kb cMdin kb Aik fwil kb aucI prIiq ] (148-1)
kab chandan kab ak daal kab uchee pareet.
Sometimes it is perched on the sandalwood tree, and sometimes it is on the branch of the poisonous swallow-wort. Sometimes, it soars through the heavens.
nwnk hukim clweIAY swihb lgI rIiq ]2] (148-1)
naanak hukam chalaa-ee-ai saahib lagee reet. ||2||
O Nanak, our Lord and Master leads us on, according to the Hukam of His Command; such is His Way. ||2||
pauVI ] (148-2)
kyqy khih vKwx kih kih jwvxw ] (148-2)
kaytay kaheh vakhaan kahi kahi jaavnaa.
Some speak and expound, and while speaking and lecturing, they pass away.
vyd khih viKAwx AMqu n pwvxw ] (148-2)
vayd kaheh vakhi-aan ant na paavnaa.
The Vedas speak and expound on the Lord, but they do not know His limits.
piVAY nwhI Bydu buiJAY pwvxw ] (148-3)
parhi-ai naahee bhayd bujhi-ai paavnaa.
Not by studying, but through understanding, is the Lord's Mystery revealed.
Ktu drsn kY ByiK iksY sic smwvxw ] (148-3)
khat darsan kai bhaykh kisai sach samaavnaa.
There are six pathways in the Shaastras, but how rare are those who merge in the True Lord through them.
scw purKu AlKu sbid suhwvxw ] (148-3)
sachaa purakh alakh sabad suhaavanaa.
The True Lord is Unknowable; through the Word of His Shabad, we are embellished.
mMny nwau ibsMK drgh pwvxw ] (148-4)
mannay naa-o bisankh dargeh paavnaa.
One who believes in the Name of the Infinite Lord, attains the Court of the Lord.
Kwlk kau Awdysu FwFI gwvxw ] (148-4)
khaalak ka-o aadays dhaadhee gaavnaa.
I humbly bow to the Creator Lord; I am a minstrel singing His Praises.
nwnk jugu jugu eyku mMin vswvxw ]21] (148-4)
naanak jug jug ayk man vasaavnaa. ||21||
Nanak enshrines the Lord within his mind. He is the One, throughout the ages. ||21||
sloku mhlw 2 ] (148-5)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:
mMqRI hoie ATUihAw nwgI lgY jwie ] Awpx hQI AwpxY dy kUcw Awpy lwie ] (148-5)
mantree ho-ay athoohi-aa naagee lagai jaa-ay. aapan hathee aapnai day koochaa aapay laa-ay.
Those who charm scorpions and handle snakes only brand themselves with their own hands.
hukmu pieAw Duir Ksm kw AqI hU Dkw Kwie ] (148-6)
hukam pa-i-aa Dhur khasam kaa atee hoo Dhakaa khaa-ay.
By the pre-ordained Order of our Lord and Master, they are beaten badly, and struck down.
gurmuK isau mnmuKu AVY fubY hik inAwie ] (148-6)
gurmukh si-o manmukh arhai dubai hak ni-aa-ay.
If the self-willed manmukhs fight with the Gurmukh, they are condemned by the Lord, the True Judge.
duhw isirAw Awpy Ksmu vyKY kir ivaupwie ] (148-7)
duhaa siri-aa aapay khasam vaykhai kar vi-upaa-ay.
He Himself is the Lord and Master of both worlds. He beholds all and makes the exact determination.
nwnk eyvY jwxIAY sB ikCu iqsih rjwie ]1] (148-7)
naanak ayvai jaanee-ai sabh kichh tiseh rajaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, know this well: everything is in accordance with His Will. ||1||
mhlw 2 ] (148-8)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:
nwnk prKy Awp kau qw pwrKu jwxu ] (148-8)
naanak parkhay aap ka-o taa paarakh jaan.
O Nanak, if someone judges himself, only then is he known as a real judge.
rogu dwrU dovY buJY qw vYdu sujwxu ] (148-8)
rog daaroo dovai bujhai taa vaid sujaan.
If someone understands both the disease and the medicine, only then is he a wise physician.
vwt n kreI mwmlw jwxY imhmwxu ] (148-9)
vaat na kar-ee maamlaa jaanai mihmaan.
Do not involve yourself in idle business on the way; remember that you are only a guest here.
mUlu jwix glw kry hwix lwey hwxu ] (148-9)
mool jaan galaa karay haan laa-ay haan.
Speak with those who know the Primal Lord, and renounce your evil ways.
lib n cleI sic rhY so ivstu prvwxu ] (148-10)
lab na chal-ee sach rahai so visat parvaan.
