Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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152 srm suriq duie ssur Bey ] (152-1)saram surat du-ay sasur bha-ay. Modesty, humility and intuitive understanding are my mother-in-law and father-in-law; krxI kwmix kir mn ley ]2] (152-1)karnee kaaman kar man la-ay. ||2|| I have made good deeds my spouse. ||2|| swhw sMjogu vIAwhu ivjogu ] (152-1)saahaa sanjog vee-aahu vijog. Union with the Holy is my wedding date, and separation from the world is my marriage. scu sMqiq khu nwnk jogu ]3]3] (152-2)sach santat kaho naanak jog. ||3||3|| Says Nanak, Truth is the child born of this Union. ||3||3|| gauVI mhlw 1 ] (152-2)ga-orhee mehlaa 1. Gauree, First Mehl: pauxY pwxI AgnI kw mylu ] (152-2)pa-unai paanee agnee kaa mayl. The union of air, water and fire cMcl cpl buiD kw Kylu ] (152-3)chanchal chapal buDh kaa khayl. - the body is the play-thing of the fickle and unsteady intellect. nau drvwjy dsvw duAwru ] (152-3)na-o darvaajay dasvaa du-aar. It has nine doors, and then there is the Tenth Gate. buJu ry igAwnI eyhu bIcwru ]1] (152-3)bujh ray gi-aanee ayhu beechaar. ||1|| Reflect upon this and understand it, O wise one. ||1|| kQqw bkqw sunqw soeI ] (152-4)kathtaa baktaa suntaa so-ee. The Lord is the One who speaks, teaches and listens. Awpu bIcwry su igAwnI hoeI ]1] rhwau ] (152-4)aap beechaaray so gi-aanee ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. One who contemplates his own self is truly wise. ||1||Pause|| dyhI mwtI bolY pauxu ] (152-4)dayhee maatee bolai pa-un. The body is dust; the wind speaks through it. buJu ry igAwnI mUAw hY kauxu ] (152-5)bujh ray gi-aanee moo-aa hai ka-un. Understand, O wise one, who has died. mUeI suriq bwdu AhMkwru ] (152-5)moo-ee surat baad ahaNkaar. Awareness, conflict and ego have died, Ehu n mUAw jo dyKxhwru ]2] (152-5)oh na moo-aa jo daykhanhaar. ||2|| but the One who sees does not die. ||2|| jY kwrix qit qIrQ jwhI ] (152-5)jai kaaran tat tirath jaahee. For the sake of it, you journey to sacred shrines and holy rivers; rqn pdwrQ Gt hI mwhI ] (152-6)ratan padaarath ghat hee maahee. but this priceless jewel is within your own heart. piV piV pMifqu bwdu vKwxY ] (152-6)parh parh pandit baad vakhaanai. The Pandits, the religious scholars, read and read endlessly; they stir up arguments and controversies, BIqir hodI vsqu n jwxY ]3] (152-6)bheetar hodee vasat na jaanai. ||3|| but they do not know the secret deep within. ||3|| hau n mUAw myrI mueI blwie ] (152-7)ha-o na moo-aa mayree mu-ee balaa-ay. I have not died - that evil nature within me has died. Ehu n mUAw jo rihAw smwie ] (152-7)oh na moo-aa jo rahi-aa samaa-ay. The One who is pervading everywhere does not die. khu nwnk guir bRhmu idKwieAw ] (152-7)kaho naanak gur barahm dikhaa-i-aa. Says Nanak, the Guru has revealed God to me, mrqw jwqw ndir n AwieAw ]4]4] (152-8)martaa jaataa nadar na aa-i-aa. ||4||4|| and now I see that there is no such thing as birth or death. ||4||4|| gauVI mhlw 1 dKxI ] (152-8)ga-orhee mehlaa 1 dakh-nee. Gauree, First Mehl, Dakhanee: suix suix bUJY mwnY nwau ] qw kY sd bilhwrY jwau ] (152-9, gauVI dKxI)sun sun boojhai maanai naa-o. taa kai sad balihaarai jaa-o. I am forever a sacrifice to the one who listens and hears, who understands and believes in the Name. Awip Bulwey Taur n Twau ] (152-9, gauVI dKxI)aap bhulaa-ay tha-ur na thaa-o. When the Lord Himself leads us astray, there is no other place of rest for us to find. qUM smJwvih myil imlwau ]1] (152-9, gauVI dKxI)tooN samjhaavahi mayl milaa-o. ||1|| You impart understanding, and You unite us in Your Union. ||1|| nwmu imlY clY mY nwil ] (152-10, gauVI dKxI)naam milai chalai mai naal. I obtain the Naam, which shall go along with me in the end. ibnu nwvY bwDI sB kwil ]1] rhwau ] (152-10, gauVI dKxI)bin naavai baaDhee sabh kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the