Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mwJ mhlw 5 ] (103-1)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

sPl su bwxI ijqu nwmu vKwxI ] (103-1)
safal so banee jit naam vakhaanee.
Blessed are those words, by which the Naam is chanted.

gur prswid iknY ivrlY jwxI ] (103-1)
gur parsaad kinai virlai jaanee.
Rare are those who know this, by Guru's Grace.

DMnu su vylw ijqu hir gwvq sunxw Awey qy prvwnw jIau ]1] (103-2)
Dhan so vaylaa jit har gaavat sunnaa aa-ay tay parvaanaa jee-o. ||1||
Blessed is that time when one sings and hears the Lord's Name. Blessed and approved is the coming of such a one. ||1||

sy nyqR prvwxu ijnI drsnu pyKw ] (103-2)
say naytar parvaan jinee darsan paykhaa.
Those eyes which behold the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan are approved and accepted.

sy kr Bly ijnI hir jsu lyKw ] (103-3)
say kar bhalay jinee har jas laykhaa.
Those hands which write the Praises of the Lord are good.

sy crx suhwvy jo hir mwrig cly hau bil iqn sMig pCwxw jIau ]2] (103-3)
say charan suhaavay jo har maarag chalay ha-o bal tin sang pachhaanaa jee-o. ||2||
Those feet which walk in the Lord's Way are beautiful. I am a sacrifice to that Congregation in which the Lord is recognized. ||2||

suix swjn myry mIq ipAwry ] (103-4)
sun saajan mayray meet pi-aaray.
Listen, O my beloved friends and companions:

swDsMig iKn mwih auDwry ] (103-4)
saaDhsang khin maahi uDhaaray.
in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall be saved in an instant.

iklivK kwit hoAw mnu inrmlu imit gey Awvx jwxw jIau ]3] (103-4)
kilvikh kaat ho-aa man nirmal mit ga-ay aavan jaanaa jee-o. ||3||
Your sins will be cut out; your mind will be immaculate and pure. Your comings and goings shall cease. ||3||

duie kr joiV ieku ibnau krIjY ] (103-5)
du-ay kar jorh ik bin-o kareejai.
With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer:

kir ikrpw fubdw pQru lIjY ] (103-6)
kar kirpaa dubdaa pathar leejai.
please bless me with Your Mercy, and save this sinking stone.

nwnk kau pRB Bey ik®pwlw pRB nwnk min Bwxw jIau ]4]22]29] (103-6)
naanak ka-o parabh bha-ay kirpaalaa parabh naanak man bhaanaa jee-o. ||4||22||29||
God has become merciful to Nanak; God is pleasing to Nanak's mind. ||4||22||29||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (103-7)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

AMimRq bwxI hir hir qyrI ] (103-7)
amrit banee har har tayree.
The Word of Your Bani, Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar.

suix suix hovY prm giq myrI ] (103-7)
sun sun hovai param gat mayree.
Hearing it again and again, I am elevated to the supreme heights.

jlin buJI sIqlu hoie mnUAw siqgur kw drsnu pwey jIau ]1] (103-7)
jalan bujhee seetal ho-ay manoo-aa satgur kaa darsan paa-ay jee-o. ||1||
The burning within me has been extinguished, and my mind has been cooled and soothed, by the Blessed Vision of the True Guru. ||1||

sUKu BieAw duKu dUir prwnw ] (103-8)
sookh bha-i-aa dukh door paraanaa.
Happiness is obtained, and sorrow runs far away,

sMq rsn hir nwmu vKwnw ] (103-8)
sant rasan har naam vakhaanaa.
when the Saints chant the Lord's Name.

jl Ql nIir Bry sr suBr ibrQw koie n jwey jIau ]2] (103-9)
jal thal neer bharay sar subhar birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay jee-o. ||2||
The sea, the dry land, and the lakes are filled with the Water of the Lord's Name; no place is left empty. ||2||

dieAw DwrI iqin isrjnhwry ] (103-9)
da-i-aa Dhaaree tin sirjanhaaray.
The Creator has showered His Kindness;

jIA jMq sgly pRiqpwry ] (103-10)
jee-a jant saglay partipaaray.
He cherishes and nurtures all beings and creatures.

