Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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16 suxih vKwxih jyqVy hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ] (16-1)suneh vakaaneh jayt-rhay ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o. I am a sacrifice to those who hear and chant the True Name. qw mnu KIvw jwxIAY jw mhlI pwey Qwau ]2] (16-1)taa man kheevaa jaanee-ai jaa mahlee paa-ay thaa-o. ||2|| Only one who obtains a room in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is deemed to be truly intoxicated. ||2|| nwau nIru cMigAweIAw squ prmlu qin vwsu ] (16-2)naa-o neer chang-aa-ee-aa sat parmal tan vaas. Bathe in the waters of Goodness and apply the scented oil of Truth to your body, qw muKu hovY aujlw lK dwqI iek dwiq ] (16-2)taa mukh hovai ujlaa lakh daatee ik daat. and your face shall become radiant. This is the gift of 100,000 gifts. dUK iqsY pih AwKIAih sUK ijsY hI pwis ]3] (16-3)dookh tisai peh aakhee-ahi sookh jisai hee paas. ||3|| Tell your troubles to the One who is the Source of all comfort. ||3|| so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY jw ky jIA prwx ] (16-3)so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai jaa kay jee-a paraan. How can you forget the One who created your soul, and the praanaa, the breath of life? iqsu ivxu sBu ApivqRü hY jyqw pYnxu Kwxu ] (16-4)tis vin sabh apvitar hai jaytaa painan khaan. Without Him, all that we wear and eat is impure. hoir glW siB kUVIAw quDu BwvY prvwxu ]4]5] (16-4)hor galaaN sabh koorhee-aa tuDh bhaavai parvaan. ||4||5|| Everything else is false. Whatever pleases Your Will is acceptable. ||4||5|| isrIrwgu mhlu 1 ] (16-5)sireeraag mahal 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: jwil mohu Gis msu kir miq kwgdu kir swru ] (16-5)jaal moh ghas mas kar mat kaagad kar saar. Burn emotional attachment, and grind it into ink. Transform your intelligence into the purest of paper. Bwau klm kir icqu lyKwrI gur puiC ilKu bIcwru ] (16-5)bhaa-o kalam kar chit laykhaaree gur puchh likh beechaar. Make the love of the Lord your pen, and let your consciousness be the scribe. Then, seek the Guru's Instructions, and record these deliberations. ilKu nwmu swlwh ilKu ilKu AMqu n pwrwvwru ]1] (16-6)likh naam saalaah likh likh ant na paaraavaar. ||1|| Write the Praises of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; write over and over again that He has no end or limitation. ||1|| bwbw eyhu lyKw iliK jwxu ] (16-6)baabaa ayhu laykhaa likh jaan. O Baba, write such an account, ijQY lyKw mMgIAY iqQY hoie scw nIswxu ]1] rhwau ] (16-7)jithai laykhaa mangee-ai tithai ho-ay sachaa neesaan. ||1|| rahaa-o. that when it is asked for, it will bring the Mark of Truth. ||1||Pause|| ijQY imlih vifAweIAw sd KusIAw sd cwau ] (16-7)jithai mileh vadi-aa-ee-aa sad khusee-aa sad chaa-o. There, where greatness, eternal peace and everlasting joy are bestowed, iqn muiK itky inklih ijn min scw nwau ] (16-8)tin mukh tikay niklahi jin man sachaa naa-o. the faces of those whose minds are attuned to the True Name are anointed with the Mark of Grace. krim imlY qw pweIAY nwhI glI vwau duAwau ]2] (16-8)karam milai taa paa-ee-ai naahee galee vaa-o du-aa-o. ||2|| If one receives God's Grace, then such honors are received, and not by mere words. ||2|| ieik Awvih ieik jwih auiT rKIAih nwv slwr ] (16-9)ik aavahi ik jaahi uth rakhee-ahi naav salaar. Some come, and some arise and depart. They give themselves lofty names. ieik aupwey mMgqy ieknw vfy drvwr ] (16-9)ik upaa-ay mangtay iknaa vaday darvaar. Some are born beggars, and some hold vast courts. AgY gieAw jwxIAY ivxu nwvY vykwr ]3] (16-10)agai ga-i-aa jaanee-ai vin naavai vaykaar. ||3|| Going to the world hereafter, everyone shall realize that without the Name, it is all useless. ||3|| BY