Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


dh ids bUfI pvnu JulwvY foir rhI ilv lweI ]3] (333-1)
dah dis boodee pavan jhulaavai dor rahee liv laa-ee. ||3||
The drowning person is blown around in the ten directions by the wind, but I hold tight to the string of the Lord's Love. ||3||

aunmin mnUAw suMin smwnw duibDw durmiq BwgI ] (333-2)
unman manoo-aa sunn samaanaa dubiDhaa durmat bhaagee.
The disturbed mind has been absorbed in the Lord; duality and evil-mindedness have run away.

khu kbIr AnBau ieku dyiKAw rwm nwim ilv lwgI ]4]2]46] (333-2)
kaho kabeer anbha-o ik daykhi-aa raam naam liv laagee. ||4||2||46||
Says Kabeer, I have seen the One Lord, the Fearless One; I am attuned to the Name of the Lord. ||4||2||46||

gauVI bYrwgix iqpdy ] (333-3)
ga-orhee bairaagan tipday.
Gauree Bairaagan, Ti-Padas:

aultq pvn ck® Ktu Bydy suriq suMn AnrwgI ] (333-3)
ultat pavan chakar khat bhayday surat sunn anraagee.
I turned my breath inwards, and pierced through the six chakras of the body, and my awareness was centered on the Primal Void of the Absolute Lord.

AwvY n jwie mrY n jIvY qwsu Koju bYrwgI ]1] (333-4)
aavai na jaa-ay marai na jeevai taas khoj bairaagee. ||1||
Search for the One who does not come or go, who does not die and is not born, O renunciate. ||1||

myry mn mn hI aulit smwnw ] (333-4)
mayray man man hee ulat samaanaa.
My mind has turned away from the world, and is absorbed in the Mind of God.

gur prswid Akil BeI AvrY nwqru Qw bygwnw ]1] rhwau ] (333-5)
gur parsaad akal bha-ee avrai naatar thaa baygaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, my understanding has been changed; otherwise, I was totally ignorant. ||1||Pause||

invrY dUir dUir Puin invrY ijin jYsw kir mwinAw ] (333-5)
nivrai door door fun nivrai jin jaisaa kar maani-aa.
That which was near has become distant, and again, that which was distant is near, for those who realize the Lord as He is.

AlauqI kw jYsy BieAw bryfw ijin pIAw iqin jwinAw ]2] (333-6)
alutee kaa jaisay bha-i-aa baraydaa jin pee-aa tin jaani-aa. ||2||
It is like the sugar water made from the candy; only one who drinks it knows its taste. ||2||

qyrI inrgun kQw kwie isau khIAY AYsw koie ibbykI ] (333-6)
tayree nirgun kathaa kaa-ay si-o kahee-ai aisaa ko-ay bibaykee.
Unto whom should I speak Your speech, O Lord; it is beyond the three qualities. Is there anyone with such discerning wisdom?

khu kbIr ijin dIAw plIqw iqin qYsI Jl dyKI ]3]3]47] (333-7)
kaho kabeer jin dee-aa paleetaa tin taisee jhal daykhee. ||3||3||47||
Says Kabeer, as is the fuse which you apply, so is the flash you will see. ||3||3||47||

gauVI ] (333-8)

qh pwvs isMDu DUp nhI ChIAw qh auqpiq prlau nwhI ] (333-8)
tah paavas sinDh Dhoop nahee chhahee-aa tah utpat parla-o naahee.
There is no rainy season, ocean, sunshine or shade, no creation or destruction there.

jIvn imrqu n duKu suKu ibAwpY suMn smwiD doaU qh nwhI ]1] (333-8)
jeevan mirat na dukh sukh bi-aapai sunn samaaDh do-oo tah naahee. ||1||
No life or death, no pain or pleasure is felt there. There is only the Primal Trance of Samaadhi, and no duality. ||1||

shj kI AkQ kQw hY inrwrI ] (333-9)
sahj kee akath kathaa hai niraaree.
The description of the state of intuitive poise is indescribable and sublime.

quil nhI cFY jwie n mukwqI hlukI lgY n BwrI ]1] rhwau ] (333-9)
tul nahee chadhai jaa-ay na mukaatee halukee lagai na bhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is not measured, and it is not exhausted. It is neither light nor heavy. ||1||Pause||

ArD aurD doaU qh nwhI rwiq idnsu qh nwhI ] (333-10)
araDh uraDh do-oo tah naahee raat dinas tah naahee.
Neither lower nor upper worlds are there; neither day nor night are there.