That virtuous person who does not walk in the way of greed, and who abides in Truth, is accepted and famous.
sru sMDy Awgws kau ikau phucY bwxu ] (148-10)
sar sanDhay aagaas ka-o ki-o pahuchai baan.
If an arrow is shot at the sky, how can it reach there?
AgY Ehu AgMmu hY vwhydVu jwxu ]2] (148-10)
agai oh agamm hai vaahaydarh jaan. ||2||
The sky above is unreachable-know this well, O archer! ||2||
pauVI ] (148-11)
nwrI purK ipAwru pRyim sIgwrIAw ] (148-11)
naaree purakh pi-aar paraym seegaaree-aa.
The soul-bride loves her Husband Lord; she is embellished with His Love.
krin Bgiq idnu rwiq n rhnI vwrIAw ] (148-11)
karan bhagat din raat na rahnee vaaree-aa.
She worships Him day and night; she cannot be restrained from doing so.
mhlw mMiJ invwsu sbid svwrIAw ] (148-12)
mehlaa manjh nivaas sabad savaaree-aa.
In the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, she has made her home; she is adorned with the Word of His Shabad.
scu khin Ardwis sy vycwrIAw ] (148-12)
sach kahan ardaas say vaychaaree-aa.
She is humble, and she offers her true and sincere prayer.
sohin KsmY pwis hukim isDwrIAw ] (148-13)
sohan khasmai paas hukam siDhaaree-aa.
She is beautiful in the Company of her Lord and Master; she walks in the Way of His Will.
sKI khin Ardwis mnhu ipAwrIAw ] (148-13)
sakhee kahan ardaas manhu pi-aaree-aa.
With her dear friends, she offers her heart-felt prayers to her Beloved.
ibnu nwvY iDRgu vwsu iPtu su jIivAw ] (148-13)
bin naavai Dharig vaas fit so jeevi-aa.
Cursed is that home, and shameful is that life, which is without the Name of the Lord.
sbid svwrIAwsu AMimRqu pIivAw ]22] (148-14)
sabad savaaree-aas amrit peevi-aa. ||22||
But she who is adorned with the Word of His Shabad, drinks in the Amrit of His Nectar. ||22||
sloku mÚ 1 ] (148-14)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:
mwrU mIih n iqRpiqAw AgI lhY n BuK ] (148-14)
maaroo meehi na taripti-aa agee lahai na bhukh.
The desert is not satisfied by rain, and the fire is not quenched by desire.
rwjw rwij n iqRpiqAw swier Bry iksuk ] (148-15)
raajaa raaj na taripti-aa saa-ir bharay kisuk.
The king is not satisfied with his kingdom, and the oceans are full, but still they thirst for more.
nwnk scy nwm kI kyqI puCw puC ]1] (148-15)
naanak sachay naam kee kaytee puchhaa puchh. ||1||
O Nanak, how many times must I seek and ask for the True Name? ||1||
mhlw 2 ] (148-16)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:
inhPlµ qis jnmis jwvqu bRhm n ibMdqy ] (148-16)
nihfalaN tas janmas jaavat barahm na bindtay.
Life is useless, as long as one does not know the Lord God.
swgrM sMswris gur prswdI qrih ky ] (148-16)
saagraN sansaaras gur parsaadee tareh kay.
Only a few cross over the world-ocean, by Guru's Grace.
krx kwrx smrQu hY khu nwnk bIcwir ] (148-17)
karan kaaran samrath hai kaho naanak beechaar.
The Lord is the All-powerful Cause of causes, says Nanak after deep deliberation.
kwrxu krqy vis hY ijin kl rKI Dwir ]2] (148-17)
kaaran kartay vas hai jin kal rakhee Dhaar. ||2||
The creation is subject to the Creator, who sustains it by His Almighty Power. ||2||
pauVI ] (148-18)
KsmY kY drbwir FwFI visAw ] (148-18)
khasmai kai darbaar dhaadhee vasi-aa.
In the Court of the Lord and Master, His minstrels dwell.
scw Ksmu klwix kmlu ivgisAw ] (148-18)
sachaa khasam kalaan kamal vigsi-aa.
Singing the Praises of their True Lord and Master, the lotuses of their hearts have blossomed forth.
Ksmhu pUrw pwie mnhu rhisAw ] (148-19)
khasmahu pooraa paa-ay manhu rehsi-aa.
Obtaining their Perfect Lord and Master, their minds are transfixed with ecstasy.
dusmn kFy mwir sjx srisAw ] (148-19)
dusman kadhay maar sajan sarsi-aa.
Their enemies have been driven out and subdued, and their friends are very pleased.
scw siqguru syvin scw mwrgu disAw ] (148-19)
sachaa satgur sayvan sachaa maarag dasi-aa.
Those who serve the Truthful True Guru are shown the True Path.