qyrY fru Aglw Kip Kip iCjY dyh ] (16-10)bhai tayrai dar aglaa khap khap chhijai dayh. I am terrified by the Fear of You, God. Bothered and bewildered, my body is wasting away. nwv ijnw sulqwn Kwn hody ifTy Kyh ] (16-11)naav jinaa sultaan khaan hoday dithay khayh. Those who are known as sultans and emperors shall be reduced to dust in the end. nwnk auTI cilAw siB kUVy quty nyh ]4]6] (16-11)naanak uthee chali-aa sabh koorhay tutay nayh. ||4||6|| O Nanak, arising and departing, all false attachments are cut away. ||4||6|| isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (16-12)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: siB rs imTy mMinAY suixAY swloxy ] (16-12)sabh ras mithay mani-ai suni-ai saalonay. Believing, all tastes are sweet. Hearing, the salty flavors are tasted; Kt qursI muiK bolxw mwrx nwd kIey ] (16-12)khat tursee mukh bolnaa maaran naad kee-ay. chanting with one's mouth, the spicy flavors are savored. All these spices have been made from the Sound-current of the Naad. CqIh AMimRq Bwau eyku jw kau ndir kryie ]1] (16-13)chhateeh amrit bhaa-o ayk jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. ||1|| The thirty-six flavors of ambrosial nectar are in the Love of the One Lord; they are tasted only by one who is blessed by His Glance of Grace. ||1|| bwbw horu Kwxw KusI KuAwru ] (16-13)baabaa hor khaanaa khusee khu-aar. O Baba, the pleasures of other foods are false. ijqu KwDY qnu pIVIAY mn mih clih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ] (16-14)jit khaaDhai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Eating them, the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause|| rqw pYnxu mnu rqw supydI squ dwnu ] (16-14)rataa painan man rataa supaydee sat daan. My mind is imbued with the Lord's Love; it is dyed a deep crimson. Truth and charity are my white clothes. nIlI isAwhI kdw krxI pihrxu pYr iDAwnu ] (16-15)neelee si-aahee kadaa karnee pahiran pair Dhi-aan. The blackness of sin is erased by my wearing of blue clothes, and meditation on the Lord's Lotus Feet is my robe of honor. kmrbMdu sMqoK kw Dnu jobnu qyrw nwmu ]2] (16-15)karam-band santokh kaa Dhan joban tayraa naam. ||2|| Contentment is my cummerbund, Your Name is my wealth and youth. ||2|| bwbw horu pYnxu KusI KuAwru ] (16-16)baabaa hor painan khusee khu-aar. O Baba, the pleasures of other clothes are false. ijqu pYDY qnu pIVIAY mn mih clih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ] (16-16)jit paiDhai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Wearing them, the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause|| GoVy pwKr suieny swKiq bUJxu qyrI vwt ] (16-17)ghorhay paakhar su-inay saakhat boojhan tayree vaat. The understanding of Your Way, Lord, is horses, saddles and bags of gold for me. qrks qIr kmwx sWg qygbMd gux Dwqu ] (16-17)tarkas teer kamaan saaNg taygband gun Dhaat. The pursuit of virtue is my bow and arrow, my quiver, sword and scabbard. vwjw nyjw piq isau prgtu krmu qyrw myrI jwiq ]3] (16-17)vaajaa nayjaa pat si-o pargat karam tayraa mayree jaat. ||3|| To be distinguished with honor is my drum and banner. Your Mercy is my social status. ||3|| bwbw horu cVxw KusI KuAwru ] (16-18)baabaa hor charh-naa khusee khu-aar. O Baba, the pleasures of other rides are false. ijqu ciVAY qnu pIVIAY mn mih clih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ] (16-18)jit charhi-ai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. By such rides, the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause|| Gr mMdr KusI nwm kI ndir qyrI prvwru ] (16-19)ghar mandar khusee naam kee nadar tayree parvaar. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the pleasure of houses and mansions. Your Glance of Grace is my family, Lord. |
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