
chhootai bharam milai gobind.
Doubt is dispelled, and the Lord of the Universe is met.

joiq srUpI qq AnUp ] (344-1)
jot saroopee tat anoop.
He is the Embodiment of light, the incomparable essence.

Aml n ml n Cwh nhI DUp ]11] (344-2)
amal na mal na chhaah nahee Dhoop. ||11||
He is stainless, without stain, beyond both sunshine and shade. ||11||

eykwdsI eyk ids DwvY ] (344-2)
aykaadasee ayk dis Dhaavai.
On the eleventh day of the lunar cycle, if you run in the direction of the One,

qau jonI sMkt bhuir n AwvY ] (344-2)
ta-o jonee sankat bahur na aavai.
you will not have to suffer the pains of reincarnation again.

sIql inrml BieAw srIrw ] (344-3)
seetal nirmal bha-i-aa sareeraa.
Your body will become cool, immaculate and pure.

dUir bqwvq pwieAw nIrw ]12] (344-3)
door bataavat paa-i-aa neeraa. ||12||
The Lord was said to be far away, but He is found near at hand. ||12||

bwris bwrh augvY sUr ] (344-3)
baaras baarah ugvai soor.
On the twelfth day of the lunar cycle, twelve suns rise.

Aihinis bwjy Anhd qUr ] (344-4)
ahinis baajay anhad toor.
Day and night, the celestial bugles vibrate the unstruck melody.

dyiKAw iqhUM lok kw pIau ] (344-4)
daykhi-aa tihoo-aN lok kaa pee-o.
Then, one beholds the Father of the three worlds.

Acrju BieAw jIv qy sIau ]13] (344-4)
achraj bha-i-aa jeev tay see-o. ||13||
This is wonderful! The human being has become God! ||13||

qyris qyrh Agm bKwix ] (344-5)
tayras tayrah agam bakhaan.
On the thirteenth day of the lunar cycle, the thirteen holy books proclaim

ArD aurD ibic sm pihcwix ] (344-5)
araDh uraDh bich sam pehchaan.
that you must recognize the Lord in the nether regions of the underworld as well as the heavens.

nIc aUc nhI mwn Amwn ] (344-5)
neech ooch nahee maan amaan.
There is no high or low, no honor or dishonor.

ibAwipk rwm sgl swmwn ]14] (344-6)
bi-aapik raam sagal saamaan. ||14||
The Lord is pervading and permeating all. ||14||

caudis caudh lok mJwir ] (344-6)
cha-udas cha-odah lok majhaar.
On the fourteenth day of the lunar cycle, in the fourteen worlds

rom rom mih bsih murwir ] (344-6)
rom rom meh baseh muraar.
and on each and every hair, the Lord abides.

sq sMqoK kw Drhu iDAwn ] (344-7)
sat santokh kaa Dharahu Dhi-aan.
Center yourself and meditate on truth and contentment.

kQnI kQIAY bRhm igAwn ]15] (344-7)
kathnee kathee-ai barahm gi-aan. ||15||
Speak the speech of God's spiritual wisdom. ||15||

pUinau pUrw cMd Akws ] (344-7)
pooni-o pooraa chand akaas.
On the day of the full moon, the full moon fills the heavens.

psrih klw shj prgws ] (344-7)
pasrahi kalaa sahj pargaas.
Its power is diffused through its gentle light.

Awid AMiq miD hoie rihAw QIr ] (344-8)
aad ant maDh ho-ay rahi-aa theer.
In the beginning, in the end, and in the middle, God remains firm and steady.

suK swgr mih rmih kbIr ]16] (344-8)
sukh saagar meh rameh kabeer. ||16||
Kabeer is immersed in the ocean of peace. ||16||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (344-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu gauVI vwr kbIr jIau ky 7 ] (344-9)
raag ga-orhee vaar kabeer jee-o kay 7.
Raag Gauree, The Seven Days Of The Week Of Kabeer Jee:

bwr bwr hir ky gun gwvau ] (344-9)
baar baar har kay gun gaava-o.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord each and every day.

gur gim Bydu su hir kw pwvau ]1] rhwau ] (344-9)
gur gam bhayd so har kaa paava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting with the Guru, you shall come to know the mystery of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Awidq krY Bgiq AwrMB ] (344-10)
aadit karai bhagat aarambh.
On Sunday, begin the devotional worship of the Lord,

kwieAw mMdr mnsw QMB ] (344-10)
kaa-i-aa mandar mansaa thambh.
and restrain the desires within the temple of the body.

