diX ivgoey iPrih ivguqy iPtw vqY glw ] (150-1)
da-yi vigo-ay fireh vigutay fitaa vatai galaa.
Ruined by the Merciful Lord, they wander around in disgrace, and their entire troop is contaminated.
jIAw mwir jIvwly soeI Avru n koeI rKY ] (150-1)
jee-aa maar jeevaalay so-ee avar na ko-ee rakhai.
The Lord alone kills and restores to life; no one else can protect anyone from Him.
dwnhu qY iesnwnhu vMjy Bsu peI isir KuQY ] (150-2)
daanhu tai isnaanhu vanjay bhas pa-ee sir khuthai.
They go without giving alms or any cleansing baths; their shaven heads become covered with dust.
pwxI ivchu rqn aupMny myru kIAw mwDwxI ] (150-2)
paanee vichahu ratan upannay mayr kee-aa maaDhaanee.
The jewel emerged from the water, when the mountain of gold was used to churn it.
ATsiT qIrQ dyvI Qwpy purbI lgY bwxI ] (150-3)
athsath tirath dayvee thaapay purbee lagai banee.
The gods established the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, where the festivals are celebrated and hymns are chanted.
nwie invwjw nwqY pUjw nwvin sdw sujwxI ] (150-3)
naa-ay nivaajaa naatai poojaa naavan sadaa sujaanee.
After bathing, the Muslims recite their prayers, and after bathing, the Hindus perform their worship services. The wise always take cleansing baths.
muieAw jIvidAw giq hovY jW isir pweIAY pwxI ] (150-4)
mu-i-aa jeevdi-aa gat hovai jaaN sir paa-ee-ai paanee.
At the time of death, and at the time of birth, they are purified, when water is poured on their heads.
nwnk isrKuQy sYqwnI eynw gl n BwxI ] (150-4)
naanak sirkhutay saitaanee aynaa gal na bhaanee.
O Nanak, the shaven-headed ones are devils. They are not pleased to hear these words.
vuTY hoieAY hoie iblwvlu jIAw jugiq smwxI ] (150-5)
vuthai ho-i-ai ho-ay bilaaval jee-aa jugat samaanee.
When it rains, there is happiness. Water is the key to all life.
vuTY AMnu kmwdu kpwhw sBsY pVdw hovY ] (150-5)
vuthai ann kamaad kapaahaa sabhsai parh-daa hovai.
When it rains, the corn grows, and the sugar cane, and the cotton, which provides clothing for all.
vuTY Gwhu crih iniq surhI sw Dn dhI ivlovY ] (150-5)
vuthai ghaahu chareh nit surhee saa Dhan dahee vilovai.
When it rains, the cows always have grass to graze upon, and housewives can churn the milk into butter.
iqqu iGie hom jg sd pUjw pieAY kwrju sohY ] (150-6)
tit ghi-ay hom jag sad poojaa pa-i-ai kaaraj sohai.
With that ghee, sacred feasts and worship services are performed; all these efforts are blessed.
gurU smuMdu ndI siB isKI nwqY ijqu vifAweI ] (150-6)
guroo samund nadee sabh sikhee naatai jit vadi-aa-ee.
The Guru is the ocean, and all His Teachings are the river. Bathing within it, glorious greatness is obtained.
nwnk jy isrKuQy nwvin nwhI qw sq cty isir CweI ]1] (150-7)
naanak jay sirkhutay naavan naahee taa sat chatay sir chhaa-ee. ||1||
O Nanak, if the shaven-headed ones do not bathe, then seven handfuls of ashes are upon their heads. ||1||
mÚ 2 ] (150-8)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:
AgI pwlw ik kry sUrj kyhI rwiq ] (150-8)
agee paalaa ke karay sooraj kayhee raat.
What can the cold do to the fire? How can the night affect the sun?
cMd Anyrw ik kry paux pwxI ikAw jwiq ] (150-8)
chand anayraa ke karay pa-un paanee ki-aa jaat.
What can the darkness do to the moon? What can social status do to air and water?
DrqI cIjI ik kry ijsu ivic sBu ikCu hoie ] (150-9)
Dhartee cheejee ke karay jis vich sabh kichh ho-ay.
What are personal possessions to the earth, from which all things are produced?
nwnk qw piq jwxIAY jw piq rKY soie ]2] (150-9)
naanak taa pat jaanee-ai jaa pat rakhai so-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, he alone is known as honorable, whose honor the Lord preserves. ||2||
pauVI ] (150-9)
quDu scy subhwnu sdw klwixAw ] (150-10)
tuDh sachay sub-haan sadaa kalaani-aa.
It is of You, O my True and Wondrous Lord, that I sing forever.
qUM scw dIbwxu hoir Awvx jwixAw ] (150-10)
tooN sachaa deebaan hor aavan jaani-aa.