jlu nhI pvnu pwvku Puin nwhI siqgur qhw smwhI ]2] (333-11)
jal nahee pavan paavak fun naahee satgur tahaa samaahee. ||2||
There is no water, wind or fire; there, the True Guru is contained. ||2||

Agm Agocru rhY inrMqir gur ikrpw qy lhIAY ] (333-11)
agam agochar rahai nirantar gur kirpaa tay lahee-ai.
The Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord dwells there within Himself; by Guru's Grace, He is found.

khu kbIr bil jwau gur Apuny sqsMgiq imil rhIAY ]3]4]48] (333-12)
kaho kabeer bal jaa-o gur apunay satsangat mil rahee-ai. ||3||4||48||
Says Kabeer, I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I remain in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||3||4||48||

gauVI ] (333-13)

pwpu puMnu duie bYl ibswhy pvnu pUjI prgwisE ] (333-13)
paap punn du-ay bail bisaahay pavan poojee pargaasi-o.
With both sin and virtue, the ox of the body is purchased; the air of the breath is the capital which has appeared.

iqRsnw gUix BrI Gt BIqir ien ibiD tWf ibswihE ]1] (333-13)
tarisnaa goon bharee ghat bheetar in biDh taaNd bisaahi-o. ||1||
The bag on its back is filled with desire; this is how we purchase the herd. ||1||

AYsw nwieku rwmu hmwrw ] (333-14)
aisaa naa-ik raam hamaaraa.
My Lord is such a wealthy merchant!

sgl sMswru kIE bnjwrw ]1] rhwau ] (333-14)
sagal sansaar kee-o banjaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has made the whole world his peddler. ||1||Pause||

kwmu k®oDu duie Bey jgwqI mn qrMg btvwrw ] (333-15)
kaam kroDh du-ay bha-ay jagaatee man tarang batvaaraa.
Sexual desire and anger are the tax-collectors, and the waves of the mind are the highway robbers.

pMc qqu imil dwnu inbyrih tWfw auqirE pwrw ]2] (333-15)
panch tat mil daan nibayreh taaNdaa utri-o paaraa. ||2||
The five elements join together and divide up their loot. This is how our herd is disposed of! ||2||

khq kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Ab AYsI bin AweI ] (333-16)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu ab aisee ban aa-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: This is the state of affairs now!

GwtI cFq bYlu ieku Qwkw clo goin iCtkweI ]3]5]49] (333-16)
ghaatee chadhat bail ik thaakaa chalo gon chhitkaa-ee. ||3||5||49||
Going uphill, the ox has grown weary; throwing off his load, he continues on his journey. ||3||5||49||

gauVI pMcpdw ] (333-17)
ga-orhee panchpadaa.
Gauree, Panch-Padas:

pyvkVY idn cwir hY swhurVY jwxw ] (333-17)
payvkarhai din chaar hai saahurrhai jaanaa.
For a few short days, the soul-bride stays in her parent's house; then, she must go to her in-laws.

AMDw loku n jwxeI mUrKu eyAwxw ]1] (333-17)
anDhaa lok na jaan-ee moorakh ay-aanaa. ||1||
The blind, foolish and ignorant people do not know this. ||1||

khu ffIAw bwDY Dn KVI ] (333-18)
kaho dadee-aa baaDhai Dhan kharhee.
Tell me, why is the bride wearing her ordinary clothes?

pwhU Gir Awey muklwaU Awey ]1] rhwau ] (333-18)
paahoo ghar aa-ay muklaa-oo aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The guests have arrived at her home, and her Husband has come to take her away. ||1||Pause||

Eh ij idsY KUhVI kaun lwju vhwrI ] (333-18)
oh je disai khoohrhee ka-un laaj vahaaree.
Who has lowered the rope of the breath down, into the well of the world which we see?

lwju GVI isau qUit pVI auiT clI pinhwrI ]2] (333-19)
laaj gharhee si-o toot parhee uth chalee panihaaree. ||2||
The rope of the breath breaks away from the pitcher of the body, and the water-carrier gets up and departs. ||2||

swihbu hoie dieAwlu ik®pw kry Apunw kwrju svwry ] (333-19)
saahib ho-ay da-i-aal kirpaa karay apunaa kaaraj savaaray.
When the Lord and Master is kind and grants His Grace, then her affairs are all resolved.