Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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18 kyqIAw qyrIAw kudrqI kyvf qyrI dwiq ] (18-1)kaytee-aa tayree-aa kudratee kayvad tayree daat. You have so many Creative Powers, Lord; Your Bountiful Blessings are so Great. kyqy qyry jIA jMq isPiq krih idnu rwiq ] (18-1)kaytay tayray jee-a jant sifat karahi din raat. So many of Your beings and creatures praise You day and night. kyqy qyry rUp rMg kyqy jwiq Ajwiq ]3] (18-2)kaytay tayray roop rang kaytay jaat ajaat. ||3|| You have so many forms and colors, so many classes, high and low. ||3|| scu imlY scu aUpjY sc mih swic smwie ] (18-2)sach milai sach oopjai sach meh saach samaa-ay. Meeting the True One, Truth wells up. The truthful are absorbed into the True Lord. suriq hovY piq aUgvY gurbcnI Bau Kwie ] (18-3)surat hovai pat oogvai gurbachnee bha-o khaa-ay. Intuitive understanding is obtained and one is welcomed with honor, through the Guru's Word, filled with the Fear of God. nwnk scw pwiqswhu Awpy ley imlwie ]4]10] (18-3)naanak sachaa paatisaahu aapay la-ay milaa-ay. ||4||10|| O Nanak, the True King absorbs us into Himself. ||4||10|| isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (18-4)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: BlI srI ij aubrI haumY mueI Grwhu ] (18-4)bhalee saree je ubree ha-umai mu-ee gharaahu. It all worked out-I was saved, and the egotism within my heart was subdued. dUq lgy iPir cwkrI siqgur kw vyswhu ] (18-4)doot lagay fir chaakree satgur kaa vaysaahu. The evil energies have been made to serve me, since I placed my faith in the True Guru. klp iqAwgI bwid hY scw vyprvwhu ]1] (18-5)kalap ti-aagee baad hai sachaa vayparvaahu. ||1|| I have renounced my useless schemes, by the Grace of the True, Carefree Lord. ||1|| mn ry scu imlY Bau jwie ] (18-5)man ray sach milai bha-o jaa-ay. O mind, meeting with the True One, fear departs. BY ibnu inrBau ikau QIAY gurmuiK sbid smwie ]1] rhwau ] (18-6)bhai bin nirbha-o ki-o thee-ai gurmukh sabad samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the Fear of God, how can anyone become fearless? Become Gurmukh, and immerse yourself in the Shabad. ||1||Pause|| kyqw AwKxu AwKIAY AwKix qoit n hoie ] (18-6)kaytaa aakhan aakhee-ai aakhan tot na ho-ay. How can we describe Him with words? There is no end to the descriptions of Him. mMgx vwly kyqVy dwqw eyko soie ] (18-7)mangan vaalay kayt-rhay daataa ayko so-ay. There are so many beggars, but He is the only Giver. ijs ky jIA prwx hY min visAY suKu hoie ]2] (18-7)jis kay jee-a paraan hai man vasi-ai sukh ho-ay. ||2|| He is the Giver of the soul, and the praanaa, the breath of life; when He dwells within the mind, there is peace. ||2|| jgu supnw bwjI bnI iKn mih Kylu Kylwie ] (18-8)jag supnaa baajee banee khin meh khayl khaylaa-ay. The world is a drama, staged in a dream. In a moment, the play is played out. sMjogI imil eyksy ivjogI auiT jwie ] (18-8)sanjogee mil ayksay vijogee uth jaa-ay. Some attain union with the Lord, while others depart in separation. jo iqsu Bwxw so QIAY Avru n krxw jwie ]3] (18-9)jo tis bhaanaa so thee-ai avar na karnaa jaa-ay. ||3|| Whatever pleases Him comes to pass; nothing else can be done. ||3|| gurmuiK vsqu vyswhIAY scu vKru scu rwis ] (18-9)gurmukh vasat vaysaahee-ai sach vakhar sach raas. The Gurmukhs purchase the Genuine Article. The True Merchandise is purchased with the True Capital. ijnI scu vxMijAw gur pUry swbwis ] (18-10)jinee sach vananji-aa gur pooray saabaas. Those who purchase this True Merchandise through the Perfect Guru are blessed. nwnk vsqu pCwxsI scu saudw ijsu pwis ]4]11] (18-10)naanak vasat pachhaansee sach sa-udaa jis paas. ||4||11|| O Nanak, one who stocks this True Merchandise shall recognize and realize the Genuine Article. ||4||11|| isrIrwgu