imhrvwn ikrpwl dieAwlw sgly iqRpiq AGwey jIau ]3] (103-10)
miharvaan kirpaal da-i-aalaa saglay taripat aghaa-ay jee-o. ||3||
He is Merciful, Kind and Compassionate. All are satisfied and fulfilled through Him. ||3||

vxu iqRxu iqRBvxu kIqonu hirAw ] (103-11)
van tarin taribhavan keeton hari-aa.
The woods, the meadows and the three worlds are rendered green.

krxhwir iKn BIqir kirAw ] (103-11)
karanhaar khin bheetar kari-aa.
The Doer of all did this in an instant.

gurmuiK nwnk iqsY ArwDy mn kI Aws pujwey jIau ]4]23]30] (103-11)
gurmukh naanak tisai araaDhay man kee aas pujaa-ay jee-o. ||4||23||30||
As Gurmukh, Nanak meditates on the One who fulfills the desires of the mind. ||4||23||30||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (103-12)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

qUM myrw ipqw qUMhY myrw mwqw ] (103-12)
tooN mayraa pitaa tooNhai mayraa maataa.
You are my Father, and You are my Mother.

qUM myrw bMDpu qUM myrw BRwqw ] (103-13)
tooN mayraa banDhap tooN mayraa bharaataa.
You are my Relative, and You are my Brother.

qUM myrw rwKw sBnI QweI qw Bau kyhw kwVw jIau ]1] (103-13)
tooN mayraa raakhaa sabhnee thaa-ee taa bha-o kayhaa kaarhaa jee-o. ||1||
You are my Protector everywhere; why should I feel any fear or anxiety? ||1||

qumrI ik®pw qy quDu pCwxw ] (103-14)
tumree kirpaa tay tuDh pachhaanaa.
By Your Grace, I recognize You.

qUM myrI Et qUMhY myrw mwxw ] (103-14)
tooN mayree ot tooNhai mayraa maanaa.
You are my Shelter, and You are my Honor.

quJ ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI sBu qyrw Kylu AKwVw jIau ]2] (103-14)
tujh bin doojaa avar na ko-ee sabh tayraa khayl akhaarhaa jee-o. ||2||
Without You, there is no other; the entire Universe is the Arena of Your Play. ||2||

jIA jMq siB quDu aupwey ] (103-15)
jee-a jant sabh tuDh upaa-ay.
You have created all beings and creatures.

ijqu ijqu Bwxw iqqu iqqu lwey ] (103-15)
jit jit bhaanaa tit tit laa-ay.
As it pleases You, You assign tasks to one and all.

sB ikCu kIqw qyrw hovY nwhI ikCu AswVw jIau ]3] (103-15)
sabh kichh keetaa tayraa hovai naahee kichh asaarhaa jee-o. ||3||
All things are Your Doing; we can do nothing ourselves. ||3||

nwmu iDAwie mhw suKu pwieAw ] (103-16)
naam Dhi-aa-ay mahaa sukh paa-i-aa.
Meditating on the Naam, I have found great peace.

hir gux gwie myrw mnu sIqlwieAw ] (103-16)
har gun gaa-ay mayraa man seetlaa-i-aa.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my mind is cooled and soothed.

guir pUrY vjI vwDweI nwnk ijqw ibKwVw jIau ]4]24]31] (103-17)
gur poorai vajee vaaDhaa-ee naanak jitaa bikhaarhaa jee-o. ||4||24||31||
Through the Perfect Guru, congratulations are pouring in-Nanak is victorious on the arduous battlefield of life! ||4||24||31||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (103-18)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

jIA pRwx pRB mnih ADwrw ] (103-18)
jee-a paraan parabh maneh aDhaaraa.
God is the Breath of Life of my soul, the Support of my mind.

Bgq jIvih gux gwie Apwrw ] (103-18)
bhagat jeeveh gun gaa-ay apaaraa.
His devotees live by singing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

gux inDwn AMimRqu hir nwmw hir iDAwie iDAwie suKu pwieAw jIau ]1] (103-18)
gun niDhaan amrit har naamaa har Dhi-aa-ay Dhi-aa-ay sukh paa-i-aa jee-o. ||1||
The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the Treasure of Excellence. Meditating, meditating on the Lord's Name, I have found peace. ||1||

mnsw Dwir jo Gr qy AwvY ] swDsMig jnmu mrxu imtwvY ] (103-19)
mansaa Dhaar jo ghar tay aavai. saaDhsang janam maran mitaavai.
One whose heart's desires lead him from his own home to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, shall be rid of the cycle of birth and death.