Yours is the True Court. All others are subject to coming and going.
scu ij mMgih dwnu is quDY jyihAw ] (150-10)
sach je mangeh daan se tuDhai jayhi-aa.
Those who ask for the gift of the True Name are like You.
scu qyrw Purmwnu sbdy soihAw ] (150-11)
sach tayraa furmaan sabday sohi-aa.
Your Command is True; we are adorned with the Word of Your Shabad.
mMinAY igAwnu iDAwnu quDY qy pwieAw ] (150-11)
mani-ai gi-aan Dhi-aan tuDhai tay paa-i-aa.
Through faith and trust, we receive spiritual wisdom and meditation from You.
krim pvY nIswnu n clY clwieAw ] (150-11)
karam pavai neesaan na chalai chalaa-i-aa.
By Your Grace, the banner of honor is obtained. It cannot be taken away or lost.
qUM scw dwqwru inq dyvih cVih svwieAw ] (150-12)
tooN sachaa daataar nit dayveh charheh savaa-i-aa.
You are the True Giver; You give continually. Your Gifts continue to increase.
nwnku mMgY dwnu jo quDu BwieAw ]26] (150-12)
naanak mangai daan jo tuDh bhaa-i-aa. ||26||
Nanak begs for that gift which is pleasing to You. ||26||
sloku mÚ 2 ] (150-13)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:
dIiKAw AwiK buJwieAw isPqI sic smyau ] (150-13)
deekhi-aa aakh bujhaa-i-aa siftee sach samay-o.
Those who have accepted the Guru's Teachings, and who have found the path, remain absorbed in the Praises of the True Lord.
iqn kau ikAw aupdysIAY ijn guru nwnk dyau ]1] (150-13)
tin ka-o ki-aa updaysee-ai jin gur naanak day-o. ||1||
What teachings can be imparted to those who have the Divine Guru Nanak as their Guru? ||1||
mÚ 1 ] (150-14)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:
Awip buJwey soeI bUJY ] (150-14)
aap bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai.
We understand the Lord only when He Himself inspires us to understand Him.
ijsu Awip suJwey iqsu sBu ikCu sUJY ] (150-14)
jis aap sujhaa-ay tis sabh kichh soojhai.
He alone knows everything, unto whom the Lord Himself gives knowledge.
kih kih kQnw mwieAw lUJY ] (150-15)
kahi kahi kathnaa maa-i-aa loojhai.
One may talk and preach and give sermons but still yearn after Maya.
hukmI sgl kry Awkwr ] (150-15)
hukmee sagal karay aakaar.
The Lord, by the Hukam of His Command, has created the entire creation.
Awpy jwxY srb vIcwr ] (150-15)
aapay jaanai sarab veechaar.
He Himself knows the inner nature of all.
AKr nwnk AiKE Awip ] (150-16)
akhar naanak akhi-o aap.
O Nanak, He Himself uttered the Word.
lhY Brwiq hovY ijsu dwiq ]2] (150-16)
lahai bharaat hovai jis daat. ||2||
Doubt departs from one who receives this gift. ||2||
pauVI ] (150-16)
hau FwFI vykwru kwrY lwieAw ] (150-16)
ha-o dhaadhee vaykaar kaarai laa-i-aa.
I was a minstrel, out of work, when the Lord took me into His service.
rwiq idhY kY vwr Durhu PurmwieAw ] (150-17)
raat dihai kai vaar Dharahu furmaa-i-aa.
To sing His Praises day and night, He gave me His Order, right from the start.
FwFI scY mhil Ksim bulwieAw ] (150-17)
dhaadhee sachai mahal khasam bulaa-i-aa.
My Lord and Master has summoned me, His minstrel, to the True Mansion of His Presence.
scI isPiq swlwh kpVw pwieAw ] (150-17)
sachee sifat saalaah kaprhaa paa-i-aa.
He has dressed me in the robes of His True Praise and Glory.
scw AMimRq nwmu Bojnu AwieAw ] (150-18)
sachaa amrit naam bhojan aa-i-aa.
The Ambrosial Nectar of the True Name has become my food.
gurmqI KwDw rij iqin suKu pwieAw ] (150-18)
gurmatee khaaDhaa raj tin sukh paa-i-aa.
Those who follow the Guru's Teachings, who eat this food and are satisfied, find peace.
FwFI kry pswau sbdu vjwieAw ] (150-19)
dhaadhee karay pasaa-o sabad vajaa-i-aa.
His minstrel spreads His Glory, singing and vibrating the Word of His Shabad.
nwnk scu swlwih pUrw pwieAw ]27] suDu (150-19)
naanak sach saalaahi pooraa paa-i-aa. ||27|| suDhu
O Nanak, praising the True Lord, I have obtained His Perfection. ||27||Sudh||