mhlu 1 ] (18-11)sireeraag mahal 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: Dwqu imlY Puin Dwqu kau isPqI isPiq smwie ] (18-11)Dhaat milai fun Dhaat ka-o siftee sifat samaa-ay. As metal merges with metal, those who chant the Praises of the Lord are absorbed into the Praiseworthy Lord. lwlu gulwlu ghbrw scw rMgu cVwau ] (18-11)laal gulaal gahbaraa sachaa rang charhaa-o. Like the poppies, they are dyed in the deep crimson color of Truthfulness. scu imlY sMqoKIAw hir jip eykY Bwie ]1] (18-12)sach milai santokhee-aa har jap aykai bhaa-ay. ||1|| Those contented souls who meditate on the Lord with single-minded love, meet the True Lord. ||1|| BweI ry sMq jnw kI ryxu ] (18-12)bhaa-ee ray sant janaa kee rayn. O Siblings of Destiny, become the dust of the feet of the humble Saints. sMq sBw guru pweIAY mukiq pdwrQu Dyxu ]1] rhwau ] (18-12)sant sabhaa gur paa-ee-ai mukat padaarath Dhayn. ||1|| rahaa-o. In the Society of the Saints, the Guru is found. He is the Treasure of Liberation, the Source of all good fortune. ||1||Pause|| aUcau Qwnu suhwvxw aUpir mhlu murwir ] (18-13)oocha-o thaan suhaavanaa oopar mahal muraar. Upon that Highest Plane of Sublime Beauty, stands the Mansion of the Lord. scu krxI dy pweIAY dru Gru mhlu ipAwir ] (18-14)sach karnee day paa-ee-ai dar ghar mahal pi-aar. By true actions, this human body is obtained, and the door within ourselves which leads to the Mansion of the Beloved, is found. gurmuiK mnu smJweIAY Awqm rwmu bIcwir ]2] (18-14)gurmukh man samjaa-ee-ai aatam raam beechaar. ||2|| The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||2|| iqRibiD krm kmweIAih Aws AMdysw hoie ] (18-15)taribaDh karam kamaa-ee-ahi aas andaysaa ho-ay. By actions committed under the influence of the three qualities, hope and anxiety are produced. ikau gur ibnu iqRkutI CutsI shij imilAY suKu hoie ] (18-15)ki-o gur bin tarikutee chhutsee sahj mili-ai sukh ho-ay. Without the Guru, how can anyone be released from these three qualities? Through intuitive wisdom, we meet with Him and find peace. inj Gir mhlu pCwxIAY ndir kry mlu Doie ]3] (18-16)nij ghar mahal pachhaanee-ai nadar karay mal Dho-ay. ||3|| Within the home of the self, the Mansion of His Presence is realized when He bestows His Glance of Grace and washes away our pollution. ||3|| ibnu gur mYlu n auqrY ibnu hir ikau Gr vwsu ] (18-16)bin gur mail na utrai bin har ki-o ghar vaas. Without the Guru, this pollution is not removed. Without the Lord, how can there be any homecoming? eyko sbdu vIcwrIAY Avr iqAwgY Aws ] (18-17)ayko sabad veechaaree-ai avar ti-aagai aas. Contemplate the One Word of the Shabad, and abandon other hopes. nwnk dyiK idKweIAY hau sd bilhwrY jwsu ]4]12] (18-17)naanak daykh dikhaa-ee-ai ha-o sad balihaarai jaas. ||4||12|| O Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice to the one who beholds, and inspires others to behold Him. ||4||12|| isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (18-18)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: iDRgu jIvxu dohwgxI muTI dUjY Bwie ] (18-18)Dharig jeevan duhaaganee muthee doojai bhaa-ay. The life of the discarded bride is cursed. She is deceived by the love of duality. klr kyrI kMD ijau Aihinis ikir Fih pwie ] (18-18)kalar kayree kanDh ji-o ahinis kir dheh paa-ay. Like a wall of sand, day and night, she crumbles, and eventually, she breaks down altogether. ibnu sbdY suKu nw QIAY ipr ibnu dUKu n jwie ]1] (18-19)bin sabdai sukh naa thee-ai pir bin dookh na jaa-ay. ||1|| Without the Word of the Shabad, peace does not come. Without her Husband Lord, her suffering does not end. ||1|| muMDy ipr ibnu ikAw sIgwru ] (18-19)munDhay pir bin ki-aa seegaar. O soul-bride, without your Husband Lord, what good are your decorations? |
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