Aihinis AKMf surhI jwie ] (344-11)
ahinis akhand surhee jaa-ay.
When your attention is focused day and night upon that imperishable place,

qau Anhd byxu shj mih bwie ]1] (344-11)
ta-o anhad bayn sahj meh baa-ay. ||1||
then the celestial flutes play the unstruck melody in tranquil peace and poise. ||1||

somvwir sis AMimRqu JrY ] (344-11)
somvaar sas amrit jharai.
On Monday, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down from the moon.

cwKq byig sgl ibK hrY ] (344-12)
chaakhat bayg sagal bikh harai.
Tasting it, all poisons are removed in an instant.

bwxI roikAw rhY duAwr ] (344-12)
banee roki-aa rahai du-aar.
Restrained by Gurbani, the mind remains indoors;

qau mnu mqvwro pIvnhwr ]2] (344-12)
ta-o man matvaaro peevanhaar. ||2||
drinking in this Nectar, it is intoxicated. ||2||

mMglvwry ly mwhIiq ] (344-13)
mangalvaaray lay maaheet.
On Tuesday, understand reality;

pMc cor kI jwxY rIiq ] (344-13)
panch chor kee jaanai reet.
you must know the way the five thieves work.

Gr CofyN bwhir ijin jwie ] (344-13)
ghar chhodayN baahar jin jaa-ay.
Those who leave their own home to go out wandering

nwqru Krw irsY hY rwie ]3] (344-13)
naatar kharaa risai hai raa-ay. ||3||
shall feel the terrible wrath of the Lord, their King. ||3||

buDvwir buiD krY pRgws ] (344-14)
buDhvaar buDh karai pargaas.
On Wednesday, one's understanding is enlightened.

ihrdY kml mih hir kw bws ] (344-14)
hirdai kamal meh har kaa baas.
The Lord comes to dwell in the lotus of the heart.

gur imil doaU eyk sm DrY ] (344-14)
gur mil do-oo ayk sam Dharai.
Meeting the Guru, one comes to look alike upon pleasure and pain,

aurD pMk lY sUDw krY ]4] (344-15)
uraDh pank lai sooDhaa karai. ||4||
and the inverted lotus is turned upright. ||4||

ibRhspiq ibiKAw dyie bhwie ] (344-15)
barihaspat bikhi-aa day-ay bahaa-ay.
On Thursday, wash off your corruption.

qIin dyv eyk sMig lwie ] (344-15)
teen dayv ayk sang laa-ay.
Forsake the trinity, and attach yourself to the One God.

qIin ndI qh iqRkutI mwih ] (344-15)
teen nadee tah tarikutee maahi.
At the confluence of the three rivers of knowledge, right action and devotion, there,

Aihinis ksml Dovih nwih ]5] (344-16)
ahinis kasmal Dhoveh naahi. ||5||
why not wash away your sinful mistakes? ||5||

suik®qu shwrY su ieh bRiq cVY ] (344-16)
sukarit sahaarai so ih barat charhai.
On Friday, keep up and complete your fast;

Anidn Awip Awp isau lVY ] (344-17)
an-din aap aap si-o larhai.
day and night, you must fight against your own self.

surKI pWcau rwKY sbY ] (344-17)
surkhee paaNcha-o raakhai sabai.
If you restrain your five senses,

qau dUjI idRsit n pYsY kbY ]6] (344-17)
ta-o doojee darisat na paisai kabai. ||6||
then you shall not cast your glance on another. ||6||

Qwvr iQru kir rwKY soie ] joiq dI vtI Gt mih joie ] (344-17)
thaavar thir kar raakhai so-ay. jot dee vatee ghat meh jo-ay.
On Saturday, keep the candle of God's Light steady within your heart;

bwhir BIqir BieAw pRgwsu ] (344-18)
baahar bheetar bha-i-aa pargaas.
you will be enlightened, inwardly and outwardly.

qb hUAw sgl krm kw nwsu ]7] (344-18)
tab hoo-aa sagal karam kaa naas. ||7||
All your karma will be erased. ||7||