Name, all are held in the grip of Death. ||1||Pause|| KyqI vxju nwvY kI Et ] (152-11, gauVI dKxI)khaytee vanaj naavai kee ot. My farming and my trading are by the Support of the Name. pwpu puMnu bIj kI pot ] (152-11, gauVI dKxI)paap punn beej kee pot. The seeds of sin and virtue are bound together. kwmu k®oDu jIA mih cot ] (152-11, gauVI dKxI)kaam kroDh jee-a meh chot. Sexual desire and anger are the wounds of the soul. nwmu ivswir cly min Kot ]2] (152-11, gauVI dKxI)naam visaar chalay man khot. ||2|| The evil-minded ones forget the Naam, and then depart. ||2|| swcy gur kI swcI sIK ] (152-12, gauVI dKxI)saachay gur kee saachee seekh. True are the Teachings of the True Guru. qnu mnu sIqlu swcu prIK ] (152-12, gauVI dKxI)tan man seetal saach pareekh. The body and mind are cooled and soothed, by the touchstone of Truth. jl purwiein rs kml prIK ] (152-12, gauVI dKxI)jal puraa-in ras kamal pareekh. This is the true mark of wisdom: that one remains detached, like the water-lily, or the lotus upon the water. sbid rqy mITy rs eIK ]3] (152-13, gauVI dKxI)sabad ratay meethay ras eekh. ||3|| Attuned to the Word of the Shabad, one becomes sweet, like the juice of the sugar cane. ||3|| hukim sMjogI giV ds duAwr ] (152-13, gauVI dKxI)hukam sanjogee garh das du-aar. By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, the castle of the body has ten gates. pMc vsih imil joiq Apwr ] (152-13, gauVI dKxI)panch vaseh mil jot apaar. The five passions dwell there, together with the Divine Light of the Infinite. Awip qulY Awpy vxjwr ] (152-14, gauVI dKxI)aap tulai aapay vanjaar. The Lord Himself is the merchandise, and He Himself is the trader. nwnk nwim svwrxhwr ]4]5] (152-14, gauVI dKxI)naanak naam savaaranhaar. ||4||5|| O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, we are adorned and rejuvenated. ||4||5|| gauVI mhlw 1 ] (152-15)ga-orhee mehlaa 1. Gauree, First Mehl: jwqo jwie khw qy AwvY ] (152-15)jaato jaa-ay kahaa tay aavai. How can we know where we came from? kh aupjY kh jwie smwvY ] (152-15)kah upjai kah jaa-ay samaavai. Where did we originate, and where will we go and merge? ikau bwiDE ikau mukqI pwvY ] (152-15)ki-o baaDhi-o ki-o muktee paavai. How are we bound, and how do we obtain liberation? ikau AibnwsI shij smwvY ]1] (152-16)ki-o abhinaasee sahj samaavai. ||1|| How do we merge with intuitive ease into the Eternal, Imperishable Lord? ||1|| nwmu irdY AMimRqu muiK nwmu ] (152-16)naam ridai amrit mukh naam. With the Naam in the heart and the Ambrosial Naam on our lips, nrhr nwmu nrhr inhkwmu ]1] rhwau ] (152-16)narhar naam narhar nihkaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. through the Name of the Lord, we rise above desire, like the Lord. ||1||Pause|| shjy AwvY shjy jwie ] (152-17)sehjay aavai sehjay jaa-ay. With intuitive ease we come, and with intuitive ease we depart. mn qy aupjY mn mwih smwie ] (152-17)man tay upjai man maahi samaa-ay. From the mind we originate, and into the mind we are absorbed. gurmuiK mukqo bMDu n pwie ] (152-18)gurmukh mukto banDh na paa-ay. As Gurmukh, we are liberated, and are not bound. sbdu bIcwir CutY hir nwie ]2] (152-18)sabad beechaar chhutai har naa-ay. ||2|| Contemplating the Word of the Shabad, we are emancipated through the Name of the Lord. ||2|| qrvr pMKI bhu inis bwsu ] (152-18)tarvar pankhee baho nis baas. At night, lots of birds settle on the tree. suK duKIAw min moh ivxwsu ] (152-19)sukh dukhee-aa man moh vinaas. Some are happy, and some are sad. Caught in the desires of the mind, they perish. swJ ibhwg qkih Awgwsu ] (152-19)saajh bihaag takeh aagaas. And when the life-night comes to its end, then they look to the sky. dh idis Dwvih krim iliKAwsu ]3] (152-19)dah dis Dhaaveh karam likhi-aas. ||3|| They fly away in all ten directions, according to their pre-ordained destiny. ||3|| |
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